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SelectAndClaim API to support push use cases

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@holgerhagen holgerhagen released this 02 Jul 15:47
· 1296 commits to master since this release


  • TSK-1301: pro.taskana.RestConfiguration moved to


  • TSK-1221: Added copy functionality to classifications
  • TSK-1279: The creation of subclassifications is enabled by selecting a classification and clicking the “add new classification”-button.
  • TSK-1275: Support select and claim in one API call
  • TSK-1286: The WorkingDaysToDaysConverter moved from pro.taskana.common.internal.util to pro.taskana.common.api and is part ob the Public API from now on.


  • TSK-1301: taskana-rest now uses the available LdapTemplate Bean, if available. This means that the ldap properties taskana.ldap.[serverUrl|baseDn|bindDn|bindPassword] are now optional. They are only needed if you want taskana to create the LdapTemplate bean for you.
  • TSK-1301: taskana now provides default beans for TaskanaEngineConfiguration and LdapTemple. They will only be created if they don’t exist.
  • TSK-1286: All public methods from the WorkingDaysToDaysConverter now work for every calendar year. Previously all easter related holidays were not always recomputed.
  • TSK-1283: WorkbasketService#deleteWorkbasketAccessItemsForAccessId is now case-insensitive regarding the access-id which should be deleted.
  • TSK-1308: LdapClient#searchGroupsAccessIdIsMemberOf now works properly

List of tickets:
TSK-1039: Focus AccessID field after adding a new accessID
TSK-1196: Users are detected as LDAP Groups
TSK-1214: TASKANA admin > classification: Storing states in NGXS Store
TSK-1221: Add copy function in admin > classifications
TSK-1248: Remove unnecessary GET call from classification store
TSK-1253: Prevent LDAP injection
TSK-1254: Support Base64 encoded users
TSK-1258: Refactoring of spring versions in maven pom files
TSK-1275: Support select and claim in one API call
TSK-1276: Filter selection for workbaskets should use radio buttons
TSK-1279: Enable the creation of subclassifications
TSK-1283: Adapt usernames to new ldap users
TSK-1284: Update the bot reminding us to update the documentation on each PR
TSK-1285: Provide a possibibility to use ask end states in combination with Queries
TSK-1286: Move WorkingDaysToDaysConverter to api and automatically configure it in the initalization of the taskanaEngine
TSK-1288: Enhance auto-comment bot with a checklist when creating a PR
TSK-1292: Rework of Classification Model
TSK-1295: Classification Tree should not expand automatically when selecting a category
TSK-1298: Fix error during the drag'n drop of classifications
TSK-1300: Update the autocomment bot, to provide better answers
TSK-1301: Cleanup ldap properties
TSK-1305: Deep link to a selected classification results in wrong classificationtype selection
TSK-1306: Cannot switch domain
TSK-1308: LDAP groups are not found properly
TSK-1312: Fix bug due to type change while creating a new classification
TSK-1313: Renaming selectors in monitor component
TSK-1317: Fix Authorization tests with embedded LDAP