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LeGitHubDeTai edited this page Nov 19, 2021 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the Lyna wiki!

How to create or edit my lyna page ?
step 1: fork this repo
step 2: download on your desktop
step 3: open dir pages
step 4: create new dir and name it with your futur page
step 5: create new json file and name it with your futur page
step 6: copy/paste the text on bottom this page
step 7: modify all parametters
step 8: save and push in your repo
step 9: create an pull request
step 10: please wait support for merge your page into the website
step 11: go to your page name

the text for step 6:
    "name": "your page name",
    "description": "your description",
    "logo": "link for your logo",
    "font": "your custom font",
    "links": [
            "name": "link 1",
            "service": "internet",
            "link": ""
            "name": "link 1",
            "service": "internet",
            "link": ""
Clone this wiki locally