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Austin Andrews edited this page Dec 15, 2015 · 34 revisions

There are five supported data types and null. Each mapping directly to a C# data type.

Integer (int)

Integers are represented with a whole number. For example 42.

int foo = 42

Double (double)

Doubles contain a decimal place. For example 4.2.

double foo = 4.2

String (string)

Strings are represented with single or double quotes.

string foo = "Hello World!"
string bar = 'That\'s escaped'

Boolean (bool)

Booleans are represented as a true or false.

bool foo = true

Object (object)

Objects represent a simple key value pair where the value can be any data type.

object foo = {hello: 'world'}
object foo = {hello: ['world', '!']}

List (List<Type>)

Lists are represented as type[] and start with an index of 0. All values contained must be of the same data type.

int[] foo = [1, 2, 3]
double[] foo = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
string[] foo = ['foo', 'bar']
bool[] foo = [true, false]
var foo = []                    # exception: ambiguous data type
var foo = int([])               # correct casting
int[] foo = []                  # also correct
bar([])                         # exception: ambiguous data type
bar(int([]))                    # always cast empty arrays

Without extending the list types with methods there are no methods for interacting with a list outside of casting between data types.

Examples of commen methods are shown in the examples below.

var list = int[1, 2]   # [1, 2]
list.add(3)            # [1, 2, 3]
list.remove(3)         # [1, 2]
list.contains(3)       # false
list.length            # 2
if (foo == null):
    log('foo is undefined')

Regex (/example/)

Regex is used when matching parts of strings or parsing values out of strings.

regex r = /world/;
'hello world!'.match(r) # true
Flag Description
i case insensitive
m multiline
s singleline

Using the var Keyword

The var keyword allows you define variables without typing out the full data type. This syntax is considered to be more readable.

var foo = 1              # Integer
var foo = 1.0            # Double
var foo = 'Hello World!' # String
var foo = true           # Boolean
var foo = 42             # int 42
int foo = 4.2            # exception: invalid double assigned to int
var foo = null           # exception: ambiguous data type
null foo = null          # exception: null is not a valid data type


Below is a conversion chart with examples. Invalid casting results in nulls for int, double, string, and bool.

Data Type Code Result Notes
string->int int('4') 4
double->int int(4.2) 4 Math.Round()
bool->int int(true) 1 true = 1, false = 0
int->double double(4) 4.0
string->double double('4') 4.0
bool->double double(true) 1.0
int->string string(4) '4'
double->string string(4.00) '4.0'
bool->string string(true) 'true'
int->double double(4) 4.0
string->double double('4') 4.0
bool->double double(true) 1.0
int->bool bool(1) true
string->bool bool('true') true '1' or '0' is equal to null
double->bool bool(1.0) true true = 1.0 false = 0.0

For lists casting is very important when assigning empty arrays where the data type can not be assumed from the first index. Casting a lists converts every value.

var foo = int([])              # int list
var foo = int(['1', '2', 'A']) # [1, 2, null]

Casting a regex data type results in a script exception.