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Classification of Severity of Drug adverse effects

The project idea was absorbed from the people that we see in our daily life. People are using different types of medicines for various diseases. Many of us know that these medicines will have side effects, but there is something that we need to look into, the adverse effects causing in long period of time. In this project, we would like to classify the severity of adverse drug effects.

The data source: (it is one of the file) There are more than 100 files, if we open the this link ( The data we are concentrating is 2022 data in "Human Drug" section, "Drug Adverse Events" sub-section.

The EDA file covers the Data wrangling, Data Cleaning, Data Visualization.

Target columns : seriousness related columns like serious, seriousnessdeath, seriousnesshospitalization, seriouslifethreatening, seriousdisabling, seriouscongenitalanomoli.


Data for this project is retrieved from OpenFDA website. OpenFDA is an Elastic search based API that serves public FDA data about drugs, devices, and foods.

Data set is available under Human Drug tab. Data is available from 2003 , but we will be only working with the first three parts of the year 2022 data.

The purpose of this application is primarily for experimentation, however, it is important to emphasize that it should not replace the advice and consultation of medical professionals. Before using any drug, it is essential to seek the guidance of a qualified healthcare provider. The goal of this application is to raise awareness about drug usage and its potential impact on our health.

Authors: Sai Manoj Kalasani( and Shreya Patil (


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