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Learning Management System

Below you will find the project report turned in for the class assignment.

LMS Project Report

Members (5): Jason Brunelle, Fabian Hernandez Nieto, Tom Phan, Tristen Stacks, Vi Ta

Team Model

Our team used a Democratic Team Model. We found this to be beneficial since it does not enforce any formal team hierarchy. A Democratic team structure is appropriate for less understood problems. It allows the group to invent better solutions rather than using a chief programmer team. This project didn’t require many engineers so our group of 5 worked well with this model. This model allowed us to encourage egoless programming and allowed our team to share and review each others work.

Test Cases

The test cases we conducted have passed most, if not all, of our requirements as of our last tests.

Test Expectation Pass/Fail
Login (as governor, headmaster, professor, and student) Display appropriate dashboard content if successful login. If login is unsuccessful, message is shown. Pass
Enroll Courses Student can select which courses to enroll in and add them to registered courses. Will update info in database. Pass
Drop Courses Student can deselect enrolled courses and update the info to remove course from student’s registered courses. Pass
Create Assignments Professor can create assignments and assign to course(s). Pass
Delete Assignments Professor can delete assignments and remove associated grades if turned in already. Pass
GPA calculation GPA is calculated for each student with given grades and can be viewed by students. Cannot be edited by lv 1, 2 ,or 3 users. Pass
Add/Disable Users Governor can add and disable users (student, professor, or headmaster). New users can login and disabled users can no longer login. Pass
Grade Assignments Professor can grade assignments for students enrolled in their courses. Pass
View Grades Students can view assignment grades. Cannot modify grades. Pass
View Assignments Students can view assignments for enrolled classes. Pass
Submit Assignments Students can submit assignments for a given coursework. Pass
Logout User returns to login screen and is required to login again to use system. Login flag is off. Pass
Week/Deliverable Team Member Deliverable Description
1 All Members Project Plan
2 Tristen Stacks, Vi Ta, Fabian Hernandez, Tom Phan Analysis
3 Jason Brunelle Architecture Spec
4 Vi Ta, Jason Brunelle Source Code
5 All Members Testing
6 All Members Final Deliverable

Use Cases

Use Case 1 (Add/Disable Users)

  • Gilderoy Lockhart did not work out as a professor. Albus Dumbledore logs in and disables Gilderoy Lockhart’s account.
  • Dumbledore adds a new teacher: Remus Lupin.
    • Username: Remus.Lupin
    • Password: RLPass
    • Role: Teacher
  • System discovers what will be his unique id in the system.
  • All IDs start with 900 followed by role (teacher is 3) followed by 2 digits which is one more than last entry.
  • Dumbledore Enrolls Remus Lupin in all 7 years of Defense Against the Dark Arts so he can teach the class.
  • Dumbledore Logs off.

Use Case 2 (Students enroll in classes)

  • Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley all enroll in the following classes:
    • Charms Year 3
    • Defense Against the Dark Arts Year 3
    • Divination Year 3
    • Potions Year 3
    • Transfiguration Year 3
    • Fred Weasley, George Weasley, and Angelina Johnson all enroll in the following classes:
    • Charms Year 5
    • Herbology Year 5
    • Divination Year 5
    • Potions Year 5
    • Transfiguration Year 5
  • All users log out when they are done. Note: only classes listed are the ones that match their "year" entry in their enroll-in-courses table.

Use Case 3 (Create, Turn-in, and Grade ### Assignment(s) and View Grades)

  • Severus Snape assigns the following assignment then logs out to the 5th year potions class:
    • 1 roll of parchment on the properties of moonstones. Total point 10.
    • Angelina logs in and sees the assignment is due. She turns it in.
    • Fred Weasley logs in and sees the assignment is due. He turns it in.
    • George Weasley fails to turn in the assignment.
  • Seversus Snape logs in and records their grades: Angelina: 6, Fred: 3, George: 0
  • Angelina, Fred and George log and view their grades.
  • All users log off.

Use Case 4 (Assign Professor to Class and Delete Assignment (and associated grades))

  • Snape subs for Lupin because he is sick. Dumbledore has to "enroll" Snape as a teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts.
  • Snape assigns the 3rd year defense against the dark arts class an essay on the qualities of the werewolf.
    • Hermione turns in the assignment.
    • Harry and Ron do not.
  • Lupin recovers, logs in and cancels the assignment.
  • Hermione, Ron, and Harry all log in to see the assignment is no longer there.

Use Case 5 (Reassign Headmaster/Headmistress)

  • Delores Umbridge replaces Albus Dumbledore as Headmistress of the school
  • Lucius Malfoy adds a new Headmistress: Delores Umbridge
  • Username: Delores.Umbridge
  • Password: DUPass
  • Role: Headmistrss
  • Lucius Malfoy deactivates user Albus Dumbledore Use Case 6 (Deactivate User Account)
  • Fred Weasley and George Weasley leave the school.
  • Delores Umbridge deactivates their accounts.
  • Fred and George can no longer log in.

UML Diagrams

Entity Relationship Diagram

Entity Relationship Diagram

Entity Relationship Diagram


User class
1. Access Username
2. Access Password
3. Privilege (if student, professor, headmaster, or governor)
Login class
Login class
1. Verify input (w/i login class)
2. Check privilege (if student, professor, headmaster, or governor)
3. Load home page Dashboard class
Dashboard class
Student class
1. Display name
2. Display ID
3. Enroll/Drop courses
4. Exam scores for each course
5. Calculate GPA
6. View GPA
7. Turn in assignments
8. Log out (go to login panel)
Dashboard class
Student class
Dashboard class
1. Display name of user
2. Modify buttons on (if role < 4) send request to student class
3. Modify buttons off (if role == 4)
4. Display student info. (if headmaster)
5. Display assignments/courses (if role >= 2)
• Edit Assignments (If professor)
• Edit Courses (if headmaster)
6. Add/Remove Users (if governor)
7. Log out (go to login form)
Login class
Student class


Software Project Management Plan


This document serves as the project plan for the Hogwarts Learning Management Plan. It will explain the functions the Learning Management System is capable of. We will provide an outline of our deliverables. We will also discuss the tools used to complete the project.

Project overview

The Hogwarts Learning Management System will establish an online system that provides four access levels for users. It will allow students, level 1, to view courses, view grades, enroll and drop form courses, and submit assignments. It will allow professors, level 2, to input and delete grades, and input and delete assignments. It will allow the headmaster, level 3, to create and delete logins for level 1 and level 2 users and allow them to add and delete courses. The governor, level 4, will be able to create and delete logins for user levels 1, 2, and 3.

Project deliverables Timeline
1. First Project Plan 2018.09.15
2. Analysis [ER Diagram, UML, CRC Cards, Class Diagram] 2018.10.28
3. Testing 2018.11.01 – 2018.11.25
4. Final Product and Demo 2018.11.26
5. Product Ready for Client 2018.12.01

Evolution of this document

This document will be updated as the project progresses. Updates should be expected in the following sections:

  1. Organization Structure - this section will be revised appropriately as the requirements and artifacts are completed.
  2. Schedule – as the project progresses, the project deliverables will be updated accordingly

Revision History

Date Updated By Update Comments
2018.09.23 Vi Ta First Draft
2018.10.07 Vi Ta UI Design
2018.10.21 Jason Brunelle Database created and linked to project
2018.10.22 Jason Brunelle, Vi Ta Project Overview updated, created 4 levels of users
2018.10.28 Vi Ta CRC Cards added
2018.10.30 Fabian Hernandez ER Diagram Created for database
2018.11.01 Tristen Stacks Class Diagram and UML added
2018.11.10 Tom Phan Testing
2018.11.20 All Members Final Testing and Code Fixes

Project organization

Process model

We used a Democratic Team Model. We found this to be beneficial since it does not enforce any formal team hierarchy. It allowed the group to invent better solutions rather than using a chief programmer team. This project didn’t require many engineers so our group of 5 worked well with this model. This model allowed us to encourage egoless programming and allowed our team to share and review each other’s work.

Organizational structure

Team Members

I.	Jason Brunelle
II.	Vi Ta
III.	Fabian Hernandez
IV.	Tristen Stacks
V.	Tom Phan
Week/Deliverable Team Member Deliverable Description
1 All Members Project Plan
2 Tristen Stacks, Vi Ta, Fabian Hernandez, Tom Phan Analysis
3 Jason Brunelle Architecture Spec
4 Vi Ta, Jason Brunelle Source Code
5 All Members Testing
6 All Members Final Deliverable

Organizational Interfaces

Every two weeks we coordinated team meetings to discuss updates, communications, and team deliverables.

Technical process

A. Methods, tools, and techniques

The project will be implemented utilizing Code and Fix. Tools to be used are Visual Studio for the IDE, coding in C#, MS-SQL for database storage, and GitHub for version control. Object-oriented programming will be used to successfully complete the project.


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Open the solution within Visual Studio (tested in 2017 & 2019)
  3. Run the program. A fresh copy of the database is copied over each run so test cases can be run from the start each time.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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Contributors 4

