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Releases: TeamRizu/OutFox


25 Dec 04:30
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Release Date: 25th December 2023

New Alpha V build! will update with news when we've had a nap.

This will generate a new cache, and if you're moving from alpha 4 LTS to this build, do not use the same preferences.ini - let the game generate a new one and then match up your settings.

ChangeLog in raw form is here: <-- Warning: It is huge!

32 bit builds / RPi builds will come in time, but we wanted to get these out for today so you can play an updated build.

Happy holidays from all of us at Project OutFox!!


02 May 09:09
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Release Date: 1st May 2023

Alpha V Playtest Public Build pre041 - 1st Anniversary Celebration

(Incorporates Internal Builds 0.5.0-000 to 0.5.0-041)

(Incorporates Internal Builds alpha5-silver A0 to A19)

This build continues to stabilise and work on fixes we had begun to work on in 040, which was our last update. Sorry the release took over 2 months! We were working hard all that time!

Thank you for all the reports, and the playing time guys, it is really appreciated, it's allowed us to push on with newer parts of the project that would have been delayed a bit longer if we didn't have you kind folks playing this work-in-progress game.

The ChangeLog is a bit vast for this month, I hope you take a moment to sift through it, but if you have questions, either ping us in discord or leave us a message!

We have fixed the OS issues on Linux and MacOS 12.6.x and 13.x, sorry this update took a while!

We didn't want to patch up all the tiny bits on Steam so we felt it better to just get a big update done - but we won't do that again, it's a bit too hairy for us!

Thank you to all the Mac and Linux users that reported the issues for us to fix, and to you guys for continuing to support our little project, as well as the players signing up to the playtest - we will be opening this up for you all very very soon!

This change list is pretty long, as we have several mini updates in it! I hope you enjoy reading through these, do let us know if there are things we can do to improve this experience for you guys!

OutFox 5.0.0 Pre-Release Candidate 041 -a9 - April 29th 2023

  • ❕✅ Synced updates with the alphav-theme
  • ❕✅ NEW! return to the portal link if portal was selected
  • ❕✅ Auto Resize ScreenDebugOverlay on low definition (480p) themes
  • ❕✅ NEW! restore #LASTBEATHINT to .sm files
  • ❕✅ Fixed a slew of parsing bugs in the .sm parser
  • ❕✅ Fixed leaked memory in the .sm parser
  • ❕✅ Fixed bad update call in DrawPrimitives breaking some mod calls
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with access calls on GameSoundManager
  • ❕✅ Fixed potential crash/freeze with ImageCache

OutFox 5.0.0 Pre-Release Candidate 041 -a8 - April 25th 2023

  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with favourites not being found sometimes on some systems
  • ❕✅ Fixed crash with favourites folder
  • ❕✅ Fixed FileWrite Call
  • ❕✅ Replaced library used for ImageCache to improve stability and Memory use
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with MIDI buttons not being seen after being saved to keymaps.ini
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with MIDI buttons not being saved on the Map Controller screen for MIDI controllers
  • ❕✅ Fixed missing entries on InputDevice
  • ❕✅ Added Wii & Wii-U controller support to our HIDAPI Driver
  • ❕✅ Fixed stuck buttons on MIDI drumkits due to Channel 09 varying non-zero values.
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with buffer underrun on some sound cards
  • ❕✅ NEW! 2 Player ParaPara Mode support with official PS2 controllers!
  • ❕✅ Fixed missing official PS2 ParaParaParadise controllers on Mac and Linux
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug in ParaPara input driver by rewriting it
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with duplicate controllers on Mac/Linux/Steam

OutFox 5.0.0 Pre-Release Candidate 041 -a7 - April 22nd 2023

  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with multiple loads of FGChanges
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with some lua definitions not quite being nil
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with BGChanges crashing on invalid Enums
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with CheckEnum corrupting the lua stack
  • ❕✅ Brought over 1-4 player PS2 official parapara controller input driver from Dragons
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with some vectors not being correctly handled in the background calls
  • ❕✅ Fixed crash with bad math calls in music wheel
  • ❕✅ Fixed chartkey loading 3 times on every action on the music wheel
  • ❕✅ Fixed PlayCopy() crash
  • ❕✅ Fixed incorrect usage of pushnil in NETMAN
  • ❕✅ Fixed crash with enum call in ActorUtil
  • ❕✅ Fixed pointer crash on file closing on some modfile calls
  • ❕✅ Made the OTO (osu) parser much more stable, and added samplesounds/hitsound support
  • ❕✅ Fixed a few wry mutex issues now we are planning for lower latency
  • ❕✅ Fixed a reported tickhold bug
  • ❕✅ Fixed the reported GetBGChanges() 'bug' by rewriting the methods, as they are now chart specific
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with mod columns calling 88 instances when we don't plan to have piano mode moddable
  • ❕✅ Fixed crash with updateholdnotes
  • ❕✅ Fixed crash in GameSoundManager
  • ❕✅ Re-implement SSC hold metric features - Penalise tap score none/Judge hold notes on same row together/checkpoints flash on hold/immediate hold let go/combo break on immediate hold let go/require step on hold heads/checkpoint taps separate judgement
  • ❕✅ Fix issue with GetBGA, by rewriting it to support steps
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with no keysoundfile clearance
  • ❕✅ Added new support for OTO (osu) keysounds
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with missing FGChanges calls
  • ❕✅ Fixed weird draw issue with some themes and GLAD renderer
  • ❕✅ Fixed crash in steps creation
  • ❕✅ Changed BGA to be chart based for SSC/SM files
  • ❕✅ Fixed crash with favourites affecting speed mods
  • ❕✅ Updated Docker builds
  • ❕✅ Fixed crashes with Python2/Python3 IO boards
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with ASIO support on win32
  • ❕✅ Added pulseaudio to PortAudio in prep for new sound back end
  • ❕✅ Fixed clocks for rtAudio on mac/linux
  • ❕✅ Added more info for statsoverlay
  • ❕✅ Fixed crash with some lower() command calls
  • ❕✅ Fixed CODESET offset bug reported by Rythmlunatic

OutFox 5.0.0 Pre-Release Candidate 041 -a6 - April 08th 2023

  • ❕✅ Fixed crash on refcount
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with pro-explosions not falling back when not provided
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with calories being default goal on the alpha-v theme
  • ❕✅ Fixed def.notefield preview autoplay not reloading on looped audio
  • ❕✅ Restore Add and Scale check to smart timing windows
  • ❕✅ Fixed ddrio for 32bit machines
  • ❕✅ Fixed lua errors on course and endless modes
  • ❕✅ Added sound options to themes
  • ❕✅ Fixed favourites not loading BGAs
  • ❕✅ Added SongPreviewVolume
  • ❕✅ Added additional song folder master folder for BMS file support
  • ❕✅ Changed UpdateDrawLoopSeconds to take FPS values
  • ❕✅ Added option to disable hotswap controller support for performance
  • ❕✅ Added set loops per second to ease CPU usage
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with buffer type in rtaudio
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with rounding error on syncing machine
  • ❕✅ Fixed FPS inaccuracies
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with misplaced drawloop
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with overflow on sound buffers
  • ❕✅ Show shader compile errors onscreen
  • ❕✅ Added themepref for NoteDataLimit
  • ❕✅ Fixed cast with clock resolution
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with large size notedata loading
  • ❕✅ Fixed cache miss

OutFox 5.0.0 Pre-Release Candidate 041 -a5 - April 08th 2023

  • ❕✅ Fixed clock method in new audio back end for linux/mac
  • ❕✅ Added new round method for sound buffer
  • ❕✅ Restored legacy SM-5 driver options for those that requested it
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with repeated samplerate calls
  • ❕✅ Fixed missing API support in the main sound driver
  • ❕✅ Fixed linux compile with rtAudio
  • ❕✅ Fixed correct flags on device initialisation
  • ❕✅ Fixed bad code in ragesound
  • ❕✅ Fixed panda logger creation
  • ❕✅ Added new soundwaves links on main page

OutFox 5.0.0 Pre-Release Candidate 041 -a4 - March 27th 2023

  • ❕✅ Fixed Linux builds compiling for modern systems
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with a temp patch for uniformtextures overriding each other
  • ❕✅ Added new FBO status information
  • ❕✅ NEW! rtAudio stub and skeleton
  • ❕✅ Fixed latency with some of the internal audio code
  • ❕✅ Fixed audio latency and compile
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug in Mac/Linux steam variants by downgrading to 5.2 rtaudio
  • ❕✅ Fixed logging and device detection in Linux
  • ❕✅ Fixed stuttering on rt-pulseaudio
  • ❕✅ Fixed preference information and buffer edits
  • ❕✅ Fixed 3.0 era particle animation processes
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with pandalog not using correct loc when set
  • ❕✅ Added a new sound logfile for the new systems
  • ❕✅ Fixed internal streamtime polling for audio
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with unavailable streams not being available due to a windows quirk
  • ❕✅ NEW!! rt-Asio Driver
  • ❕✅ NEW!! rt-DirectSound Driver
  • ❕✅ NEW!! rt-WASAPI Driver
  • ❕✅ NEW!! rt-JACK Driver
  • ❕✅ NEW!! rt-ALSA Driver
  • ❕✅ NEW!! rt-Pulse Driver
  • ❕✅ NEW!! rt-OSS (4+) Driver
  • ❕✅ NEW!! rt-CoreAudio Driver
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with legacy SM drivers trying to set a rate that's not supported
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug in accuracy of sound by removing SM 2.5x era cruft
  • ❕✅ Added new sound driver selection in the debug stats
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with missing favourites folder stuff on soundwaves, you can now use this
  • ❕✅ Fixed crash on Jack not available - do not use this driver unless you run jack for now, we need to code the path for it.


This build utilises a new back end and completely does away with the old SM5 drivers. It was super heavily requested by the community that we have something configurable that could be used to lower latency in the game for key-sounded and hit sounded modes, so we delayed this build to squeeze it in. There are still a couple of bugs which will be ironed out, but for 99% of users, this build will work fine.


With lower latency, comes some compromises. It is super clear and sharp, you have better clarity, it obviously uses new drivers, which include some new preferences, see below.

We have discovered Discord does NOT like low latency based drivers... AT ALL. please bear this in mind if you decide to play with ASIO/set your CoreAudio below 1024, and ensure you have a secondary sound card Discord can use, so you aren't greeted with silence.

ASIO supports down to a blocksize of 32 in the internal driver, now while you can set this in the new preferences (see below) if you hear crackling or garbled audio, just raise this a bit. You can use anything from 32 to 4096 as your block s...

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15 Apr 01:12
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Release Date: 14th April 2023

"The path comes to an end"

(Incorporates Internal Builds 4.19.0-rc0 to 4.19.0-rc7)

Not much to report in this build, many bug fixes, and some patches as reported by users, this is likely the last big patch to the Alpha 4 branch, as the team has moved over to full time development on Alpha V.

We will be pushing the next build of Alpha V (041) to the GitHub, so this space will still be where you can get builds, and do still report bugs if you find any!

Over the next few months you will see some of the Alpha 4 reported bugs either being closed or moved and checked in Alpha V, as a lot of the pump bugs cannot be resolved on 0.4.x so it will be easier to maintain one active branch for the team.

We did this with Alpha 3, 2 and 1, and it's just a natural progression as we build on the work we've done over the past 4 years.

Memory cards are sorted out once again! The deadlock bug was fixed.

We also have moved the minefix patch to a special function so that it doesn't affect modes that do not require it.

This build MAY BREAK YOUR PYTHON2/3 INPUT!! We are looking for folks with the hardware to help us test and fix the drivers. We have had to remove the vulnerable libusb libs/dlls for Windows as they were flagging up as negative.

Fixes in this release:

  • ❕✅ Update NSIS system
  • ❕✅ Fix missing CPU players in Rave
  • ❕✅ Revert Broken SMO calls which now allows SMO to work on OutFox
  • ❕✅ Fix digitaloffset being out by 100
  • ❕✅ Fix missing techno icons
  • ❕✅ Fixed TJA measure adjustments
  • ❕✅ NEW! TJA scroll implementation
  • ❕✅ NEW! TJA holdcount support for #BALLOON
  • ❕✅ Replaced hardcoded tickholds with notetype defined tickholds
  • ❕✅ Fixed occasional deadlock on Windows < 10
  • ❕✅ Fixed hiddenregions not working correctly
  • ❕✅ Added new noteskin taiko features, still in work
  • ❕✅ Fixed USB memory profile thread timeout
  • ❕✅ Fixed USB device read thread timeout
  • ❕✅ Fixed crash on TJA empty string
  • ❕✅ Fixed double press bug on taiko mode
  • ❕✅ Fixed Volume control being unable to not go to 200%, just remember hearing/cab equipment!
  • ❕✅ Readded fake segments to cache
  • ❕✅ Fixed missing keysound tracks due to SM hardcoded limit
  • ❕✅ Fixed upstream bug in SM ending sounds incorrectly in BMS/PMS/DTX songs
  • ❕✅ Fixed sound buffer overflow
  • ❕✅ Fixed eof bug in vorbis
  • ❕✅ Fixed buffer underrun in resampler
  • ❕✅ Fixed hold keysound spam
  • ❕✅ NEW! Moved the mine fix to its own function to prevent pump bugs
  • ❕✅ Fixed FailImmediate in kbx mode and profile
  • ❕✅ Fixed mix row check
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug that prevented metronome/clap continuing if player dies
  • ❕✅ Fixed font reloading causing massive glitches on Infinitessimal and SuperUser
  • ❕✅ Fixed pump holds (holding head option)
  • ❕✅ Ensure notepath has at least 2 verts
  • ❕✅ Fixed TJA file offset - TJA files are now playable without skew
  • ❕✅ Fixed TJA file crash on "phantom" balloon entries
  • ❕✅ Fixed file crashes on all note parsers
  • ❕✅ Fixed corrupted itrack, should fix a crash on Macos
  • ❕✅ Fixed crash on OSU files with scientific notation/dump charts
  • ❕✅ Removed legacy libUSB from the game
  • ❕✅ Fixed axisfix for ps2 adapters/pads that used it (on win32 driver)
  • ❕✅ Fixed NPS chart freezing the game by setting a limit
  • ❕✅ Fix crash on some lua errors
  • ❕✅ Fixed hold ends sometimes moving past the receptors on pump charts
  • ❕✅ Fix ubuntu changes so the builds work
  • ❕✅ Fix favourite folder not working
  • ❕✅ Fix mesa libs for users that have updated to 22+
  • ❕✅ Fix winding order for MESA/opengl
  • ❕✅ Add second button option for 'prevoptions' for pump (UL/UR)
  • ❕✅ Fix hold issues I broke in pump due to a merge
  • ❕✅ Fix log headers
  • ❕✅ Fix OTO parser difficulty get crashing kbx
  • ❕✅ Fix logpath sometimes failing on RPi/Windows
  • ❕✅ Fix GetLogsPath on windows
  • ❕✅ Fix crash in OTO files that are broken
  • ❕✅ Add waveout device option choice pref
  • ❕✅ Fix latejoin crash
  • ❕✅ Raise stats.xml max size to 144MB
  • ❕✅ Fix leak in wheel
  • ❕✅ Fix stall in lua parsing
  • ❕✅ Fix win32 locale bug
  • ❕✅ Fix zlib variables
  • ❕✅ Fix luaglobals not being reloaded on language change
  • ❕✅ Fix AU isses for mac
  • ❕✅ Fix hold end missing
  • ❕✅ Fix Pacdrive for 32/64 bit support
  • ❕✅ Fix bad rendering on some itg3 themes due to bad sm3.x code
  • ❕✅ Fix bga bugs
  • ❕✅ Fix Python23IO deadlocking on usbdriver - this needs to be tested on win32


31 Oct 23:20
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Release Date: 31st October 2022

Winnie Sanderson: "I want my book!"

(Incorporates Internal Builds 4.18.1-rc0 to 4.18.1-rc2)


Mode Specific

  • ❕✅ Update NSIS system
  • ❕✅ Update All Hallow's Eve Splash
  • ❕✅ Add pt-BR language support
  • ❕✅ Added arm32 linux legacy for older (2010-2015) era ubuntu based development boards
  • ❕✅ Fix mods being overwritten by their non base equivalents
  • ❕✅ Fix first character being lost on the DWI parser
  • ❕✅ Add new autogen system for installer

When should I use the Legacy builds of OutFox? - Why do you make them?

As part of our continued supporting of older hardware to prevent e-waste we have taken the time to support older versions of Linux, (primarily ubuntu 14.04 era). It is MUCH easier to install Linux on older hardware, than to try to keep it with windows. This is due to the way Microsoft handled their drivers in the late 2000s, and although we support back to Windows Vista (and XP somewhat), the best way to play on older hardware is to use Linux.

The extreme minimum requirement for OutFox is a Linux distro with a glibc version of 2.19-2.21 (Ubuntu 14.04 era)

To confirm your CXXABI and GLIBCXX versions you can do the following example on an ARM board:

open a terminal and type:

strings /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ | grep GLIBCXX

strings /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ | grep CXXABI

This will give you a list of numbers.

The important factor here - If your list does not show GLIBCXX_3.4.22 and CXXABI_1.3.11 you will need to update your system to GCC 7.0 (which is still supported even on this old distros!)

For ubuntu you can simply do the following in a terminal, add sudo/su where appropriate:

apt-get update -y 
apt-get install software-properties-common -y 
add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test -y 
apt-get update -y 
apt-get install gcc-7 g++-7 -y 
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-7 60 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-7 
update-alternatives --config gcc

This will update your system to support the newer libc and g++ libraries you need for OutFox, and will keep the board alive.

The new 'arm32 legacy' build is for 32bit boards manufactured around the 2010s (2010-2016) often with a Tegra chip, with the Arm Cortex based processors of the time.

We have confirmed this with one of our players Chriswak who had an Nvidia Development Board, the Jetson Nvidia TK1

Nvidia Tegra K1

If you do use our legacy builds, we are always interested in what you are running us on! Tweet us your setups/cabs/weird ARM boards etc!

Release Date: 26th October 2022

"LTS Status Engaged - Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor!"

(Incorporates Internal Builds 4.16.1-rc0 to 4.16.1-rc3)

(Incorporates Internal Builds 0.4.17-rc0 to 0.4.17-rc5)

(Incorporates Internal Builds to

(Incorporates Internal Builds 0.4.18-rc0 to 0.4.18-rc15)

Due to there now being a limit on the length sometimes shown by GitHub we mirror it here on the OutFox Wiki.


What Happened to 0.4.17?

0.4.17 passed initial testing from our valiant testing volunteers, however it failed the testing on cabinets and for those who use dance and pump modes for skill/technical based play. As the whole point of this LTS programme is to ensure stability and remove opportunity for the game to crash or have problems in general play this was unacceptable, and we went back to deep bug fixing which is why this release is later than planned, but provides a much more stable environment for play.

As with development we cannot guarantee you'll never crash, but we have reduced bugs and situations where that could happen while you're playing the game.

We hope you enjoy the fruits of our work, with this proper stable build, and appreciate your continued support!

New Mode: bongo!

bongo play default theme

Based on a game for home consoles released in the early 2000s, this mode brings in a highly requested fan favourite to OutFox!

Played using the left drum, right drum, and clapping, this fun mode at the moment uses the games TJA and OTO loaders to support fan created TJA content, and Mode 1 from osu files, though bear in mind, many of the osu files are not designed with fun in mind, so it may become painful using your hands to play these files!

You do NOT need to enable auto-gen for this mode! It uses any TJA or OSU files in your folders already to generate tracks! Remember our taiko support is ongoing, so some holds and effects do break sync, but we will be fixing these in time. We do not have a theme yet for this mode, so game-play is with the basic 'default' for now, so you can have a play and feel for it!

This is our 18th Working Game Mode that this engine supports, and we are truly humbled by the awesome support you, the players, provide us to continue to improve and expand on what this museum contains within it's wall of code!

We have designed this mode alongside the project OpenTaiko so that charts made using the new TJA letter types in the charting format will be cross-compatible between the two simulators moving forward.

Long Term Stable Builds Are Here! (Take 2!)

As part of our commitment to getting the game out of the eventual development hell, we have had a discussion and all agreed to keep the alpha 4.xx branch active for the next year while we work on finalising the alpha V branch.

What this means to you, the end user, is that if you do not want to have to change builds all the time and deal with 'new feature' bugs, then this branch will be maintained (for bug fixes only) in a 1 month bug fixing schedule until December 2022, then will move to a quarterly release schedule (so 4 more updates) until it is retired at the end of December 2023 with the final release being 4.24.

This branch is stable enough for the removal of the 'alpha' prefix, and if you get any bugs or issues do report it. Things deemed important will be back-ported to the 0.4.x branch, but the team will be focussing more on 0.5.x in 2023 and beyond.

New PandaLog File System

This month we also added a new logging system which will greatly help with any debugging needs that you have. We have changed the system, so that there is a main, a theme, and a crash-log now, and these have varying levels of detail, depending on need. If you happen to have a crash or need to debug a theme, or lua mod, this is now much easier to do.

On the log level preference, 0 shows full detail, where 5 will give you a reduced log-file, usually when you have everything set up and working well.


As we no longer follow the SM logging system, we have added a dummy 'info.txt' for the Windows launcher of GrooveStats so the launcher for that system still works.

New FFMPEG system

This release also sees some changes to the FFMPEG builds used in OutFox. We had discovered there is a memory leaking bug in upstream which doesn't really affect many of the video players out there generally, the code we use to acquire and display video data is based on the functions that are bugged in newer versions, so folks using banners or video backgrounds would end up with crashing and freezes due to this.

We have reverted back to a much older 'bug free' build of 4.x for the time being until it is fixed by upstream. If you get any quirks or errors on videos, do let us know; we tried a lot of different formats and videos commonly used, but we didn't cover everything!

Linux Joystick Pref

This build adds a support option for those folks on some builds which have had evdev issues with the newer kernels (5.1+) making pads not show up.

By default OutFox uses the event system as this is recommended by distros like Ubuntu and Debian but with recent updates these can miss seeing pads and controllers.

The new pref UseLinuxJS (Use Linux JoyStick) sets /js* by default, so folks can access the controllers correctly. If you want the older behaviour, take a moment to set this to 0 in your preference.ini file in the /save folder. We will keep an eye on this for now, and if you get any errors about 'access denied' ensure your user is in the 'input' group using a terminal and:

sudo usermod -a -G input USERNAME

where USERNAME is your current user (type whoami) to see what this is in a terminal.

Let us know if you have any issues, and pop into the Discord server if you need any help!

pump fixes!

This month we have been working with the players and developers of the Infinitesimal theme for pump with fixing the hold situation in the simulation of this mode. With a lot of revisions and testing, we can happily report that the holds are operating properly now, and we are grateful to those that gave their time helping us perfect it!

New Always on Top Preference!

This preference was requested by a lot of our streamer players, as they said it can cause issues with the streaming and capture methods they use.

This preference which is simply entitled AlwaysOnTop is set to 0 (false) by default, which is the normal behaviour of the game. To en...

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26 Oct 23:18
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Release Date: 26th October 2022

"LTS Status Engaged - Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor!"

(Incorporates Internal Builds 4.16.1-rc0 to 4.16.1-rc3)

(Incorporates Internal Builds 0.4.17-rc0 to 0.4.17-rc5)

(Incorporates Internal Builds to

(Incorporates Internal Builds 0.4.18-rc0 to 0.4.18-rc15)

Due to there now being a limit on the length sometimes shown by GitHub we mirror it here on the OutFox Wiki.


What Happened to 0.4.17?

0.4.17 passed initial testing from our valiant testing volunteers, however it failed the testing on cabinets and for those who use dance and pump modes for skill/technical based play. As the whole point of this LTS programme is to ensure stability and remove opportunity for the game to crash or have problems in general play this was unacceptable, and we went back to deep bug fixing which is why this release is later than planned, but provides a much more stable environment for play.

As with development we cannot guarantee you'll never crash, but we have reduced bugs and situations where that could happen while you're playing the game.

We hope you enjoy the fruits of our work, with this proper stable build, and appreciate your continued support!

New Mode: bongo!

bongo play default theme

Based on a game for home consoles released in the early 2000s, this mode brings in a highly requested fan favourite to OutFox!

Played using the left drum, right drum, and clapping, this fun mode at the moment uses the games TJA and OTO loaders to support fan created TJA content, and Mode 1 from osu files, though bear in mind, many of the osu files are not designed with fun in mind, so it may become painful using your hands to play these files!

You do NOT need to enable auto-gen for this mode! It uses any TJA or OSU files in your folders already to generate tracks! Remember our taiko support is ongoing, so some holds and effects do break sync, but we will be fixing these in time. We do not have a theme yet for this mode, so game-play is with the basic 'default' for now, so you can have a play and feel for it!

This is our 18th Working Game Mode that this engine supports, and we are truly humbled by the awesome support you, the players, provide us to continue to improve and expand on what this museum contains within it's wall of code!

We have designed this mode alongside the project OpenTaiko so that charts made using the new TJA letter types in the charting format will be cross-compatible between the two simulators moving forward.

Long Term Stable Builds Are Here! (Take 2!)

As part of our commitment to getting the game out of the eventual development hell, we have had a discussion and all agreed to keep the alpha 4.xx branch active for the next year while we work on finalising the alpha V branch.

What this means to you, the end user, is that if you do not want to have to change builds all the time and deal with 'new feature' bugs, then this branch will be maintained (for bug fixes only) in a 1 month bug fixing schedule until December 2022, then will move to a quarterly release schedule (so 4 more updates) until it is retired at the end of December 2023 with the final release being 4.24.

This branch is stable enough for the removal of the 'alpha' prefix, and if you get any bugs or issues do report it. Things deemed important will be back-ported to the 0.4.x branch, but the team will be focussing more on 0.5.x in 2023 and beyond.

New PandaLog File System

This month we also added a new logging system which will greatly help with any debugging needs that you have. We have changed the system, so that there is a main, a theme, and a crash-log now, and these have varying levels of detail, depending on need. If you happen to have a crash or need to debug a theme, or lua mod, this is now much easier to do.

On the log level preference, 0 shows full detail, where 5 will give you a reduced log-file, usually when you have everything set up and working well.


As we no longer follow the SM logging system, we have added a dummy 'info.txt' for the Windows launcher of GrooveStats so the launcher for that system still works.

New FFMPEG system

This release also sees some changes to the FFMPEG builds used in OutFox. We had discovered there is a memory leaking bug in upstream which doesn't really affect many of the video players out there generally, the code we use to acquire and display video data is based on the functions that are bugged in newer versions, so folks using banners or video backgrounds would end up with crashing and freezes due to this.

We have reverted back to a much older 'bug free' build of 4.x for the time being until it is fixed by upstream. If you get any quirks or errors on videos, do let us know; we tried a lot of different formats and videos commonly used, but we didn't cover everything!

Linux Joystick Pref

This build adds a support option for those folks on some builds which have had evdev issues with the newer kernels (5.1+) making pads not show up.

By default OutFox uses the event system as this is recommended by distros like Ubuntu and Debian but with recent updates these can miss seeing pads and controllers.

The new pref UseLinuxJS (Use Linux JoyStick) sets /js* by default, so folks can access the controllers correctly. If you want the older behaviour, take a moment to set this to 0 in your preference.ini file in the /save folder. We will keep an eye on this for now, and if you get any errors about 'access denied' ensure your user is in the 'input' group using a terminal and:

sudo usermod -a -G input USERNAME

where USERNAME is your current user (type whoami) to see what this is in a terminal.

Let us know if you have any issues, and pop into the Discord server if you need any help!

pump fixes!

This month we have been working with the players and developers of the Infinitesimal theme for pump with fixing the hold situation in the simulation of this mode. With a lot of revisions and testing, we can happily report that the holds are operating properly now, and we are grateful to those that gave their time helping us perfect it!

New Always on Top Preference!

This preference was requested by a lot of our streamer players, as they said it can cause issues with the streaming and capture methods they use.

This preference which is simply entitled AlwaysOnTop is set to 0 (false) by default, which is the normal behaviour of the game. To enable it while you stream you can set this to 1 and the game will always be on the top of the screen even if you click off or have a window behind it.

Thanks to Zui and Shrmp0 in the Discord for making the suggestion known to us and for our streamer friends for enjoying the game on different platforms.

New AllowRotation Preference!

This preference was back-ported from Alpha V as some of our users have requested support for rotational options. This pref is off by default, and allows rotation for vertical based screens where the resolution/display is rotated, mainly for vertical options.

StepLastSeconds Changes!

For songs which have a multiple chart in the folder, like pump, be-mu, po-mu, kbx via osu etc, there is a slight bug in the way the game sends the 'length' data to the theme/engine that counts stages at the moment. This is a long upstream bug and we are working on a fix in Alpha V, and will backport it when it is ready.

The issue is, if some charts are different lengths, they will show correctly in screen game-play, but only display the LONGEST length in the music wheel, or 'ScreenSelectMusic' as it's known to themers. Fixing this bug will also benefit other modes so it is something we want to work on.

New Installer for Windows!

This release has an updated installer that better reflects the feel of OutFox, and gives us a better platform to use moving forward. We hope you like it!

Version 0.4.18 Fixes:

KNOWN ISSUES: Alpha 4.18.0

  • ❕❌ ISSUE Playing be-mu/po-mu songs on Endless Mode may have a crash on song loading. Please be aware that course mode for these modes are a bit temperamental at the moment!
  • ❕❌ ISSUE gh mode: Some charts may cause a crash when loaded into the game
  • ❕❌ ISSUE gddm/gdgf mode: We do not support the XA codec at this time, it'll play those keysounds silently.


Mode Specific

  • ❕✅ bongo: NEW! Added new bongo mode
  • ❕✅ bongo: Added support for tja file chart auto-generation
  • ❕✅ bongo: Added support for osu file chart auto-generation
  • ❕✅ bongo: Added new note-skin support
  • ❕✅ bongo: Added editor support
  • ❕✅ be-mu: Fixed bug with MusicThread endlessly looping on BMS/PMS files
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed mini-holds (128ths/192nds) from auto-hitting themselves
  • ❕✅ pump: Added new code path for hold checkpoints and mini holds so they work and are not incorrectly scored / hit according to SM5 dance
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed hold display issue
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed timing on holds for misses
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed pump hold issue with hit timing
  • ❕✅ pump: Adjust pump micro-holds to be closer to what players expect
  • ❕✅ dance/smx/techno: Fixed bug with life on non-pump holds killing the player
  • ❕✅ ...
Read more


05 Sep 01:45
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OutFox-LTS-4.17.0 Pre-release

Release Date: 4th September 2022

"LTS Status Engaged"

(Incorporates Internal Builds 4.16.1-rc0 to 4.16.1-rc3)

(Incorporates Internal Builds 4.17.0-rc0 to 4.16.0-rc5)

Due to there now being a limit on the length of our changelog reports they will be mirrored at our OutFox Wiki.


Introducing 0.4.17-LTS!


As part of our commitment to getting the game out of eventual development spaghetti we have had a discussion and all agreed to keep the alpha 4.xx branch active for the next year while we work on the alpha V branch.

What this means to you, the end user, is that if you want to not have to change builds all the time and deal with 'new feature' bugs, then this branch will be maintained (for bug fixes only) in a monthly schedule until december, then will move to a quarterly release schedule until it is retired, likely next summer, but that date is very likely to change.

This branch is stable enough to be considered for the removal of the 'alpha' prefix, and if you get anything awry do report it.

New PandaLog File System

This month we also added a new logging system which will greatly help with any debugging needs that you have. We have changed the system, so that there is a main, a theme, and a crash-log now, and these have varying levels of detail, depending on need. If you happen to have a crash or need to debug a theme, or lua mod, this is now much easier to do.

On the log level preference, 0 shows full detail, where 5 will give you a reduced log-file, usually when you have everything set up and working well.

LTS Updates:

This month again has been mostly bug fixes. Some small updates and back-ports from Alpha V will always happen, as we cannot have things too unstable of course.

KNOWN ISSUES: Alpha 4.17.0

  • ❕❌ ISSUE Playing be-mu/po-mu songs on Endless Mode may have a crash on song loading. Please be aware that course mode for these modes are a bit temperamental at the moment!
  • ❕❌ ISSUE gh mode: Some charts may cause a crash when loaded into the game
  • ❕❌ ISSUE gddm/gdgf mode: We do not support the XA codec at this time, it'll play those keysounds silently.


Mode Specific

  • ❕✅ be-mu & po-mu: Fixed bug with 2 old BMS channel layouts left in by accident
  • ❕✅ be-mu & po-mu: Fixed bug with endless loops on long charts
  • ❕✅ dance: Fixed bug with hang on lights on menus in some weird cases
  • ❕✅ dance: Fixed bug with some older charts causing a 'loading' hang
  • ❕✅ pump: New! Added AVMod scrolling mode
  • ❕✅ pump: New! Added fourV2lane colour noteskins
  • ❕✅ kbx: New! Added NoMines to PlayerOptionsSimple()
  • ❕✅ kbx: Fixed bug with pump auto-gen charts not working correctly
  • ❕✅ kickbox: Refactored kickbox default noteskin with updated code.
  • ❕✅ kbx: Fixed crash on loading .qp and .osz packed charts
  • ❕✅ smx: Fixed bug with mine holds on default noteskin.


  • ❕✅ Fixed order of draw buffers in GLAD
  • ❕✅ Fixed order of shader buffers in GLAD
  • ❕✅ Fixed font reload order
  • ❕✅ Fixed legacy call causing stability issues
  • ❕✅ New! Added DebounceCoinInputTime to screenoptionsmasterprefs
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with negative refCount on models and their texture counts
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with colour buffer so translated textures work on new GLAD driver (noteskins like cel3d used these)
  • ❕✅ Fixed with SimpleHolds bottomcap
  • ❕✅ Allowed FailImmediate to be saved properly
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with MIDI where there would be a crash when shutting down
  • ❕✅ Added New game information for 0.4.xx branch
  • ❕✅ Added new method to generate notefields to fix crashes
  • ❕✅ Fixed legacy bug with files being deleted twice
  • ❕✅ Fixed SM5 era bug with glyphs disappearing
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with misinterpreted Sphere mapping
  • ❕✅ Fixed crash with missing noteskins
  • ❕✅ Fixed 20 year old bug in RageDisplay causing stuttering on Modern GPUs
  • ❕✅ Set Windows system to LTS and remove the alpha prefix
  • ❕✅ Added new LTS Splash
  • ❕✅ Fixed overflow in timing
  • ❕✅ Added new Panda Thread system to remove deprecated RageThreads
  • ❕✅ Added new PandaLog system to remove deprecated RageLog, crashlogs and logs are now restored
  • ❕✅ Fixed crash on loading songs
  • ❕✅ Fixed vsync timings
  • ❕✅ Fixed logger crash info detail
  • ❕✅ Fixed crashes with ReceptorArrowRow and GhostArrowRow

Windows 7+ (Win32 and x64):

  • ❕✅ Added Windows 32 & 64 bit, theme, mode icons to Discord RPC
  • ❕✅ Added FourV2Lane to the NSIS so folks can now use it for pump
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug windows affinity on Windows 20H1 onwards, and Windows 11 21H1 onwards


  • ❕✅ Added Linux 32 & 64 bit, theme, mode icons to Discord RPC
  • ❕✅ Fixed minimum build environments, so linux builds are more stable

MacOS (Universal):

  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with crash when unplugging MIDI keyboards on MacOS 12/13
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with dangling pointer in the MIDI drivers, thanks M1MacGaming for the report!
  • ❕✅ Fixed crash on Mac M2 systems with rtMIDI
  • ❕✅ Added Mac 64 bit, theme, mode icons to Discord RPC
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with new M2 Macs crashing with 'unknown arch?'
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with string reading due to non-standard char16 support
  • ❕✅ Fixed crash with legacy darwin code still hanging around from SM3.x

ARM32/ARM64: (Raspberry Pi etc)

  • ❕✅ Fixed crash when using Roland e-drums on non-raspi distros

Community content


  • ✅ Added OutFox category to the LuaDocs XML


  • ✅ New classical3d noteskin for pump
  • ✅ Add 3D rolls to paws-simpleholds


  • ❕✅ Added KBX / BMS judgments from MDR
  • ❕✅ Added Infinitesimal judgments


  • ✅ Translations updated from Moru, SHRMP0 and SheepyChris (Brazilian Portuguese)
  • ✅ Translations updated from Moneko (Polish)
  • ✅ Translations updated from Hanubeki (Japanese)
  • ✅ Translations updated from Jose_Varela (Spanish)
  • ✅ Translations updated from Daniel Rotwind (German)
  • ✅ Slovak translation by jose1711


31 Jul 00:31
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Release Date: 1st August 2022

"On Course(s) for a crash"

(Incorporates Internal Builds 4.16.0-rc0 to 4.16.0-rc4)

As is typical with dev, we had to do a hotfix build as some naughty crashes got through. IF YOUR WINDOWS BUILD DOES NOT HAVE HF2 THEN REDOWNLOAD!

Fixed in HotFix 2:

  • ❕✅ Fixed crash with 3D Noteskins - Closes #578
  • ❕✅ Fixed crash with some noteskins on be-mu
  • ❕✅ Fixed crash with debug gpu code sitting in MSVC causing crashes on Nvidia Cards

Fixed in HotFix 1:


Mode Specific

  • ❕✅ be-mu & po-mu: Fixed bug with channel layouts
  • ❕✅ po-mu: Fixed bug with parsing channels with 1 or more empty on BME files
  • ❕✅ po-mu: Fixed channel layout with po-mu in BME to match nanasi/BMS command layout standard
  • ❕✅ po-mu: Fixed parsing of po-mu in BME detection
  • ❕✅ po-mu: Reordered extended po-mu player hit objects


  • ❕✅ Fixed crash with courses on all modes (Thanks CraX for reporting)
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with ALT+TAB blackscreen Closes #576 (Thanks Drumbs for reporting)

Steam Deck Testing


We have had a few reports about 'drift' on the Steam Deck, and we have done some testing as part of our development program for Alpha V and can confirm the game runs flawlessly in whichever mode you choose. We've had several users as well as our own deck in testing, and as we are well under way for our Steam launch this would be something that we and our testers would have noticed.

We will however make sure we have a set mapping done for our new Steam Release, but until we get the Early Access Builds out, you can wishlist us here and to check out the trailer!

We are excited for the upcoming Steam builds, and remember you can join the discord to help us shape these builds!

Release Date: 30th July 2022

"32 bits of this, 64 bits of that"

(Incorporates Internal Builds 4.15.1-rc0 to 4.15.1-rc1)

(Incorporates Internal Builds 4.15.2-x64-rc0 to 4.15.2-x64-rc4)

(Incorporates Internal Builds 4.15.2-rc0 to 4.15.2-rc14)

Please read the change log!

Due to there now being a limit on the length of our changelog reports they will be mirrored at our OutFox Wiki.


More be-mu updates

This month we have been polishing the modes ready for their Alpha V debut with proper themes. We have stabilised the way keysounds are loaded, and in this release we have also fixed hidden 'lanes' that the mode supported that were not played.

The parsing system has also seen another update, moving away from the legacy SM5 method and utilising the new OF style of properly defining and enabling all the lanes. In the past, StepMania could only mainly play a number of sounds related to the number of columns (lanes) and as the BMS reader was created for the historic DDR in BMS style charts, we had a lot of work to do to ensure proper expansion. In this release, the mode has seen some spring cleaning, enabling full keysound range, and properly displays and parses charts as it should.


Introducing foot support!

We have added a new sub-mode for be-mu which adds the legacy 'foot' or 'pedal' lane, which was popular in older simulators like nanasi. This mode adds one new column to 5 key making it 5 key, scratch, and foot. It heavily utilises channel 17, which some simulators double up as 'free scratch', but for ez2 fans, we wanted to keep it as close to what nanasi and others did back in the day.

We will not be supporting the much rarer '7k foot' as this was a non-standard extension to the BME specification, and would break po-mu charts in BME files, which we do support now properly, as it is still used today for charts.

More po-mu standardisation updates

po-mu mode now also supports Player 1 11-19 channel modes, featured in nanasi and some other simulators from the early 2010s. This is sometimes known as 'extended pomu'. po-mu now can also play back the correct keysounds, including the player hidden, and any effect channels that can be used.

Charts which did not use all the lanes for their mode, (7k o2j inspired lanes without scratch are an example) would often also not show up correctly, or be shifted by an entire column, or just parsed incorrectly. This has been fixed in this release, so 5K / 7K / 10K / 14K (no scratch) charts now read correctly. Thanks to Daniel and our friends at the BMS international community for reporting this to us.

po-mu in BME files have also been given a proper update, and we have fixed the lane errors that were reported to us, thanks to those of you that took the time to point out our extended channels were wrong!

We are happy now that the po-mu parser and the extender parser support matches what we aimed for in this mode, so we will finalise the notesloader with #RANK and #TOTAL support in Alpha V, which has the new lifebar and gauge code. Keep an eye out for the update!

pump Tweaks and Corrections


Thanks to all of our pump mode players that have been so patient while we work on getting the mode fixed up and right for you, I can appreciate you have been waiting for a long time for some of these issues to be resolved. We have fixed a few of the remaining timing issues and we hope these solve the weird gimmick issues we had before.

Thanks to shrmp0 and SheepyChris for helping us with the layout adjustments and column placement changes that are present in the engine this build; we should not expect themers to fix issues the engine really should have in built. A healthy engine makes a lightweight and fast theme.

We will continue working on this mode into the end of the year, so we hope you'll enjoy the fixes as they come!

Introducing 64bit Windows Builds

We have been testing the 64 bit windows builds for some time, but have yet to publicly release a build alongside our normal release programme, so this month changes that! The community have heavily requested the need for a 64bit build, especially with our multi-modal support system in place, which needs more songs/packs installed. Moving forward to our Steam integration, we needed to have a 64bit build for the users available on that platform.

Moving forward, as a lot of you will have questions;

No, we will not be discontinuing Win32.

Yes, we will continue to provide Win32 builds as many of you with cabs will need them

Steam will default to the 64bit build unless your system is 32bit.

Internal library updates

This month we have done several parity pulls from our upstream dependencies, as progress has been made on a lot of the bugs we had in the past. Vorbis and our other sound readers have enjoyed several bugfixes, as well as a big jump in bugs fixed in SDL has meant performance in this build has increased, especially for those on pre-2016 hardware, although everyone should see an improvement.

We have begun to add a few back-ports from the Alpha V Panda collection, designed to build stability as we look to sunset Alpha 4 next Spring. Alpha 4 Officially goes into LTS this month, being limited to only stability and bug fixes only. The main development push from August will be into Alpha V.

We will continue to support Alpha 4.xx until March 2023, but maintaining two separate branches would be too much to deal with for such a small volunteer team, and as a result, it'll be retired properly when Alpha V has matured and stabilised enough to be considered a suitable replacement.

KNOWN ISSUES: Alpha 4.16.0

  • ❕❌ ISSUE Playing be-mu/po-mu songs on Endless Mode may have a crash on song loading. Please be aware that course mode for these modes are a bit temperamental at the moment!
  • ❕❌ ISSUE gh mode: Some charts may cause a crash when loaded into the game
  • ❕❌ ISSUE gddm/gdgf mode: We do not support the XA codec at this time, it'll play those keysounds silently.


Mode Specific

  • ❕✅ be-mu: Fixed bug with be-mu BGAs sometimes not showing
  • ❕✅ be-mu: Fixed crash with older BOF packs due to legacy bitmap use
  • ❕✅ be-mu: Fixed draw order with extended modes
  • ❕✅ be-mu: New Added foot support to 5K+Scratch
  • ❕✅ be-mu: Fixed noteskin graphics - PLEASE UPDATE YOUR BMS NOTESKINS IF YOU HAVE ANY TO ADD A FOOT
  • ❕✅ be-mu & po-mu: Fixed Shift-JIS bracket detection on some charts
  • ❕✅ be-mu & po-mu: Fixed bug with wry columns being selected by mistake on initial parsing
  • ❕✅ be-mu & po-mu: Fixed bug with charts that skipped a column or player channel not loading
  • ❕✅ be-mu & po-mu: Fixed bug with charts that used 2 less than the chart style being parsed wrong
  • ❕✅ be-mu & po-mu: Fixed bug where wrong style would be selected for 'no-scratch/no button' charts (02jam/ez2/etc)
  • ❕✅ be-mu & po-mu: Fixed bug with missing hidden keysounds not playing on charts with no player 'chips' in that channel
  • ❕✅ be-mu & po-mu: Fixed bug with sound effects missing on player columns > 8
  • ❕✅ be-mu & po-mu: Fixed bug with keysounds missing on dance 4 panel / 8 panel charts
  • ❕✅ ``...
Read more


19 Jun 21:04
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Release Date: 19th June 2022

"Pump or Dump?"


(Incorporates Internal Builds 4.15.1-rc0 to 4.15.1-rc1)

Hotfix release!

This is a hotfix release to address a few bugs that escaped testing, and we thank our players for taking the time to report and help us debug them. The news for the release last week is also updated in this build.


  • ❕✅ Fixed crash on beginnerhelper when loading next song on courses - Closes #560
  • ❕✅ Fixed mal-aligned column positions on para, ez2, be-mu, techno layouts - Closes #563
  • ❕✅ Fixed crash on board being set outside of gh - closes #559

If you see a message that says The board texture has not been set. Good job. it means that the metric ShowBoard=true has been set. You can undo this to set it to false in modes that are not gh. It may show a message at the top of the screen if you have errors enabled, this will be here just as a temporary measure to see how often that metric was being set.

  • ❕✅ Fixed crash on playback when revert from disk was used in the editor
  • ❕✅ Fixed bpm > 100000000 to be warps again
  • ❕✅ Fixed minefields flashing on the receptor - Closes #558
  • ❕✅ Fixed quirk with autoplay not ignoring release
  • ❕✅ Fixed check with type != group - Closes #557

Due to there now being a limit on the length of our changelog reports they will be mirrored at our OutFox Wiki.


pump mode updates.

This month has has a plethora of updates and fixes added to the pump mode; we have been working a lot in the background for this mode, but it required a lot of other things to be implemented beforehand, so it has taken a bit longer than planned to get these stuff off the ground.

This release has fixed a lot of the music length issues, charts ending early, charts not ending at all, charts having missing notes due to the song finishing at the incorrect time, and charts ending after 2 seconds (single) / 7 seconds (double). The reason for a lot of all these quirks was due to the charting methods used in stepf2 and stepp1 being based off an older version of StepMania which then had some custom code added by xMAx for those versions targeting pump only. We would like to thank xMAx for the insight and assistance with implementing some of those features into Project OutFox, but due to the fact we are a multi-modal simulator we had to heavily rewrite and redesign a lot of the functions and systems behind the original ideas they had.

We have written a custom parser for the stepf2 charts which internally is called NotesLoaderPIU. This focuses on only parsing charts using the old editor and targets pump mode, including the custom note types, and the effects and systems the mode needs. The parser uses the SSC header #VERSION: 0.81 to initialise this pathway for those charts.

This can lead to a few issues if you have any dance charts using version 0.81, if you get any quirks, you can just change this version number to 0.83 and it'll use the normal SSC parser.

New for this alpha, we have also added the feature for charts not set to 0.81, where you can create a blank file with the title ForcePIU in the group folder, and the game will use the PIU loader automatically. This is case sensitive, so use it as written here for it to work.

This alpha also begins to add support for notes within braces { 0 | h | 1 | v }. At the moment only h notes are implemented, with s and v planned for the next main alpha.

pumpholds have also had a major rewrite this release as well, with the stepping and judgement logic being more appropriate to the game system, with ticks and head logic being fixed as well. There are still likely to be a few quirks with it, as it's new code, and do let us know if there are things you notice that are incorrect.

Warps and how they are hit were also reworked, along with some notes and rows overflowing which caused a lot of the issues on how the game calcuated some of the file/song lengths in the musicwheel and evaluation screens. The values sometimes recorded in the #LASTSECONDHINT and #MUSICLENGTH in the cache file may not actually marry up - the game has several options internally for ensuring that songs do not go crazy on time. Again, this logic is new, so there may be edge cases that need to be ironed out. If you find a chart that is not behaving, let the team know so we can see what is happening.

There was also a lot of older code removed from the ScreenGamePlay branches of code that we inherited from older builds (3.x era) that we have removed as it was not really doing anything, and in some cases actually caused the new pump code to not function correctly. A few tweaks were also done for older .sm and .ksf charts and we fixed a lot of the math overflows due to the way the charts were implemented into the older SM build.

You can have a better experience than the 'default theme' by downloading the new pump theme that is being developed called Infinitesimal from here; it will be incorporated into Project OutFox as a default theme for pump coming in Alpha V. The theme is created to give you a faithful experience, using original assets and textures.

We hope you guys have fun with the fixes, and we have more planned in time!

be-mu (and po-mu) fixes

We had reports of the game being very unhappy with a lot of the earlier community charts from the BMS of Fighters series, and charts mainly created before 2009, so we have fixed a few of these not being parsed correctly.

We also have restored the 4k "DDR in BMS" chart support that Squirrel accidentally broke when adjusting the channel support. This has now been fixed and those simfile are recognised as dance charts once again.

There were also several crashes with the vs modes of po-mu and be-mu as well and these have been fixed as well, so 2 player works as intended.

rtMIDI and portMIDI driver updates

We have had a few requests to reimagine the midi drivers for those with DJ controllers or systems which use channels but send the same notes. The MIDI standard states a controller should be able to do this with the client application supporting the note/channel sent data, so we have changed the way this is done to ensure we are compliant. Crossfaders and rotary controls, as well as some pitch bend triggers do have some weird quirks at the moment, but as we don't have any modes that support these at the moment do not try to map them as a control.

We added up/down jog wheel support for those who play be-mu on MIDI, so this works as designed now for everyone using midi for their jogs.

Release Date: 14th June 2022

"Don’t matter if you tough or gruff"


(Incorporates Internal Builds 4.14.2-rc0 to 4.14.2-rc7)

(Incorporates Internal Builds 4.15.0-rc0 to 4.15.0-rc15)

Due to there now being a limit on the length of our changelog reports they will be mirrored at our OutFox Wiki.


The news sections will be completed shortly, the full changelog follows below: (Squirrel)

KNOWN ISSUES: Alpha 4.14.0

  • ❕❌ ISSUE Playing be-mu/po-mu songs on Endless Mode may have a crash on song loading. Please be aware that course mode for these modes are a bit temperamental at the moment!
  • ❕❌ ISSUE gh mode: Some charts may cause a crash when loaded into the game
  • ❕❌ ISSUE gddm/gdgf mode: We do not support the XA codec at this time, it'll play those keysounds silently.


Mode Specific

  • ❕✅ be-mu: Fixed doubles column location
  • ❕✅ be-mu: Fixed crash with 5k versus
  • ❕✅ be-mu: Fixed crash with legacy BMS and some BML files
  • ❕✅ dance: Fixed left arrow for doubles
  • ❕✅ dance: Fixed multi-row holds not being hit correctly on new hold mechanics
  • ❕✅ dance: Fixed old .sm charts ending early
  • ❕✅ dance: Added SetRequireStepOnHoldHeads() back for modding support
  • ❕✅ dance: Fixed bug with missing 4k Dance support in BMS files
  • ❕✅ ds3ddx: New Added 5 panel support!
  • ❕✅ ds3ddx: New Added pump chart to ds3ddx smart autogen
  • ❕✅ ds3ddx: Fixed bug with ds3ddx 5 panel not working due to invalid metrics
  • ❕✅ ds3ddx: Fixed noteskin column locations and 5 panel ds3ddx layout
  • ❕✅ gh: Fixed typo in last strum logic
  • ❕✅ gh: Tweak fever in GH mode
  • ❕✅ gh: New Added support for all sound layers in .chart and .midi files
  • ❕✅ gh: Fixed crash with chart loading
  • ❕✅ gh: Fixed bug with BGAs on .chart and .midi files
  • ❕✅ gh: Fixed bug with missing loaded features on .chart and .midi files
  • ❕✅ gh: Fixed bug with end of song evaluation crashes on .chart loader
  • ❕✅ gh: Fixed 'out of range' ghost crashes when loading .chart files
  • ❕✅ kbx: Fixed hold mechanics
  • ❕✅ kbx: New Added arrow noteskins via global noteskins
  • ❕✅ kbx: Fixed kbx tick-hold damage values
  • ❕✅ kbx: Fixed kbx column layout for 16K / 18K - thanks hanubeki
  • ❕✅ kbx: Fixed kbx noteskin crash - thanks hanubeki
  • ❕✅ po-mu: Fixed crash...
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14 Jun 22:21
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OutFox-alpha.4.15.0 Pre-release

Release Date: 14th June 2022

"Don’t matter if you tough or gruff"


(Incorporates Internal Builds 4.14.2-rc0 to 4.14.2-rc7)

(Incorporates Internal Builds 4.15.0-rc0 to 4.15.0-rc15)

Due to there now being a limit on the length of our changelog reports they will be mirrored at our OutFox Wiki.


The news sections will be completed shortly, the full changelog follows below: (Squirrel)

KNOWN ISSUES: Alpha 4.14.0

  • ❕❌ ISSUE Playing be-mu/po-mu songs on Endless Mode may have a crash on song loading. Please be aware that course mode for these modes are a bit temperamental at the moment!
  • ❕❌ ISSUE gh mode: Some charts may cause a crash when loaded into the game
  • ❕❌ ISSUE gddm/gdgf mode: We do not support the XA codec at this time, it'll play those keysounds silently.


Mode Specific

  • ❕✅ be-mu: Fixed doubles column location
  • ❕✅ be-mu: Fixed crash with 5k versus
  • ❕✅ be-mu: Fixed crash with legacy BMS and some BML files
  • ❕✅ dance: Fixed left arrow for doubles
  • ❕✅ dance: Fixed multi-row holds not being hit correctly on new hold mechanics
  • ❕✅ dance: Fixed old .sm charts ending early
  • ❕✅ dance: Added SetRequireStepOnHoldHeads() back for modding support
  • ❕✅ dance: Fixed bug with missing 4k Dance support in BMS files
  • ❕✅ ds3ddx: New Added 5 panel support!
  • ❕✅ ds3ddx: New Added pump chart to ds3ddx smart autogen
  • ❕✅ ds3ddx: Fixed bug with ds3ddx 5 panel not working due to invalid metrics
  • ❕✅ ds3ddx: Fixed noteskin column locations and 5 panel ds3ddx layout
  • ❕✅ gh: Fixed typo in last strum logic
  • ❕✅ gh: Tweak fever in GH mode
  • ❕✅ gh: New Added support for all sound layers in .chart and .midi files
  • ❕✅ gh: Fixed crash with chart loading
  • ❕✅ gh: Fixed bug with BGAs on .chart and .midi files
  • ❕✅ gh: Fixed bug with missing loaded features on .chart and .midi files
  • ❕✅ gh: Fixed bug with end of song evaluation crashes on .chart loader
  • ❕✅ gh: Fixed 'out of range' ghost crashes when loading .chart files
  • ❕✅ kbx: Fixed hold mechanics
  • ❕✅ kbx: New Added arrow noteskins via global noteskins
  • ❕✅ kbx: Fixed kbx tick-hold damage values
  • ❕✅ kbx: Fixed kbx column layout for 16K / 18K - thanks hanubeki
  • ❕✅ kbx: Fixed kbx noteskin crash - thanks hanubeki
  • ❕✅ po-mu: Fixed crash with 3/5/7/9 versus
  • ❕✅ po-mu: Fixed icon for po-mu18 button style
  • ❕✅ para: Fixed old .sm charts ending early
  • ❕✅ para: New Added proper second hinting
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed bug with row overflow causing some charts to be 2.57 years in length
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed bug with notes at end of warp being unhittable
  • ❕✅ pump: New Added classical3d+ noteskin for pump
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed bug with fake notes
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed clamp and overflow on beat locations on warps
  • ❕✅ pump: Restored {} note support for pump
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed bug with mis-parsed hidden notes for pump
  • ❕✅ pump: New Added support for 'h' notes
  • ❕✅ pump: New Added skeleton for 's' and 'v' notes (coming in 0.4.16)
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed bug with checkpoint ticks
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed overflow on bpmMax
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed warps to behave properly once again
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed Musiclength overflowing
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed bug with pump #LASTSECOND
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed issue with #LASTSECONDHINT not respecting chart length correctly
  • ❕✅ pump: New Added support for group file "ForcePIU" to force use the PIUloader
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed bug with hold end fixes
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed pump hold mechanics
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed bug with 2 second restart on older charts (pre 2010)
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed bug with 7 second restart on older .ksf charts (pre 2007)
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed bug with some charts ending early with extremely long 'ending' holds
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed pump holds stepping logic to be more accurate
  • ❕✅ pump: Removed pointless 3.x era code breaking several features
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed hold notes judge for pump
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed pump doubles layout
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed pump life damage on tick-holds
  • ❕✅ pump: Removed legacy 'time' methods for calculating pump length which have been broken since 2007
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed dead code with 'First' and 'Last' second not being used except to overwrite with wrong information
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed bug with math in #LastSecondHint
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed 'centre' overlapping for noteskins
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed missing notes on receptors
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed bug with Pump Holds punishing life on checkpoint misses
  • ❕✅ taiko: Added #BALLOON .tja note parsing, count logic needs to be added
  • ❕✅ taiko: Fixed bug with missing A & B notes on .tja parser
  • ❕✅ taiko: Added Note Type A B D E to .tja parser
  • ❕✅ taiko: Fixed Missing #NOTESDESIGNER tags in .TJA files
  • ❕✅ all: Fixed bug with hold ticks after a warp transition forgetting there was a hold
  • ❕✅ all: Fixed tween overflow on holds
  • ❕✅ all: Fixed bug with clamped BPM being weird on warps and bpm calculation
  • ❕✅ all: New Only load keysounds on chart load, to speed up caching for BMS/PMS/DTX/GDA/BGF
  • ❕✅ all: Fixed bug in cache being overwritten
  • ❕✅ all: Fixed bug in cache values being written to in wrong order
  • ❕✅ all: Fixed bug in the way cache is written for charts with slightly different lengths in .SSC and .SM files
  • ❕✅ all: Rewrote SSC/SM/PIU loaders to respect proper chart lengths, removing the old SM 3.x methods
  • ❕✅ all: Fixed #LASTSECOND overriding the hint and breaking musiclength values
  • ❕✅ all: Fixed order for caching last second
  • ❕✅ all: Fixed #LASTSECONDHINT not returning a value


  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with bHeld not functioning as expected on auto play
  • ❕✅ Some small general optimisations of entire math pipe
  • ❕✅ Removed legacy SSC era lua function causing errors on infinitesimal and waiei themes
  • ❕✅ Optimised lua stack to reduce odd edge case crash
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with head/tail switch on simpleholds
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with ScreenGameplay() overlay
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with several edge cases of the Lua stack overflowing
  • ❕✅ Fixed bad sleep command in judgements
  • ❕✅ Fixed menu event sounds to be proper action events in the sound engine
  • ❕✅ Added proper IsAction support for PlayOnce()
  • ❕✅ Fixed Autoplay missing holds and rolls with the new mechanics
  • ❕✅ Updated ScreenSelectGame() for ds3ddx5 and po-mu18
  • ❕✅ Fixed issue with missing default drivers
  • ❕✅ Fixed crash with themes setting empty noteskins
  • ❕✅ Fixed engine crash with some themes setting infinite fadeout
  • ❕✅ Fixed engine crash with the notefield when some themes set infinity
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with Autoplay desync on SplitTiming
  • ❕✅ Fixed file flush hang locking up the game
  • ❕✅ Fixed SextetStream message pushing so lights work again (Thanks P.S. May)
  • ❕✅ Fixed potential edge case with some SextetStream outputs not creating a suitable FIFO buffer (Thanks P.S. May)
  • ❕✅ Fixed crash with difficulty selection on the engine music wheel
  • ❕✅ Fixed buffer crash in RageSound
  • ❕✅ Fixed memory leak in RageSound
  • ❕✅ Fixed bad access in FLAC/Opus audio loaders
  • ❕✅ Removed dead code in RageSoundDriver
  • ❕✅ Fixed missing global headers
  • ❕✅ Fixed race condition causing crashes when scrolling fast on some third party themes in the music wheel
  • ❕✅ Added control channel support for rtMIDI
  • ❕✅ Cut character count in MIDI button names for readability
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with channel mapping on LSB for rtMIDI
  • ❕✅ Optimised MIDI inputhandler code for all systems
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with everything being portMIDI
  • ❕✅ Enabled missing Pitch bend support in PortMIDI
  • ❕✅ Added up/down jog-wheel logic to rtMIDI/portMIDI
  • ❕✅ Added MIDI channel support for duplicate buttons
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with velocity on Event 0x09
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with channel value overflowing on portmidi
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with some MIDI messages being dropped on rtmidi
  • ❕✅ Fixed rotary/slider support on both midi drivers
  • ❕✅ Fixed memory leak in ffmpeg context creation
  • ❕✅ Fixed stretch check on some videos
  • ❕✅ Added support for 'AdditionalTextureHint' "stretch" in ffmpeg
  • ❕✅ Fixed exception on rtMIDI 5.0.0
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with some quirky metrics, they have been Removed
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug where some messages are sent when not playing
  • ❕✅ Fixed LONG_MAX overflowing on BPM
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with missing CustomBeatBars metric
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with invalid song length in ScreenGameplay returning -1 and locking up the game
  • ❕✅ Removed Song being able to overwrite values with incorrect ones
  • ❕✅ Removed the need for the stencil buffer which was being set up automatically
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with shift+F2 bringing up the debug menu
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with head taps showing if a minefield is present, stops taps turning into hold/roll heads
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with the Profile Score loading
  • ❕✅ Fixed rtmidi's implementation of pthreads
  • ❕✅ Fixed crash with mutex not being unlocked causing an endless loop
  • ❕✅ Fixed hard crash when loading game with >1000 songs
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with a buffer overflow on the sound buffer
  • ❕✅ Added GetTotalScoresWithGrade() function -- This lets you get the total number of scores with the specified grade.
  • ❕✅ Added missing noteskins on installer, thanks Mikex5
  • ❕✅ Fixed note group type adding on TapNoteGroupType
  • ❕✅ Added scroll factor calculations to beat bars
  • ❕✅...
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27 Mar 13:46
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Release Date: 27th March 2022

"Hot Fix Relief"

If you have an error in evaluation, grab the HF build below!


Please read the change log!

(Incorporates Internal Builds 4.13.1-rc0 to 4.13.1-rc9)

(Incorporates Internal Builds 4.14.0-rc0 to 4.14.0-rc4)

(Incorporates Internal Builds 4.14.1-rc0 to 4.14.1-rc2)

Due to there now being a limit on the length of our changelog reports they will be mirrored at our OutFox Wiki.



  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with SSC files inexplicably failing to show in the music wheel
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug in legacy code that prevented some older .SM files from showing
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with missing videos
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with BGA missing when simfile author didn't add the video file to the .sm/.ssc as to the standard specification
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with #DESCRIPTION in .SSC files not parsing correctly due to a 'StepMania Thing' quirk
  • ❕✅ Fixed bug with #CHARTNAME in .SSC files not parsing correctly due to a 'StepMania Thing' quirk

New Versioning, folders, and a short news update.

Following this release OutFox will be officially dropping the 5.3 prefix from our versioning to lessen confusion from our user base. We used to be as we were working on the game, but many of our users preferred to use the Alpha 4.xx versioning, leaving the 5.3 alone. Following consultation with ensuring we are compliant with our binary signing requirements, we have decided to drop this long version number and just use the 0.x.y.z which is a lot easier to read.

Internally we were using the alpha builds like this to simplify our own understanding, and it seemed the easiest way to move forward. This build is formally known as 0.4.14, and we will be dropping versioning from folders and suchlike moving onward. We have removed the final parts that we needed for validation, so we are pleased to announce signed binaries for Windows will be available in the summer.

Given this change, the location of the save folders has changed. Following here are the new save locations:
(If you're in an existing installation, you can just rename your existing save folder to the new name that belongs to your OS)

Windows: %AppData%\Roaming\Project OutFox (If in non-portable mode)
MacOS: ~/Library/Preferences/Project OutFox
Linux: ~/.project-outfox/

Themes or systems which check for 'StepMania' in the product family may fail to find OutFox until updated, we have reached out to the developers of Simply Love and let them know about our updates and they have let us know it will be updated in due course.

If you are using using Simply Love please follow the guide below to replace the files in the mean time.

Simply Love fixes needed for Alpha 4.14

With the change of the Product Family and ID to OutFox and dropping the 5.3 suffix, there will be instances where Simply Love will break again due to its checks for "stepmania", so changes will need to be made.

(The files mentioned on this guide are included on the binaries section)

Upon starting the game, I get a message saying this build is unsupported.

That's the inital check coming from SL-SupportHelpers.lua, in a function called StepManiaVersionIsSupported(), which checks which versions of the game are supported. Only a single new line needs to be added to support OutFox on the list.

(Located in Simply Love/Scripts/SL-SupportHelpers.lua)

StepManiaVersionIsSupported = function()
	-- Add this line!
	if type(ProductID) == "function" and ProductID():find("OutFox") then return true end

	if type(ProductFamily) ~= "function" or ProductFamily():lower() ~= "stepmania" then return false end
	if type(ProductVersion) ~= "function" then return false end
	if type(ProductVersion()) ~= "string" then return false end

	-- SM5.0.12 is supported (latest stable release)
	-- SM5.1.x is supported
	-- SM5.2 is not supported because it saw significant
	--       backwards-incompatible API changes and is now abandoned
	-- SM5.3.x is supported (beta status because it's not open source yet)
	return IsSMVersion(5, 0, 12) or IsSMVersion(5, 1) or IsSMVersion(5, 3)

When I finish a song, the theme keeps failing me, what is that?

That comes from a check from a file called FailOnHoldStart.lua. Given the changes to how OutFox now calculates the end of the song, this can break the theme's method to calculate its own end point.

(Located in Simply Love/BGAnimations/ScreenGameplay overlay/FailOnHoldStart.lua)

-- We need a way to check if the player gave up before the song properly ended.
-- It doesn't look like the engine broadcasts any messages that would be helpful here,
-- so we do the best we can by checking the song position.

local af = Def.ActorFrame{
		-- Replace this line!
		local fail = STATSMAN:GetCurStageStats():GaveUp()
		-- local fail = (GAMESTATE:GetCurMusicSeconds() < GAMESTATE:GetCurrentSong():GetLastSecond())

		-- In course mode always fail if we're not already on the last
		-- song. If we are on the last song, then we fall back to the
		-- condition above.
		if GAMESTATE:IsCourseMode() then
			local course = GAMESTATE:GetCurrentCourse()
			if GAMESTATE:GetCourseSongIndex() + 1 < course:GetNumCourseEntries() then
				fail = true

		-- We have to fail both players as we stopped the song early.
		if fail then
			-- Let's fail the bots as well.
			for player in ivalues( GAMESTATE:GetEnabledPlayers() ) do
				local pss = STATSMAN:GetCurStageStats():GetPlayerStageStats(player)

return af

Announcing a cross platform ParaPara Paradise Driver!


Thanks to eks-d parapara for the image! ( has an OutFox supported theme!)

Following an overwhelming demand from the community, we have rewritten the old legacy PPP controller driver from the PS2 to work on all devices OutFox supports.

To use this new driver on your Mac or linux machine, go to your preferences.ini and use one of the following to get your controller to work:

Please Note: You will need to add one of these so your controller will work!


(para only):

(para and rtmidi):

Mac OS (M1 and Intel)

(para only):

(para and rtmidi):

Linux (x86_64/ARM/Raspberry Pi)

(para only):

(para and rtmidi):

The controller must be plugged in before you start OutFox, and it is recommended for M1 based Macs you have a USB C hub that has built in USB2 ports. This will give you the greatest compatibility with older hardware. Do send us your ParaPara setups, we'd love to see them!

KNOWN ISSUES: Alpha 4.14.0

  • ❕❌ ISSUE Playing be-mu/po-mu songs on Endless Mode may have a crash on song loading. Please be aware that course mode for these modes are a bit temperamental at the moment!
  • ❕❌ ISSUE gh mode: Some charts may cause a crash when loaded into the game
  • ❕❌ ISSUE gddm/gdgf mode: We do not support the XA codec at this time, it'll play those keysounds silently.


Mode Specific

  • ❕✅ taiko: New Added TJA parser support!
  • ❕✅ taiko: New Added TJA note type support
  • ❕✅ taiko: New Added TJA #BPM adjustment support
  • ❕✅ taiko: New Added math and base 4 measure support to TJA parser
  • ❕✅ taiko: New Added multi-chart support in TJA parser
  • ❕✅ taiko: New Added OTO taiko SV (scroll gimmick) support
  • ❕✅ taiko: New Added OTO taiko multi-chart in one folder support
  • ❕✅ taiko: Fixed crash in TJA parser on some linux distros
  • ❕✅ taiko: Fixed ratio overflow on OTO taiko mode
  • ❕✅ taiko: Fixed crash with older community TJA files (pre 2014 era)
  • ❕✅ taiko: Adjusted drum hitsounds on taitai noteskins to be more accurate
  • ❕✅ taiko: Adjusted the drum hitsounds to be less laggy when rapid hitting
  • ❕✅ taiko: Finished OTO Taiko Note Parsing (we now can read everything, though holds/balloon are single notes at the moment)
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed PIU loader crash
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed bug with some .SM and .SSC breaking the cache
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed bug with pump (.sm/.ssc/.ksh) files snapping to completed on start
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed bug with pump charts showing a negative song length
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed bug with pump charts being set a 2 second chart length
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed bug with 'extended' pump charts (longer than 9:59) not being parsed
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed bug with pump charts with no set song length from crashing the game
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed bug with pump charts being set an invalid steps seconds value
  • ❕✅ pump: New Added new skeleton for AV mod, math to be added, (not finished yet)
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed hashing being called with autogensteps causing lag on pump and dance wheels
  • ❕✅ pump: Fixed legacy bug with the KSF loader causing songs to end early
  • ❕✅ kbx: New Added OTO mania SV (scroll gimmick) support, Warps to come
  • ❕✅ kbx: Fixed bug with bad osu charts crashing the game (Thanks Yuki)
  • ❕✅ kbx: Fixed initial scroll flags for o!mania charts
  • ❕✅ kbx: Fixed inverse m...
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