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Tankoid is a simple clone of the popular Arkanoid/Breakout game. It uses SFML for almost everything.

The plan for this project is to start with a prototype and improve over time. It's part of a series of game development experiments. Read more about that here. For following the progress, you might want to visit the blog.


Tankoid comes in two flavors: Python and C++. The following paragraphs contain instructions for both versions. Choose the one you like!

Python version

  • A Unix-like operating system (sorry Windows peeps; support for your OS will come later)
  • Python 3.4
  • SFML 2.2
  • PySFML from GitHub, installation covered in this readme.

Clone Tankoid:

git clone
cd tankoid

I recommend creating a virtual environment, as it eases things, doesn't pollute your system and doesn't require root access:

pyvenv virtenv

Now activate the virtual environment (you will have to do this everytime you want to develop or play Tankoid) and build and install PySFML, which also requires Cython:

source virtenv/bin/activate
pip install cython git+

Run the game: (important: do not type ./, as it will invoke the system's Python interpreter, not the virtual environment's one)


C++ version

Clone Tankoid:

git clone
cd tankoid

Create a dedicated build directory (you can add this directory to your .git/info/exclude file to prevent adding stuff to the repository) and run CMake:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..

Build and run Tankoid:

clear; make -j && ./tankoid