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ILogger Timings NuGet Release

Forked from SerilogTimings

.Net Core ILogger used instead of Serilog Logger. And parameters changed in order to allow the use of a IDictionary<string,object> to record properties. At least for now, Operation methods were disabled.

Serilog's support for structured data makes it a great way to collect timing information. It's easy to get started with in development, because the timings are printed to the same output as other log messages (the console, files, etc.) so a metrics server doesn't have to be available all the time.

Serilog Timings is built with some specific requirements in mind:

  • One operation produces exactly one log event (events are raised at the completion of an operation)
  • Natural and fully-templated messages
  • Events for a single operation have a single event type, across both success and failure cases (only the logging level and Outcome properties change)

This keeps noise in the log to a minimum, and makes it easy to extract and manipulate timing information on a per-operation basis.


The library is published as ILoggerTimings on NuGet.

Install-Package _ILoggerTimings_ -DependencyVersion Highest

.NET Core 2 supported.

Getting started

Before your timings will go anywhere, install and configure Serilog.

Types are in the ILoggerTimings namespace.

using ILoggerTimings;

The simplest use case is to time an operation, without explicitly recording success/failure:

Use with ILogger

If a contextual ILogger is available, the extensions methods TimeOperation() and BeginOperation() can be used to write operation timings through it:

using (logger.TimeOperation("Submitting payment for {OrderId}", order.Id))
    // Timed block of code goes here

These otherwise behave identically to Operation.Time() and Operation.Begin().

LogContext support

If your application enables the Serilog LogContext feature using Enrich.FromLogContext() on the LoggerConfiguration, SerilogTimings will add an OperationId property to all events inside timing blocks automatically.

This is highly recommended, because it makes it much easier to trace from a timing result back through the operation that raised it.


One important usage note: because the event is not written until the completion of the using block (or call to Complete()), arguments to Begin() or Time() are not captured until then; don't pass parameters to these methods that mutate during the operation.

How does this relate to SerilogMetrics?

SerilogMetrics is a mature metrics solution for Serilog that includes timings as well as counters, gauges and more. Serilog Timings is an alternative implementation of timings only, designed with some different stylistic preferences and goals. You should definitely check out SerilogMetrics as well, to see if it's more to your tastes!


ILogger Timings extends .Net Core ILogger with support for timed operations







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