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Great Equalizer backend

tested with jest CircleCI


  • TypeScript - JavaScript with syntax for types
  • Express - Back end web application framework for Node.js
  • MongoDB - Document-oriented NoSQL database
  • Docker - Containerization platform
  • Jest - JavaScript Testing Framework
  • InversifyJS - Inversion of control container
  • CircleCI - Continuous Integration and Delivery

Project structure

└── dist
    ├── index.js            # Entry point
    ├── interfaces          # Interfaces
    ├── inversify.config    # IoC Container
    ├── Mongo               # DB class
    ├── Server              # Express app class
    ├── types               # Types
    └── cotrollers    
        └── TransactionController # Controller for app.* methods


Define your environment variables:

cp .env.example .env.production 
cp .env.example .env.development
cp .env.example .env.test

Put your values in a new files.

Install dependencies

npm install 

Run tests

npm run lint
npm run test


Build Container

docker build -t containername:tag

To start MongoDB

docker compose up -d


npm run dev - start application in development mode

npm run start - start application in production mode

npm run build - build application into /dist directory

npm run lint - run eslint

npm run eslint:fix - run eslint with fixing

npm run test - run jest