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The ultimate srg mappings tool.


  • Fast source remapping
    • First determines what names need to be changed in Java with Spoon AST
      • This info can be reused unless the original source files change, regardless of what mappings need to be applied.
    • Then, applies the range map in rust in less than a second
  • Minecraft mapping generation
    • Generates mappings between any combination of spigot, MCP and obfuscated names.
    • Supports any MCP version
    • Can optionally remap just the obfuscated names, preserving the original.
      • This is useful for applying the MCP mappings to the spigot ones, since it'd preserve the deobfuscated spigot names, while replacing the remaining obfsucated names with the MCP mappings.
  • Highly efficient binary mappings format used internally, but also supports srg and csrg.

Available Commands (native)

Generate Minecraft mappings

Generates minecraft mappings based on the MCP and Spigot deobfuscation info :o

    supersrg generate_minecraft [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <minecraft_version> <output_dir> <targets>...

        --cache             Specify an alternate cache location, defaulting to the output directory
    -h, --help              Prints help information
        --refresh-spigot    Refresh spigot BuildData information, checking if it's changed
    -V, --version           Prints version information

        --builddata-commit <builddata_commit>
            The spigot BuildData commit to generate the mappings for, infered by default

        --format <format>
            The mapping format to emit the resulting mappings in [default: binary]

        --mcp <mcp_version>                      The MCP version to generate the mappings for

    <minecraft_version>    The minecraft version to generate the mappings for
    <output_dir>           The output directory to place generated mappings
    <targets>...           The target mappings to generate

SuperSrg supports any combination of the following:

  • srg - MCP's unique srg mappings, which are the same for each minecraft version.
  • mcp - MCP's crowd sourced deobfuscated mappings, fetched from MCPBot
    • These have a independent version based on the date, which must be specified as an option.
  • spigot - Spigot's deobfuscation mappings, held in the BuildData git repo
    • These are significantly lower quality than the MCP mappings, and most member names are still obfuscated
    • These mappings don't change very often, since plugins use them and would break if the change
    • Therefore the latest available mappings for the minecraft version are fetched by default, though this can be configured
  • obf - The obfuscated mojang names, which are used to unify the mappings systems

Mapping targets take the form {original}2{renamed} with an optional modifier at the end. For example, spigot2mcp specifies mappings from the spigot names into the MCP names. Three modifiers are supported:

  • classes - Restricts the mappings to just class names.
  • members - Restricts the mappings to just member names.
  • onlyobf - Restricts the mappings to just names that are still obfuscated.
    • This allows you to take advantage of other mappings, without changing names that are already deobfuscated.
    • The motivating example is spigot2mcp-onlyobf, which would take advantage of the MCP mappings without changing names spigot already deobfuscated.
    • This is helpful since people often become familiar with and prefer a particular naming scheme (like spigot), but still want to take advantage of the additional naming information.

Available mappings targets

Apply range

Applies the specified range map to the source directory

    supersrg apply_range [FLAGS] <rangemap> <mappings> <source> <output>

    -f, --force      Delete the output directory if it already exists
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information
    -v, --verbose    Show verbose output

    <rangemap>    The SuperSrg binary rangemap to apply
    <mappings>    The mappings file to apply
    <source>      The source directory containing the files to remap
    <output>      Where to place the remapped files

The rangemap is a binary file generated by the java class net.techcable.supersrg.RangeExtractor. Run the command java -cp SuperSrg.jar net.techcable.supersrg.RangeExtractor --help to get more info on that. Make sure to reuse the generated range map unless the original source files change, because it's very slow to generate.


Converts from one mapping format into another.

Converts from one mapping format into another

    supersrg convert [OPTIONS] <input> <output>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

        --format <format>    The mapping format to emit the resulting mappings in [default: binary]

    <input>     The input mappings file to convert
    <output>    The output file to place the resulting mappings