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steamcmd Build Status

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with steamcmd
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality


The steamcmd module installs Valve Corporation's "Steam Console Client".

steamcmd is used to host many different game servers based on Steam's platform.


Beginning with steamcmd

include steamcmd will install steamcmd in /opt/steamcmd for Linux and C:\Steamcmd for Windows.


To customize the installation, the following parameters are available:

installdir: The location to install steamcmd to. Default on Linux is /opt/steamcmd and Windows is C:\Steamcmd

user: This will create a user that owns the directory. Default is steamcmd

group: This will create a group that owns the directory. Default is steamcmd

For instance, to install to a different location with different users and groups:

class { 'steamcmd':
  installdir => '/home/steam',
  user       => 'steam',
  group      => 'steam',