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Test Plan Template

Techie09 edited this page May 18, 2020 · 1 revision

Below are the cumulative Tests that should be performed before each release. There are some notes regarding to the current state of the project, but I plan to remove those once I have created issues.

Add A User

On the Login Screen, the user shall be able to create a username.


  • The username must be unique and is Case-sensitive.

Error Handling:

  • If a username is already in use, an error message shall occur.
  • If communication fails with the server, an error message shall occur.

User Login

On the Login Screen, the user shall be able to login with a username.


  • The username must already exist.

Error Handling:

  • If a username does not exist, an error message shall appear.
  • If communication fails with the server, an error message shall appear.

Change Server Address

On the Login Screen, the user shall be able to change the server address


Error Handling:

  • There is no error checking for the API, maybe this will be an issue in the future to resolve.

Create User Session with ISBN

After Login, the user can enter an ISBN to start a Readr session.
Optionally, the user can also add a description.


  • ISBN must be 10 or 13 digits in length.
  • The ISBN can contain hyphens, but will be ignored.
  • The ISBN can begin or end with whitespace, but will be ignored.

Error Handling:

  • If an ISBN contains characters other than numbers,hyphens, or whitespace -- an error message shall appear.

Create User Session with Description

  • After Login, the user can enter a description to start a Readr session.
  • Optionally, the user can also add an ISBN.

Restrictions: None.

Error Handling: None.

Session Duration

During a session, the user shall be able to view the current duration of the session

Restrictions: None.

Error Handling: None.

Take a Screenshot

During a session, the user can take a screenshot using [Ctrl + F2] On Success: The Confidence Indicator shall turn Green for 5 seconds before Idling(Gray)

Restrictions: None.

Error Handling:

  • If an error occurs, the Confidence Indicator shall turn Red for 5 seconds before Idling(Gray)

Search Captured Text

The user shall be able to enter a word (or part of a word) and receive results The results shall contain:

  • display the line of words the word was found within
  • an approximate line number the word was found within.
  • an approximate position the start of the word within the line the word was found within.

Restrictions: None.

Error Handling: None.