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The task is to make to our overly simple employee records tool useable. The application is built using React, Redux, Formik and styled-components. Build the specified functionality upon the existing project, although creative freedom is encouraged.

The project is built with three views; an start page, list view and a create view. The data consists of a list of employee records store in redux. A complete example of an employee entry is available in src/redux/employees/index.js.

Your task is to extend the current funcitonality and implement new features and views. Here is the list of things to be implemented:

  • Additional fields to the employee creation page (src/components/Create/index.js).
    • Birth date - YYYY-MM-DD
    • Job title
  • Enhance the page for all employees (src/components/View/index.js)
    • Display all employees
    • Edit/Delete
    • Functions that might be useful when viewing potentially large lists of data
  • Optional:
    • Creative flare - enhance the application's styling


We don't expect you to spend more than 8 hours on this test. If you are under time constraints, complete the tasks you started and we can discuss the rest in the interview.

Required technologies

  • node v16.
    • nvm can help with node versioning.
  • redux dev tools (not required but very helpful)


  • Download a ZIP file of this repository
  • Run npm install
  • Run npm start

What's expected?

A working application with the above functionality, perhaps a little more. We would like to see an eye for detail and that the code was written for maintainability and scalability.

Things we're looking for:

  • Naming
  • Structure
  • A sound understanding of the basics (JSX, hooks, redux etc)
  • Usage of components
  • User interaction - feedback


We would like to see the existing cypress test suite extended to test/verify functionality added by you. Documentation can be found here.

Running tests

Cypress comes with a test GUI which can be opened in Chrome. To open the GUI, use:

npx cypress open

If you want to run Cypress in headless mode instead, run the following command:

npx cypress run


To submit the test, share a private repository with our developers (martinhybergTE and agnessuTE and kaishleyTE) on github.


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