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Tayttopaikka server

Node.js server application which serves the Täyttopaikka UI.


This project uses Node.js and Fastify. MariaDB is used as the database and Redis stores refresh tokens. For email related things, Sendgrid is used.

Local development with Linux (Ubuntu based distros)


Start the database and refresh token session store

podman-compose up --build


sudo docker-compose up

Before you run the application, you must populate some tables in the database. Tables compressor and storage_cylinder require at least one valid row before the frontend works propelly. You can use e.g. DBeaver for the database manipulation.

If you want to see the "Happihäkki"-view, manipulate access_role_list table. The roles are given by matching the phone number to the user which is bit icky. The idea behind the table was to have a simple and quick way to give the club members access to Happihäkki since we already have their phone numbers for opening the door. But this leads to possible exploits if you know someone who has access but hasn't registered to the service yet. At least admin privileges will be changed to use something else in the future.

Anyways, to access the view, give yourself blender or admin privileges and you will see the view. Other roles are not currently used.


Backend uses Dotenv to manage environmental variables. Copy the env variables from .env.example to .env and make required adjustments (if needed)

cp .env.example .env

Run the application in local environment

npm install
npm run start-dev


Knex is used to for accessing the MariaDB database. Knex also handles running migrations, which are located in src/database/migrations folder.

Migrations are ran automatically when the service starts.

To create a new migration, run the following command in the project root folder.

npx knex migrate:make MIGRATION_NAME_HERE

Test database

When running the tests, a test database named test_db is created. It will run all the available migrations and it will also import test data relevant to the tests from src/test_data folder.

To create a test data, create a new folder with a relevant name to the test_data folder and populate it with table csvs. The file must have exactly same name as the table that it is targeting. The tableNameHere.csv MUST USE ; as the delimiter between the columns!

When new tables are added, they must be added to the TABLE_READ_ORDER constant!

Connecting to the production database

Authorized developers can connect to the production database by following the steps below.

Login to Fly and then open a proxy connection to tayttopaikka-db

fly proxy <PORT_NUMBER_OF_YOUR_CHOICE> -a tayttopaikka-db

Then take your favourite database tool and connect to<PORT_NUMBER_OF_YOUR_CHOICE> with the production credentials.

Please use common sense when connecting to the production database


When something is pushed to the main branch, it is automatically deployed to production servers. See fly-deploy.yml for the deployment pipeline and fly.toml for the container configuration.

The application is deployed as a container, which has been defined in Dockerfile

The fly.toml for the MariaDB instance can be found from infra/mariadb folder. It is not deployed automatically. You need to run fly deploy if changes to the configuration are made. Please make a database backup before doing any changes to the MariaDB instance.

Redis is handled by Upstash. See the documentation for extra info


Fork the application and do your thing. Make sure that you run the enforce-style script and fix possible errors before opening a PR. Also write relevant tests for the feature or bug and make sure the existing tests pass by running the test script.

Contact @Akzuu or @ilesoft if you need assistance.


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