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Blazor tabs using Tailwindcss v2.0+

A base component capable of full customization, including the addition of icons or full control over the tab title and layout. Without passing it anything you'll get very basic styles, however giving it it's base classes and you can do whatever Tailwind is capable of.



Getting Setup

You can install the package via the NuGet package manager just search for TailBlazor.Tabs. You can also install via powershell using the following command.

Install-Package TailBlazor.Tabs

Or via the dotnet CLI.

dotnet add package TailBlazor.Tabs

1. Add Imports

Add line to your _Imports.razor

@using TailBlazor.Tabs

2. Create Tabs Component

Inside your page create your tabs component with the basic format below. For tabs styles, use the Class parameter. Anything inside the TailBlazorTab automatically maps to the ChildContext and is displayed at the content for the tab. Using the parameter title inside the tab let's you name the tab.

<TailBlazorTabs Class="py-10">
    <TailBlazorTab title="Tab 1 Title">
    <TailBlazorTab title="Tab 2 Title">

3. Using TitleContent and TabContent instead of ChildContent

Using ChildContext is great for about 95% of Tab use cases. However sometimes you want full control over the html inside the button. This is where TitleContent comes in.

Instead of using the title parameter, use the TitleContent RenderFragment to allow things like stylized text, or icons.

        <TailBlazorHeroIcon Icon=HeroIcon.Beaker Stroke="text-indigo-500" />
        <span>Weather in C</span>

Keep in mind if you use the TitleContent, you must then also use the TabContent in place of the default ChildContent render fragment.

4. Additional Styles

For all available parameters, scroll to bottom of ReadMe for a complete Table.


Set default class and default active classes for all tabs using DefaultTabClass and DefaultTabActiveClass. Note that any tab that declares it's own default class or active class will automatically overwrite these defaults.

Sometimes extra styling may be required above the <Nav> component. You can set the nav wrapping div using the NavWrapperClass class. At the same time there is a div wrapping all active tab content and that class can be set using TabsWrapperClass. To specify the Aria label use AriaLabel.


To override the default classes specified in the parent you can set any <TailBlazorTab Class="" ActiveClass=""> parameters to override your default settings for individual tabs. An Aria Label can also be specified for each Tab via AriaLabel, it defaults to Title if nothing is entered and Title is set.

<TailBlazorTabs class="my-10 border-b border-grey-600 flex space-x-8">
        ActiveClass="border-indigo-500 text-indigo-600 group inline-flex items-center py-4 px-1 border-b-2 font-medium text-sm" 
        Class="border-transparent text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-700 hover:border-gray-300 group inline-flex items-center py-4 px-1 border-b-2 font-medium text-sm">

5. Using EventCallbacks

You can get the onclick event for individual tabs or throw a single callback on the parent to get back the click event of whatever the active tab is

Example of using the callback on the Tabs parent

<TailBlazor.Tabs.TailBlazorTabs OnClickCallback=OnParentClickEvent>
    <TailBlazor.Tabs.TailBlazorTab Title="Counter Tab">
        <p>Counter: @(counter)</p>
            Another Tab

@code {
    public string Test { get; set; } = "first";

    int counter = 1;

    void OnParentClickEvent(ITab tab)
        Console.WriteLine($"Tab: {tab.Title} was clicked.");

Example of using the callback on a specific Tab

@page "/Tabs"
@using TailBlazor.Tabs

    <TailBlazor.Tabs.TailBlazorTab OnClickCallback=OnClickEvent Title="Test">
            Second Tab

@code {
    int counter = 1;

    void OnClickEvent(ITab tab)
        Test = tab.Title + counter;

6. Setting Active Tab

Sometimes you may want to set the active tab on intialization or even switch based off user interaction. The tabs are automatically numbered 0-X based of position from left to right. For example if you had three tabs they would have the Id of 0, 1, 2.

Setting the tab can be done as follows

<TailBlazor.Tabs.TailBlazorTabs @bind-SelectedTab=activeTab>
    <TailBlazor.Tabs.TailBlazorTab Class="border-transparent text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-700>


<button @onclick=SwitchTab class="py-3 px-6 bg-blue-400 text-white">
    Switch Tab

@code {
    int activeTab = 1;

    void SwitchTab()
        activeTab = 0;



ChildContent RenderFragment N/A The child content of the tabs
NavWrapperClass String N/A The class override for a <div> that wraps the <Nav> element
TabsWrapperClass String N/A The class override for a <div> that wraps around the active tab
Class String flex space-x-8 w-full The class override for the <Nav> element
AiraLabel String Tabs The aria label for the <Nav>, it defaults to "Tabs".
OnClickCallback EventCallback<ITab> N/A An event that fires when any tab is selected as the active tab
SelectedTabChanged EventCallback<int> N/A The event for the SelectedTab parameter to manually set the active tab
DefaultTabClass String px-3 py-2 font-medium text-sm rounded-md cursor-pointer text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-700 This sets the default class all tabs should have. It is overwritten by setting the class for a specific tab by using the Class parameter on a <TailBlazorTab> component
DefaultTabActiveClass String px-3 py-2 font-medium text-sm rounded-md cursor-pointer bg-gray-300 text-gray-700 This sets the default active class all tabs should have. It is overwritten by setting the active class for a specific tab by using the ActiveClass parameter on a <TailBlazorTab> component
SelectedTab int N/A Manually set any tab as the active tab by binding to this parameter via @bind-SelectedTab=. The tabs are automatically numbers 0-X.
ChildContent RenderFragment N/A The child content of the tabs.


Parameter Type Default Value Description
ActiveClass String N/A This is used to override the <TailBlazorTabs> default active class. Use this if a particular tab requires special styling
Class String N/A This is used to override the <TailBlazorTabs> default class. Use this if a particular tab requires special styling
Title String N/A If a tab only requires text, using this parameter can be easier than opening a <TitleContent> Child component.
ChildContent RenderFragment N/A If no <TitleContent> is set, the child content becomes the active tab content.
TitleContent RenderFragment N/A If the Tab title requires icons, or special styling, this automatically overrides Title if you specify both.
TabContent RenderFragment N/A Required if you specify a TitleContent RenderFragment. The contents of the active tab.
OnClickCallback EventCallback<ITab> N/A Event triggered when the specific tab is activated. This can be used at the same time if you use TailBlazorTabs OnClickCallback. This event happens after the root event.
AriaLabel String Title If Title is set the aria label will default to that, otherwise be empty.


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