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Issue for diaspora > tumblr


Tumblr API documentation

Ruby Gem for tumblr (not yet used in Diaspora)

What we found out

  • strange behaviour: if you connect with tumblr your username in diaspora changes (also stays for following sessions) seems to happen only if you didn't fill in your name

Server log for posting to tumblr

Rails: Started POST "/status_messages" for at 2015-09-03 12:18:17 +0200
[2015-09-03T12:18:17] INFO  PID-17600 TID-70197352727040 ActionController::Base: Processing by StatusMessagesController#create as JSON
[2015-09-03T12:18:17] INFO  PID-17600 TID-70197352727040 ActionController::Base:   Parameters: {"status_message"=>"[FILTERED]", "aspect_ids"=>"all_aspects", "services"=>"tumblr", "location_coords"=>"", "poll_question"=>"", "poll_answers"=>["", ""]}
[2015-09-03T12:18:17] DEBUG PID-17600 TID-70197352727040 Rails: ETHON: Libcurl initialized
[2015-09-03T12:18:19] DEBUG PID-17600 TID-70197352727040 Rails: ETHON: performed EASY effective_url= response_code=200 return_code=ok total_time=1.605934
[2015-09-03T12:18:19] INFO  PID-17600 TID-70197352727040 User: user:1 dispatching StatusMessage:04c13fc0345301332fce48d705df9e7b
[2015-09-03T12:18:21] INFO  PID-17600 TID-70197352727040 Postzord::Receiver::LocalBatch: receiving local batch for #<StatusMessage id: 37, author_id: 1, public: false, diaspora_handle: "test@localhost:3000", guid: "04c13fc0345301332fce48d705df9e7b", pending: false, type: "StatusMessage", text: "Cosmonaut!\r\n![](", remote_photo_path: nil, remote_photo_name: nil, random_string: nil, processed_image: nil, created_at: "2015-09-03 10:18:17", updated_at: "2015-09-03 10:18:21", unprocessed_image: nil, object_url: nil, image_url: nil, image_height: nil, image_width: nil, provider_display_name: nil, actor_url: nil, objectId: nil, root_guid: nil, status_message_guid: nil, likes_count: 0, comments_count: 0, o_embed_cache_id: nil, reshares_count: 0, interacted_at: "2015-09-03 10:18:17", frame_name: nil, facebook_id: nil, tweet_id: nil, open_graph_cache_id: nil, tumblr_ids: "{\"\":128252348031,\"fuehl.tu...">
[2015-09-03T12:18:21] INFO  PID-17600 TID-70197352727040 Postzord::Receiver::LocalBatch: receiving local batch completed for #<StatusMessage id: 37, author_id: 1, public: false, diaspora_handle: "test@localhost:3000", guid: "04c13fc0345301332fce48d705df9e7b", pending: false, type: "StatusMessage", text: "Cosmonaut!\r\n![](", remote_photo_path: nil, remote_photo_name: nil, random_string: nil, processed_image: nil, created_at: "2015-09-03 10:18:17", updated_at: "2015-09-03 10:18:21", unprocessed_image: nil, object_url: nil, image_url: nil, image_height: nil, image_width: nil, provider_display_name: nil, actor_url: nil, objectId: nil, root_guid: nil, status_message_guid: nil, likes_count: 0, comments_count: 0, o_embed_cache_id: nil, reshares_count: 0, interacted_at: "2015-09-03 10:18:17", frame_name: nil, facebook_id: nil, tweet_id: nil, open_graph_cache_id: nil, tumblr_ids: "{\"\":128252348031,\"fuehl.tu...">
[2015-09-03T12:18:21] INFO  PID-17600 TID-70197352727040 Postzord::Dispatcher::Private: event=push route=local sender=test@localhost:3000 recipients=4 payload_type=StatusMessage
[2015-09-03T12:18:22] INFO  PID-17600 TID-70197352727040 Participation: event=sign_with_key status=complete guid=073448f0345301332fce48d705df9e7b
[2015-09-03T12:18:22] INFO  PID-17600 TID-70197352727040 Participation: event=sign_with_key status=complete guid=073448f0345301332fce48d705df9e7b
[2015-09-03T12:18:22] INFO  PID-17600 TID-70197352727040 Participation::Generator: user:1 dispatching Participation:073448f0345301332fce48d705df9e7b
[2015-09-03T12:18:22] INFO  PID-17600 TID-70197352727040 ActionController::Base: Completed 201 Created in 4199ms (Views: 12.9ms | ActiveRecord: 67.1ms)