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Rob Stocker edited this page Jan 18, 2024 · 8 revisions

I'd recommend you register and play the game at and decide if it is worth the hassle. Running an RPG is not a trivial task.

A complete lampstack , a fundamental understanding of Drupalcms (and a bit of php/mysql might help too) will be required.

Later I'll document some stuff on cron jobs or better yet php daemons, so stay tuned. [edit] likely to be replaced with node based AgendaJs. There are three distinct sections. That might end up being separated into their own repos.

Php, Mysql, Curl,unzip,pdo mbstring

  1. First install Drupal using composer

  2. Install these modules Profile, Entity, Theme Switcher Rules, Paragraphs, Entity Reference Revisions, Pathauto, Token

  3. Upload this code to the modules/custom directory and install

  4. Via the commmand line build the client: client/npm run build

  5. Via the command line start the server : server/ node index.js

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