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Portfolio Project Overview


This portfolio project is built with SvelteKit, showcases a range of interactive components. Components include a chatbox, carousel, and interactive hexagon background. The project is optimized for performance and flexibility, with a focus on readability and maintainability.

Key Features

Chat Interface

  • Components: ChatBox.svelte, ChatActionBar.svelte, Message.svelte
  • Functionality: Real-time chat functionality with action controls, demonstrating state management and dynamic UI updates.
  • Performance: Optimized for performance with efficient state handling and minimalistic design.

Project Carousel

  • Component: Carousel.svelte
  • Description: A dynamic carousel to showcase projects, illustrating proficiency in creating engaging UI components.

Main Page and Layout

  • Files: +page.svelte, +layout.svelte
  • Layout Management: Utilizes SvelteKit's layout system for a consistent and responsive UI across the application.
  • Design: Incorporates a lightweight and flexible design, enhanced with Svelte Material-UI CSS for customization of some pre-built components.

State Management

  • File: store.ts
  • Technique: Utilizes Svelte's reactive store for global state management, ensuring code maintainability and readability.
  • Security: Focuses on secure state handling and encapsulation.

Development Approach

  • Performance and Flexibility: Combines pre-rendered pages with dynamic server-side rendering for optimal performance.
  • Readability and Maintainability: Adheres to best practices in code structure, ensuring readability and ease of maintenance.


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