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Wicked Vegetable

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@jmfrancois jmfrancois released this 28 May 09:16
· 3589 commits to master since this release



2018-05-28 chores(icons): update icon doc with svg filter (#1323)
2018-05-28 fix(MultiSelectTag): show the component if no items. (#1377)
2018-05-28 feat(cmf): add two state static accessors (#1371)
2018-05-28 chore(cmf): simplify imports (#1359)
2018-05-26 feat(components/containers): allow to pass custom renderers to List ..
2018-05-25 fix(List): already show the actions on the title when type is LARGE ..
2018-05-25 doc: update dialog props (#1369)
2018-05-25 fix(cmf): mock copy do a deepcopy (#1374)
2018-05-25 feat(Container): add CustomValidation props on Form container (#1373)
2018-05-25 fix(Form): Change uiSchema propType to avoid type conflicts (#1372)
2018-05-24 feat(icons): logo Talend colored (#1364)
2018-05-23 fix(component/FilterBar): pressing Enter causes an error (#1310)
2018-05-23 feat(Scripts): set source-map to map original files, not eval (#1362)
2018-05-23 chore: several fixes on snapshot, lint, proptypes (#1363)
2018-05-23 Talend/scripts v0.3.0
2018-05-23 fix(Component): i18n on the cellDateTime component (#1355)
2018-05-23 feat(Component/List): actions in a menu dropdown (#1263)
2018-05-23 feat(Component/CollapsiblePanel): improve a11y (#1358)
2018-05-22 feat(Component/Breadcrumb): improve a11y (#1356)
2018-05-22 feat(Component/loaders): improve a11y (#1357)
2018-05-22 feat(containers): add AppLoader container (#1194)