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Certification Scenario

TingHan Su edited this page Jun 14, 2019 · 1 revision

Certification Scenario

In the digital world, entities, such as individuals, organizations or devices, generate many digital footprints in daily activities. Unfortunately, the current process is still time-consuming or inefficiently recorded, resulting from the non-digitalization or the human intervention.

Take certification for instance. Imagine what you need to get a bank loan approved. Firstly, you have to be a recoginzed entity by an trusted organization. Later, you are likely to be asked to show identity verification, financial statement or even professional accreditation in order to build trust. However, before a bank accepts the loan, you tend to be exhausted during the complex and lenthy procedure.

If all things can be digitalized and automatically matched, what should it be?


The scenario we choose is the certification process and the roles contain:

  • Student: As a holder, a student is able to arrange his or her personal data and claims with verified carriers.
  • College: As an issuer, a college can issue verifiable claims to the holders after verifying students‘ identity.


Step1: Register the Decentralized Identifier

At first, students (holders) have to create new digital identities on Tangle and the registration includes 2 steps:

  • Download the application (APP) on devices, such as mobile or tablets
  • Create a new account and sign in

Step2: Sign in by Verifying the Digital Identity


After the accounts created, the next step is Sign in. Students (Holders) are required to scan the QR Codes provided by the website in order to decide what data will be revealed.

Step 3: Self-sovereign Identity Interaction


With all preceding procedures done, students' digital identities can finally make their own footprints. For example, students can directly send requests to their college to get their certificates of degree with TangleID. In other words, the issue of diploma can be digitalized to save time and money.