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printio is a MIT licensed pretty printing library implemented in Python.

Format a value(s) for printing or display using Python's built-in String Format library.

Most of the string formatting options from the Format Specification Mini-Language are available. See the formatting options here:


  • Align values to the left, right, or center.
  • Pad and fill values.
  • Sign numerical values.
  • Convert integers to float.
  • Specify precision for floating values - values are rounded up.
  • Convert numbers to percentage formats. Ex. 0.10 ~ 10.0000%
  • Add column headers or utilize default headers for your values.
  • Column widths are automatically sized based on maximum width of the values.
  • Choose which columns to format in your values.
  • Ability to print to 'text' similar to how MySQL displays output to the console.


The major functions of printio:

  • PrettyValue():
    Formats a single value to a string.
  • PrettyValues():
    Formats a list of lists or dicts.
    • format: will return a list of strings including the header.
    • text: will return a string similar to MySQL's console display format.


Made available under the MIT License.


First, some housekeeping items...

Import the library

>>> from printio import PrettyValue
>>> from printio import PrettyValues

Create a list of values you wish to format.

>>> lol = []
>>> lol.append([0, 'yhoo', 23.45])
>>> lol.append([1, 'goog', 200.4565])
>>> lol.append([2, 't', 1.00])

Let's also create a list of dictionaries to format as well.

>>> keys = ['bar', 'symbol', 'close']
>>> lod = [dict(zip(keys, x)) for x in lol]

Now, let's get down to business...

Format a string with a width of 10, center-aligned, and filled with '-'.

>>> value = 'yhoo'
>>> pv = PrettyValue('^10', fill='-')
>>> pv.format(value)

Format a float with a decimal precision of 1.

>>> value = 23.45599
>>> pv = PrettyValue('.1f')
>>> pv.format(value)

Format a float into a percentage.

>>> value = 0.025
>>> pv = PrettyValue('.2%')
>>> pv.format(value)

Format a list.

>>> pv = PrettyValues()
>>> for row in pv.format([lol[0]]): print row
['0', '1   ', '2    ']
['0', 'yhoo', '23.45']

Format a dict.

>>> pv = PrettyValues()
>>> pv.newcol('bar')
>>> pv.newcol('symbol')
>>> pv.newcol('close')
>>> for row in pv.format([lod[0]]): print row
['bar', 'symbol', 'close']
['0  ', 'yhoo  ', '23.45']

Format a list of lists.

>>> pv = PrettyValues()
>>> for row in pv.format(lol): print row
['0', '1   ', '2       ']
['0', 'yhoo', '23.45   ']
['1', 'goog', '200.4565']
['2', 't   ', '1.0     ']

Same as above but this time in text.

>>> pv = PrettyValues()
>>> results = pv.text(lol)
>>> print results
| 0 | 1    | 2        |
| 0 | yhoo | 23.45    |
| 1 | goog | 200.4565 |
| 2 | t    | 1.0      |

Want to add better column names?

>>> pv.newcol(0, cname='Bar')
>>> pv.newcol(1, cname='Symbol')
>>> pv.newcol(2, cname='Close')
>>> print pv.text(lol)
| Bar | Symbol | Close    |
| 0   | yhoo   | 23.45    |
| 1   | goog   | 200.4565 |
| 2   | t      | 1.0      |

Print only the Close column, always show sign, and format with decimal precision of 2.

>>> pv = PrettyValues()
>>> pv.newcol(2, '+.2f', cname='Close')
>>> print pv.text(lol)
| Close   |
| + 23.45 |
| +200.46 |
| +  1.00 |

Print list of dictionaries with the numerical settings for the bar & close.

>>> pv = PrettyValues()
>>> pv.newcol('bar', 'i')
>>> pv.newcol('symbol')
>>> pv.newcol('close', '.2f')
>>> print pv.text(lod)
| bar | symbol | close  |
|   0 | yhoo   |  23.45 |
|   1 | goog   | 200.46 |
|   2 | t      |   1.00 |


  • Add option to display title in addition to column headings.
  • Add autonum column ability.
  • Add tb_html to format to a html table.
  • Add pre_html to format <pre> html </pre>.
For additional information, please email:


Pretty print values and series in Python.







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