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Provisioning with Tendrl

Layers of Provisioning

  1. Bare-metal provisioning brings up the OS on the storage nodes in the specific network(s).

  2. Tendrl provisioning sets up tendrl api, etcd and node agents on the administrator specified storage nodes. It is possible that this could be accomplished irrespective of tendrl’s provisioning modules, either by the bare metal system directly or as part of image based or template based deployments.

At this point, tendrl itself is up and running and will have imported the host information such as cpu, ram, block storage information etc.

Once tendrl is up and running, administrator either imports or creates a new cluster. The rest of the document discusses how these operations would be implemented via tendrl.


The following components are referred to in the rest of this document.


This is the ansible based provisioning system that tendrl relies upon to install and upgrade the storage system. Tendrl takes care of setting up the necessary user accounts and ssh access to enable this system to function. This system is invoked by tendrl as part of the Internal Execution Flow. Examples Provisioners are ceph-ansible, ceph-installer and gdeploy.

Provisioning Module

This is a collection of various Provisioner Interface Modules and Integration Modules that tendrl ships with. This can be delivered as a dependency of the node agent package.

Provisioner Interface Module

This is the ansible playbook that ships with tendrl core itself which enables tendrl core to know that it supports deployments for a specific storage system type and version, either for creation or import or both. The module would contain the necessary installation and configuration information to be able to deploy the Provisioner. It also contains the necessary YAML definitions that allow tendrl core to define, invoke and expose (via the api) the various provisioning operations, including creation and importing of clusters. In addition, the module also contains the code to enable the node agent to interface with the Provisioner.

Integration Module

This is the ansible playbook that ships with tendrl core itself which enables tendrl to deploy the appropriate type and version of the sds bridge for a specific storage system deployment. The term Integration Module refers to a logical entity, which practically be bundled with the appropriate PPM. The Integration Module also enables tendrl to query the version of an existing storage system cluster that needs to be imported.

Provisioning Control Node

A specific node in a storage system cluster (one node per cluster) which would host the Provisioner. This node is the point of origin for ssh connections to other nodes in the cluster, which would be under the Provisioner’s control.

Provisioning Controller

Node agent residing on the Provisioning Control Node. This specific node agent instance is responsible for invoking and co-ordinating all the provisioning flows. Any node-local executions can be pushed out for the node agent residing on those specific nodes to execute, by the Provisioning Controller. An example of such a flow is the installation of the sds bridge on specific nodes of the cluster using the Integration Module. The Provisioning Controller would also be responsible for installing and interfacing with the Provisioner, locally, using the Provisioner Interface Module.

Provisioning Scenarios

Tendrl currently needs to invoke a provisioning system to be able to: * deploy various storage system components * detect the version of an installed and running storage system * deploy storage system specific tendrl-sds bridge

This list could be extended in the future to include: * additional tendrl stacks * storage system specific collectd plugins for the performance monitoring stack

Additional requirements could also be added in the future.

There are three provisioning scenarios, based on the layers of provisioning, that tendrl needs to address:


Tendrl itself ships with and is able to natively execute ansible playbooks.


Tendrl invokes an ssh based deployment system by setting it up first.


Tendrl invokes a completely external system that it does not need to do any kind of setup for and is self-sufficient. This scenario includes systems such as puppet or satellite.

The terms Internal and External are used here in the context of a deployment. This has nothing to do with them being integrated with tendrl as a codebase or packaged with tendrl etc. For tendrl as a codebase, the Internal systems are still external integrations. They’re simply deployed in the same deployment environment as the storage system and tendrl itself.

Following are the scopes of these scenarios: Native:: Node-local only. Internal:: Cluster specific. External:: Multi-cluster.

Native Execution Scenario

In this scenario, tendrl’s node agent would be able to: * Execute shell commands directly. * Execute ansible playbooks, specifically the Provisioner Provisioning and Integration Modules.

Node agent is responsible for handling any interactions with the operating system. Node agent is a prerequisite for a working tendrl core stack and is guaranteed to be present on every node of the deployment. It is, hence, the natural fit for the native execution scenario.

Every node agent is able to execute the Native Execution Scenario.

Internal Execution Scenario

In this scenario, tendrl depends upon Provisioners to setup the storage system. Internal execution scenario has the following advantages: * The framework capabilities required to be developed for tendrl should also be able to serve the external execution scenario. * The provisioning systems for both ceph and gluster are already mature and useable in this scenario and does not involve any specific domain knowledge on tendrl’s part to invoke them.

However, there are two major differences between the operation of tendrl and ansible: * Ansible executes from a single control node. Tendrl’s architecture is decentralised and does not have the concept of a single control node. * Ansible uses ssh to gain access to and operate upon the managed nodes. Tendrl doesn’t require ssh access to the nodes because the node agents are able to execute any necessary shell commands directly.

The following workflow, added to the node agent, using the existing yaml definition based workflow framework in tendrl, would be able to fulfil these requirements.

This workflow is cluster specific and needs to be executed once per cluster.
  • A specific node can be tagged as the Provisioning Control Node in the central store.

  • The node agent on the Provisioning Control Node can identify itself as the Provisioning Controller.

  • Should the designated Provisioning Control Node and/or the Provisioning Controller be unavailable for any reason, it should be possible to elect a new Provisioning Controller.

  • The Provisioning Controller can delegate operations via the other node agents for execution on their respective nodes.

  • The Provisioning Control Node is configured with the user account whose ssh key would be allowed access to the corresponding account on every other node.

  • The creation of the provisioning user account, sudo configuration to allow root privileges to this account and the configuration of ssh access from the control node to the other nodes in the cluster between these user accounts can all be done via the Native Execution Scenario by each node agent. The Provisioning Controller is responsible for invoking this workflow via the central store and provides the necessary user account details and the ssh public key.

  • Provisioner is installed and configured on the Provisioning Control Node. This requires the corresponding Provisioner Interface Module to be executed via the Native Execution Flow by the Provisioning Controller.

  • As part of the integration with a storage system, it is also necessary for tendrl to understand where the bridge(s) should reside. This logic is part of the YAML definitions provided by the Integration Modules.

Why the Internal Execution Scenario is Cluster Instance Specific

It is possible that the Provisioner could change depending upon the specific version of the storage system. Limiting the scope of the Internal Provisioning Scenario allows specially targeted deployments. It also limits the ssh access between the nodes of a single cluster. Any changes or updates to the Provisioner will also only affect a specific cluster instance, including the failure and re-election of the Provisioning Controller.

External Execution Scenario

TODO: Discussion of the expansion of the node agent deployment on all the nodes, including the tendrl api, etcd, monitoring stack etc. This means that any of these nodes can function as the Provisioning Control Node, in addition to being monitored and provisioned by the node agent.


Create Cluster

What Needs to be Provisioned by Tendrl

  • Storage system (ceph, gluster)

  • Tendrl-sds bridge (specific to the storage system)

  • Layered storage system (nfs-ganesha, samba + ctdb)


  1. Tendrl core deployment is up and running with all the Provisioner Provisioning Modules installed.

  2. Parameters required for provisioning a specific version of the storage system are known to tendrl via the YAML definition made available by the Provisioner Provisioning Modules.

  3. Tendrl API exposes the endpoint to accept a provisioning task with these parameters based on the provisioning workflow that pulls in these YAML definition files.

  4. As part of the required parameters for a create cluster flow, a list of all the nodes which will form a part of that cluster needs to be provided. Tendrl could internally validate that the node agent is indeed running on all of these nodes as expected.

  5. The create cluster call also requires the type of storage system and a specific version to be deployed. Tendrl can internally validate the support for this type-version combination based on the Provisioner Provisioning YAML file definitions.

  6. Upon receiving the correct create cluster call, tendrl (node agents or whoever is eventually deemed to be responsible) designates a Provisioning Control Node and the Provisioning Controller.

  7. Provisioning Controller invokes the Provisioner Interface Modules to setup the Provisioner.

  8. Provisioning Controller also invokes and waits upon the successful outcome of user account creation via the other node agents that reside on other nodes that are to be part of the cluster.

  9. Provisioning Controller invokes `ansible ping’ or equivalent to validate the connectivity between the Provisioning Control Node and the other nodes in the cluster.

  10. Provisioning Controller invokes the Provisioner Interface Modules to invoke the Provisioner to setup the cluster.

  11. Provisioning controller invokes the Native Execution Scenario on the specific nodes to deploy the bridge(s) via the central store.

Import Cluster

What Needs to be Provisioned by Tendrl

  • Tendrl-sds bridge (specific to the storage system)


  1. Tendrl core deployment is made with the node agents on every node of the existing cluster.

  2. The Provisioner Interface Modules for the specific storage system type and version are also deployed. It’s probably best to deploy all the supported modules with every tendrl core deployment.

  3. Tendrl exposes the import api endpoint to be triggered for importing the storage system of a specific type.

    1. If the specifics of the storage system deployment (such as the version, node roles etc.) have been provided, the specific version of the bridge could be deployed and configured via the Native Execution Scenario using the Integration Modules.

    2. If the specifics aren’t made known, it should be possible for probes to be executed via the Native Execution Scenario using the Integration Module by every node agent in the cluster to gather node local information about the storage system deployment.

  4. Based on the roles gathered by the probes, the Integration Modules should be able to direct the deployment of the bridges on specific nodes and their configuration parameters.

  5. A Provisioning Control Node and Provisioning Controller could then be assigned to invoke the bridge provisioning flows.


Ceph Deployment Using ceph-ansible

  1. Tendrl core is deployed on the administrator designated storage nodes. Deployment includes tendrl api, etcd, node agents and the provisioning modules.

  2. Node agents import the host inventory and the provisioning YAML definitions into etcd.

  3. Tendrl API call is made to initiate the ceph deployment with the following details:

    1. List of all the nodes in the cluster

    2. Ceph version

    3. Role of each node in the cluster

    4. Any additional ceph specific parameters as defined by the Provisioner Interface Module.

  4. List of nodes is validated by checking for a running node agent on each of the nodes.

  5. Tendrl refers to the provisioning definitions in etcd for the specific version of ceph and inokes the workflow.

  6. Provisioning Controller is looked up and since none exists, one of the node agents is assigned the role and it’s node marked as the Provisioning Control Node.

  7. Provisioning Controller picks up the workflow for execution.

  8. Provisioning Controller creates a local system user account with sudo privileges to be used for provisioning and generates the ssh keypair for the same via the Native Execution Scenario.

  9. Provisioning Controller initiates a cluster-wide operation to setup the user account for the provisioning operation on each of the cluster nodes, to be executed by the corresponding node agents using the Native Execution Scenario.

  10. Provisioning Controller invokes the Provisioner Interface Module to initiate the setup of the Provisioner.

  11. Provisioning Controller verifies that the Provisioner is able to access all the nodes using the created user accounts using ansible ping or equivalent via the Provisioner Interface Module.

  12. Provisioning Controller invokes the setup of the cluster using the parameters provided by the create cluster API call via the Provisioner Interface Module.

  13. Provisioning Controller invokes a flow for the node agents on the ceph monitor nodes to deploy the ceph bridge using the Integration Modules, via the Native Execution Scenario.