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tams gen qrcode example

This is an example for demonstrating how to use TAMS SDK. We have leveraged the capabilities of the TAMS SDK to create an Web App that can generate QR codes based on prompts.


You can visit this website to see the demo.

Environment Variables


Your TAMS private key after base64 encoding. You can manage your TAMS private key on Tensor Art Model Serivce.

After downloading the private key on your local machine, you can generate the base64 encoding key by following command:

cat ./YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH | base64


Your Upstash Redis REST URL. You can get it from upstash


Your Upstash Redis REST Token. You can get it from upstash


Before you npm run dev, you should create a .env.local file containing TAMS_PRIVATE_KEY, UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_URL and UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_TOKEN

$ git clone
$ cd tams-gen-qrcode-example
$ npm install
$ npm run dev


Deploy on Vercel

You can deploy your own instance by clicking deploy button Deploy with Vercel