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Trivvy Build Status

trivia bot for Outpost 13

Instructions for Channel Admins and Mods

This assumes no development or shell experience. Use your own way if you have opinions and preferences.

First-time install:

MacOS: Open the Terminal, press return after copy-pasting each of the following commands:
Windows: Install and Open Git Bash, press enter after copy-pasting each of the following commands:
Install git (and Xcode if on MacOs)
  • git --version (MacOS: Say yes to Xcode popup) This should give you a version number if git is installed, otherwise google how to install git.
MacOS only: Install Homebrew
  • mkdir homebrew && curl -L | tar xz --strip 1 -C homebrew
Install Python
  • MacOS: brew install python
  • Windows:
    • use the full install
    • Be sure to check "Add Python 3.X to Path"
    • Be sure to remove the max_path limitation before completing the install.
Install Pandas
  • MacOS: pip3 install pandas
  • Windows: py -m pip install pandas
MacOS only: Point the terminal to the right python
  • atom ~/.profile
    • copy/paste this:
    export PATH="/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:$PATH"
    • save and close atom.
  • atom ~/.zshrc
    • copy/paste this:
    alias python=/usr/local/bin/python3
    alias Python=/usr/local/bin/python3
    • save and close atom.
  • source ~/.zshrc && source ~/.profile
Make a cozy home for the bot
  • mkdir TwitchBots
Clone this repo
  • cd TwitchBots
  • git clone
  • Give yourself a high five you're installed!

Getting updates:

  • cd TwitchBots
  • git pull

Running the tests:

  • MacOS in terminal: python -m unittest discover
  • Windows in Powershell: py -m unittest discover

Bot Dry Run

  • cd TwitchBots/Trivvy
  • macOS: python --dry-run
  • Windows Powershell: py --dry-run

Running the Bot on Twitch:

  • cd TwitchBots/Trivvy

  • cp config.example.txt config.txt

  • atom config.txt

    • modify these configuration settings so it can log on
    [Admin Settings]
    admins = <A_TWITCH_ACCOUNT_USERNAME_WHO_WILL_CONTROL_THE_BOT>(can do multiple admins as a comma-separated list with no spaces)
    [Bot Settings]
    host =
    port = 6667
    pass = oauth:1awesomerandompassofthislength
    • Save via <CMND> s
    • Also Note: you need to be logged in to twitch under the bot's name to get a pass.
    • Also Also Note: You can get that pass (oauth token) from here.
    • Also Also Also Note: usernames must be be spelled correctly!
    • Alos Also Alos Also Note: Atom doesn't auto-save by default - Make sure to save via <CMND> s
    • Finally Note: oauth passes expire. You'll need a new one from time to time.
  • MacoOS in terminal: python --go-live

  • Windows in Powershell: py --go-live (Git Bash doesn't show print statements in real-time)

  • You should see the terminal giving you info on what the bot sees from chat, and you should also see a logged-in message in chat from the bot.

Admin chat commands:

  • !go - starts trivia
  • !stop - kills the bot's connection to twitch, and pauses trivia

Stopping the Bot:

  • in the terminal, type <CTRL> c <CTRL> c You will see a bunch of stack traces. That's normal for now.