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This API contains user, survey, and response resources that one can CRUD on. It's a survey app that allow the user to create a survey with three options. Once the survey has been created the user will be able to let another user vote for one of the options.

Getting Started

The prompt we were working to create: Make an app that can be used to create custom surveys and collect the responses on a dashboard for that particular survey.

To get started with the API please fork and clone this repository. This application is deployed with Heroku.

Wireframes & User Stories

Development Process

Peer programming! We started using CURL scripts to fully CRUD on users and surveys. Once surveys were working we moved on to responses. Responses needed to be a separate entity from surveys because responses needed to be updated by people who didn't create the survey. If responses were simply a property of surveys, then they wouldn't be editable, or the entire survey would be editable.

We used the git workflow demonstrated during class. Never working on master, and working on development as little as possible, we made feature branches off of the development branch and then would submit a PR and merge them into development. Only during the final stages of development did we start merging the development branch into the master branch.

We conducted daily standups each morning to talk about our goals for the day and if we were stuck with any blocks. Additionally the team would regroup at the end of the day (and sometimes during lunch) to check in on each others progress and ensure we were all on the same page.

API End Points

Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action
POST /sign-up users#signup
POST /sign-in users#signin
DELETE /sign-out users#signout
PATCH /change-password users#changepw
GET /surveys surveys#index
POST /surveys surveys#create
GET /surveys/:id surveys#show
PATCH /surveys/:id surveys#update
DELETE /surveys/:id surveys#destroy
GET /responses responses#index
POST /responses responses#create
GET /responses/:id responses#show
PATCH /responses/:id responses#update
DELETE /responses/:id responses#destroy

Unsolved Issues/Future Iterations

  • We want to set Survey.responses back to an empty array when the survey gets updated, so survey creators can't troll people who've responded by changing the survey after people have voted. But for right now, this is a feature. The secret name of this project is Troll Poll


This application is deployed and hosted for free by [Heroku] [API Respository]

Client Link

Survey Client Repo Client Application Deployed Site

Built With

  • JS/Node/Express
  • Heroku
  • GA Rails Express API template


Please message me directly through github if you want to submit pull a pull request.


Special Thanks

  • Shoutout to Mr. Crockett, the kiffest guy alive


This API serves to pair with a Survey client to empower teams around







No releases published



Contributors 4
