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Program sequence

Sascha Becker edited this page Jan 17, 2021 · 1 revision

Main loop

  start = async () => {
    const start = now();`########## Started ichimoku ##########`);

    await this.collectRevenue();

    const markets: Market[] = await this.getMarkets();
    const marketSummaries: MarketSummary[] = await this.getMarketSummaries(
    await this.evaluateMarkets({ symbol }) => symbol));

    if (this.config.enableReporting && !this.config.debug) {
    }`########## Finished ${(now() - start).toFixed(5)} ms ##########`);

Collecting Revenue

    await this.collectRevenue();
  • Fetch you current balances
    • Only checks assets where available coins are greater than 0
    • Ignore assets that you want to HODL see config
  • Iterate over every balance
    • Fetch current market ticker for this balance (e.g. ETH-USDT)
    • Calculates how much revenue is already earned (current value minus invest)
    • When greate than invest try to sell that bit
      • e.g. Current value 57 USDT with an invest of 50 USDT -> sell 7 USDT worth
      • It can only sell when the quantity will be greater than the minimum trade size allowed by bittrex

Evaluate Markets

    const markets: Market[] = await this.getMarkets();
    const marketSummaries: MarketSummary[] = await this.getMarketSummaries(
    await this.evaluateMarkets({ symbol }) => symbol));
  • Filter the markets getMarkets and getMarketSummaries
    • (if ignoreTokenizedStocks) Only use markets which are not tokenized stocks
    • Only use markets using the config.mainMarket here USDT
    • Only use markets which are ONLINE
    • Check against market summary to see if the quote volume is greater than 0 (market is being traded on)
  • Use those filtered marked for the next step -> evaluateMarkets
  • Iterate over every market
    • Ignore HODL markets (just buy some manually and HODL on)
    • Get candles
    • Count EMA ticks. Positive and negative
    • If you got some of that asset in your balance
      • If it's on the blacklist it will sell it. E.g. Bittrex delisting coins
      • If it got too many negative ticks it will sell it
    • If you don't have any of that asset in you balance
      • If it's not blacklisted and got the amount of positiv ticks it will buy

Selling: It will be a limit sell with timeInForce: TimeInForce.FILL_OR_KILL Meaning, either it gets sold directly or the order gets canceled and will be tried next round.

Buying: The positiv ticks need to be exact the value defined in the config. This will prevent buying into a market "too late"

(optional) Report


Set enableReporting in the configuration to report your current state. You will also need to enter your url in api/BittrexApi.ts report()

This could be used to track your bot and how much your balances are worth over time.

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