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  1. Pull this repo
  2. cd PROP
  3. sudo ./ Optional
  4. Delete Angular Frontend Docker container if debugging is not needed.
  docker stop prop_frontend_1
  docker rm prop_frontend_1

Frontend (static)

  1. Pull this repo

  2. cd PROP

  3. cd frontend

  4. sudo npm install

  5. copy/paste frontend/src/app/envDummy.json to frontend/src/app/env.json

  6. In frontend/src/app/env.json, set "local_flag":"2" --> in that case, API Gateway endpoint is used instead of localhost

  7. cd ../.. (so that you are in the folder frontend)

  8. npx ng build --prod --output-path ../docs --base-href /bioinformatics/prop/

  9. In frontend/src/app/header/header.component.html change src="/assets/canal_logo.svg" to src="/bioinformatics/prop/assets/canal_logo.svg"

  10. open header.component.html

  • Change from ../../assets/canal_logo.svg to /bioinformatics/prop/assets/canal_logo.svg
  1. Host the docs folder on a hosting platform

local debugging

  1. Pull this repo
  2. cd PROP
  3. copy/paste frontend/src/app/envDummy.json to frontend/src/app/env.json
  4. create .env with BACKEND_APIKEY=DUMMY
  5. sudo ./
  6. wait for the script to finish
  7. open the website on https://localhost:4200/

How to update

MAFFT / ClustalW variables

  • array length and count variables can be set in ./.env.fixedVariables
    • can set:
      • MAFFT array length & count
      • ClustalW array length & count

frontend only

  1. sudo ./ --frontend-only

backend only

  1. sudo ./ --backend-only

re-build / update everything

  1. Rebuild: sudo ./

Usage via browser

  • local environment: https://localhost:4200/

  • static hosting: domain provided by the hosting platform

This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt.