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How to install Novel

Ash edited this page Jan 24, 2023 · 5 revisions

How to install TaverAI and connect to NovelAI Step-by-Step (on the example of windows 7/10)

1.Dowonload Node.js

For Win x64 Download Node.js
For other systems

2. Run the file as an administrator

3. Press "Next" all time, all options are by default. Waiting for the installation to finish

4. Download TavernAI and Unzip archive

5. Go to root folder and run "Start.bat"

6. Wait 1-20 sec, at the first launch, some modules will be installed

When we see this line it means that the TavernAI is running. Open http://127.0.01:8000

7. Get NovelAI api key

  1. Login to NovelAI through the website.

  2. Create a new story, or open an existing story.

  3. Open the Network Tools on your web browser. (For Chrome or Firefox, you do this by pressing Ctrl+Shift+I, then switching to the Network tab.)

  4. Generate something. You should see two requests to, which might look something like this:

  5. Select the second request, then in the Headers tab of the inspection panel, scroll down to the very bottom. Look for a header called Authorization:

    The long string (after "Bearer", not including it) is your API key.

14. Go to TavernAI and open right menu

15. Click "Settings"

16. Select NovelAI API

17. Insert your api key here and click "Connect"

If a green indicator appears, then the connection was successful! Now you can choose a character and write something to him!