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COASTER LIFE App Design Project - README


Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Product Spec
  3. Wireframes
  4. User Stories & Video Walkthroughs
  5. Schema



Social media app that allows coaster enthusiast to track their coaster/ride count and allows allows them to take picutres and meet other people.

App Evaluation

  • Category: Social/Travel
  • Mobile: Camera, location, real time??
  • Story: Allows our users to track how many different rides they have been on and how many times they rode their favorite ride(s) but also allows them to find new park friends and lets them take pictures for their accounts
  • Market: The market is pretty niche but has a dedicated community. Coaster enthusiats love to keep a track of their ride count and also talk about their favorite rides. Also with the app they could get their other friends and create a bigger community
  • Habit: This is not an everyday app, but some people could use it a few times a week, especially those who "live" at theme/amusement parks or those who travel a lot.
  • Scope: The scope of this project is a little large but I think that it is feasiable to accomplish, especially a stripped down aspect if we just focus on the regional Six Flags park that is "right down the street" for testing purposes.

Product Spec

1. User Stories (Required and Optional)

Required Must-have Stories

  • User can Login
  • User can Register
  • User can check in at a park
  • User can look at list of rides and marks which ones they have rode/ridden
  • look at your personal ride count
  • friend finder
  • user can take pictures and put them in their profile

Optional Nice-to-have Stories

  • Look at a leaderboard for amount of individual rides a user has ridden
  • leaderboard for individual rides
  • Users once in the park can update wait times for rides to let others know
  • Can click on a ride and get detailed view of coaster/ride stats
  • app badges ie. your first coaster, your first park, etc

2. Screen Archetypes

  • Login
    • User can Login
  • Register
    • User can create Create a new account
  • Settings
    • checking into a park
  • Stream
    • List of rides and look at your ride count
  • Map
    • Friend finder
  • Creation
    • Taking pictures of the park

3. Navigation

Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)

  • Profile
  • Take Picture
  • Friend Finder

Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)

  • Register Screen => Login
  • Login Screen => Profile
  • Profile => Pictures and List of rides selection
  • Picture creation => Goes to Profile Picture Screen


[BONUS] Digital Wireframes & Mockups

[BONUS] Interactive Prototype

User Stories & Video Walkthroughs

Sprint 1 User Stories

The following required functionality is completed:

  • User can Login
  • User can Register

The following bonus functionality is completed:

  • User Login or Registration is persistent

Sprint 1 Video Walkthrough

Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories:

Video Walkthrough 1

Sprint 2 User Stories

The following required functionality is completed:

  • User can view Current Location
  • User can view Profile Screen
  • User can view Friend Screen
  • User can logout

Sprint 2 Video Walkthrough

Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories:

Video Walkthrough 2

Sprint 3 User Stories

The following required functionality is completed:

  • User can view Ride Log
  • User can view Photo Feed
  • User can view Sample Markers of other Users on Map

Sprint 3 Video Walkthrough

Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories:

Video Walkthrough 3

Sprint 4 User Stories

The following required functionality is completed:

  • User can access friends Photos
  • User can access friends Ride Log
  • User can access friends Location
  • User can access friends Profile Screen

The following bonus functionality is completed:

  • Consistent Color & Styling across the app
  • Message Screen
  • User can Message other users of the app

Sprint 4 Video Walkthrough

Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories:

Video Walkthrough 4




Property Type Description
objectid String Unique id for user
Image File profile image of user

Friends List

Property Type Description
objectid String Unique id for user
Friend Pointer to User Friend name
Friend Photo Pointer to User Friend Photo
Friend online Pointer to User Is person online

Ride List

Property Type Description
objectid String Unique id for user
Ride name String Name of ride
Has rode Bool If they have rode at least once
Ride count Number Amount of times user has rode

Image tab

Property Type Description
objectid String Unique id for user
Image File images of the rides that a user posted


Property Type Description
Sender ID String The person’s ID who sends the message
Receiver ID String The person’s ID who receives the message
Conversation ID String Unique ID for the conversations between the sender and receiver
Message Kind String The type of the message
Message String The message being sent
Sent date String The date/time of message
isRead Bool Flag showing the status of message


  • Message Screen
    • (Read/GET) Query all messages in a conversation
        let query = PFQuery(className:"Message")
          query.whereKey("author", equalTo: currentUser)
          query.whereKey("receiver", equalTo: receiverID)
          query.order(byDescending: "createdAt")
          query.findObjectsInBackground { (messages: [PFObject]?, error: Error?) in
        if let error = error { 
         } else if let posts = posts {
            print("Successfully retrieved \(messages.count) Messages.")
        // TODO: Do something with Messages...
    • (Create/POST) Create a new message

    • (Read/GET) Query message isRead status

  • Profile
    • (Read/GET) Query logged in user object
    • (Update/PUT) Update user profile image
  • Image
    • (Read/GET) Query logged in users photo objects
    • (Update/PUT) show the users photos
    • (Delete) Delete a photo
  • Friend List
    • (Read/GET) Query logged in users friends
    • (Update/PUT) Users friends photo
    • (Update/PUT) Users friends status
    • (Delete) Delete a friend
  • Ride List
    • (Read/GET) Query logged in users ride list data
    • (Update/PUT) number of times user has rode the ride


Social Media App for Roller Coaster Enthusiasts.





