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Official repository for "Hardware Resilience Properties of Text-Guided Image Classifiers" [NeurIPS 2023]

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Hardware Resilience Properties of Text-Guided Image Classifiers [NeurIPS 2023]

Syed Talal Wasim, Kabila Haile Soboka, Abdulrahman Mahmoud, Salman Khan, David Brooks, Gu-Yeon Wei


Abstract: This paper presents a novel method to enhance the reliability of image classification models during deployment in the face of transient hardware errors. By utilizing enriched text embeddings derived from GPT-3 with question prompts per class and CLIP pretrained text encoder, we investigate their impact as an initialization for the classification layer. Our approach achieves a remarkable 5.5x average increase in hardware reliability (and up to 14x) across various architectures in the most critical layer, with minimal accuracy drop (0.3% on average) compared to baseline PyTorch models. Furthermore, our method seamlessly integrates with any image classification backbone, showcases results across various architectures, decreases parameter and FLOPs overhead, and follows a consistent training recipe. This research offers a practical and efficient solution to bolster the robustness of image classification models against hardware failures, with potential implications for future studies in this domain.

Table of Contents

🚀 News

  • (November 27, 2023)
    • Training and evaluation codes are released. Pretrained models will be released soon.


Overall Architecture

The proposed Architecture: D questions for each class (total C) are hand-crafted. These are fed to a GPT-3 model, to obtain D detailed descriptions per class. A CLIP text encoder is used to produce text embeddings, which are averaged across descriptions. The text embeddings initialize a projection layer which is then trained alongside the randomly initialized backbone.

Comparative Visualization for Various Backbones of Baseline and Our Training Before and After Single Bit Flip Error Injection.









Environment Setup

Please follow for installation.

Dataset Preparation

Please follow for data preparation.

Model Zoo

ImageNet Dataset

Backbone Acc. Baseline Acc. Ours Improvement in Reliability (Last Layer) Improvement in Reliability (Overall) Improvement in Top2Diff Download
Alexnet 56.43% 57.28% 7.92× 4.67× 2.83% baseline/clip
VGG-16-BN 73.45% 72.96% 14.43× 9.64× 1.62% baseline/clip
VGG-19-BN 74.40% 74.01% 13.29× 8.67× 1.13% baseline/clip
ResNet-18 69.60% 69.68% 2.87× 1.91× 3.07% baseline/clip
ResNet-34 73.25% 72.62% 3.89× 2.53× 2.08% baseline/clip
ResNet-50 75.64% 74.84% 4.48× 2.96× 3.35% baseline/clip
ResNet-101 77.25% 75.52% 4.33× 2.77× 3.13% baseline/clip
ResNet-152 77.98% 76.18% 4.47× 2.85× 3.09% baseline/clip
MobileNet-V2 71.87% 71.83% 3.92x 2.43x 5.36% baseline/clip
MaxVit-T 82.98% 83.08% 2.38x 1.63x 2.62% baseline/clip
Swin-V2-T 80.97% 80.02% 1.65x 1.07x 2.85% baseline/clip
Swin-V2-S 82.71% 82.86% 2.51x 1.60x 3.04% baseline/clip
FocalNet-T 80.23% 80.77% 1.87x 1.61x 2.61% baseline/clip
FocalNet-S 82.01% 82.52% 2.73x 1.50x 3.10% baseline/clip

Other Datasets

Dataset Backbone Acc. Baseline Acc. Ours Improvement in Reliability (Last Layer) Improvement in Reliability (Overall) Improvement in Top2Diff Download
CIFAR10 ResNet-50 95.07 95.29 2.04x 1.71x 6.70% baseline/clip
CIFAR10 FocalNet-T 94.76 94.94 2.47x 1.30x 3.58% baseline/clip
CIFAR100 ResNet-50 78.23 78.53 2.19x 1.65x 3.69% baseline/clip
CIFAR100 FocalNet-T 77.06 79.21 3.21x 1.58x 2.90% baseline/clip
FOOD101 ResNet-50 83.13 83.97 2.66x 2.15x 2.78% baseline/clip
FOOD101 FocalNet-T 85.64 85.91 3.28x 2.85x 1.70% baseline/clip
STL10 ResNet-50 47.73 52.68 2.10x 1.91x 2.45% baseline/clip
STL10 FocalNet-T 62.74 63.78 2.23x 1.72x 1.96% baseline/clip


To evaluate pre-trained baseline classifier on ImageNet:

mkdir -p "${exp_dir}"

python -m \
  --data_path '/path/to/imagenet/' \
  --model ${NETWORK} \
  --checkpoint_path '/path/to/checkpoint' \
2>&1 | tee "${exp_dir}/eval-$(date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S").log"

To evaluate pre-trained clip based classifier on ImageNet:

mkdir -p "${exp_dir}"

python -m \
  --data_path '/path/to/imagenet/' \
  --model ${NETWORK} \
  --checkpoint_path '/path/to/checkpoint' \
  --CLIP_model \
  --CLIP_text_path './imagenet_text_features/gpt3.pth' \
  --embed_size 512 \
2>&1 | tee "${exp_dir}/eval-$(date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S").log"

Modify the NETWORK, exp_dir, --data_path and --checkpoint_path arguments accordingly. Note that for the --CLIP_text_path argument, the same CLIP text features path has to be provided as used for training the network. For the provided pretrained networks in the model zoo, the --CLIP_text_path is always './imagenet_text_features/gpt3.pth'.


To train a baseline or CLIP text based model, refer to the scripts directory which contains scripts to train all the models reported in the paper. Please modify the --data_path and --checkpoint_path arguments as required. Additionally, all models are trained on four GPUs. If reducing the GPUs or batchsize, please scale the learning-rate linearly accordingly. Note that the effective batchsize is Number of GPUs x --batch-size.

Additionally, please note that for training the FocalNet models, we directly utilize the official FocalNets repository.


If you find our work, this repository, or pretrained models useful, please consider giving a star ⭐ and citation.

    author    = {Wasim, Syed Talal and Soboka, Kabila Haile and Mahmoud, Abdulrahman and Khan, Salman and Brooks, David and Wei, Gu-Yeon},
    title     = {Hardware Resilience Properties of Text-Guided Image Classifiers},
    booktitle = {NeurIPS},
    year      = {2023},


If you have any questions, please create an issue on this repository or contact at or


Our code is based on the Pytorch Image Classification repository. Additionally, we utilize FocalNets repository to train the FocalNet-T and FocalNet-S models, and pytorchfi and goldeneye for resilience analysis. We thank the authors for releasing their code. If you use our code/models/analysis, please consider citing these works as well.


Official repository for "Hardware Resilience Properties of Text-Guided Image Classifiers" [NeurIPS 2023]






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