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Paul Salmon edited this page Apr 4, 2022 · 10 revisions

Installing File Watcher is as simple as extracting the release zip file to the system. No other installation steps are needed as the application was designed to be portable.

Install as a Windows service

File Watcher can be installed as a Windows service to allow for monitoring of files and folders when a user is not logged into the machine.

The easiest way to install File Watcher as a service is to use NSSM. Once NSSM is downloaded, you can run the following steps to install File Watcher as a service:

  1. Open a Windows command prompt.
  2. Navigate to the NSSM folder.
  3. Run the following command: nssm install FileWatcher.
  4. When the NSSM window appears, use the following settings:
Name Value
Path Path to the File Watcher executable (fw.exe).
Startup Directory Folder containing the File Watcher executable.
Arguments see Arguments

The above are all that is needed. You can complete the details and Log on tabs as you see fit (I highly recommend you ensure the service Startup Type is set to 'Automatic' so the service automatically starts on Windows start up.)

Linux and MacOS

There are compiled versions for both Linux and MacOS available for download. FileWatcher has been tested on ARCHLinux and worked without any issues, but no other testing has been completed.

Just like the Windows version, FileWatcher for Linux and MacOS is a self-contained, portable file that is just extracted to a folder. If the application doesn't work, as intended, you can just delete the FileWatcher file.

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