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Destiny Peterson edited this page Jan 9, 2023 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the MSG Extractor wiki. Here you can find the answers to many of the questions you may have. This wiki is designed to provide help to the most recent version of extract-msg, and as such may have information that does not match a previous version. Version 0.29.* is the last minor version that supports Python 2.7, and though it is still receiving bug fixes, it is considered deprecated. If your code does not require comparability with Python 2.7, it is recommended that you upgrade. Many highly valued features are not supported in that version.

This wiki is currently in need of a lot of work as it is currently very incomplete. If you can't find an answer to your question here and you also can't find an answer in previously created issues then you should try importing the module in python and exploring it using the help function in the interpreter. If after that you still don't have an answer to your question, you are free to create a new issue.

Unfortunately, it has come to my attention that the help function in the interpreter does not show the docstrings for properties. I am unsure how to rectify this before the wiki is complete, so for now you will have to explore the code for information about those.

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