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Starter Kit Documentation

Table of Contents

  1. Important Update
  2. Changelog
  3. TODO

First, you have to run npm install to install all dependencies. Then, run npm run copy-assets, Finally, run npm start and you're ready to start your project right away. Once you save index.html, a dist directory will be created automagically ✨.

Carefully inspect gulpfile.js. It's well commented and can be easily understood.

This starter kit is also optimized for RTL websites. All CSS files are also copied for RTL styles on *.scss files save.

The directory tree should look like below. Unless you want to change src and dest in Gulp tasks.

│   .browserslistrc
│   .gitignore
│   gulpfile.js
│   index.html
│   npm-shrinkwrap.json
│   package.json
│   robots.txt
    │   ├───css
    │   │       .gitkeep
    │   │
    │   ├───images
    │   │       favicon.png
    │   │
    │   └───js
    │           app.js
        │   main.scss
        │       _functions.scss
        │       _mixins.scss
        │       _placeholders.scss
        │       _variables.scss
        │       _animations.scss
        │       _base.scss
        │       _typography.scss
        │       _buttons.scss
        │       _footer.scss
        │       _header.scss
        │       _navigation.scss

Update as of 18 Dec. 2020

Gulp 3 is outdated and is no longer maintained nor supported by Node.js 11.0.0 or later.

Added npm-shrinkwrap.json file to make Gulp v3.9.1 compatible with Node.js v11.0.0 or later.

After you run npm install, npm-shrinkwrap.json will be modified. DON'T TOUCH IT!


03 January 2021

  1. Updated packages to the latest and compatible with Gulp 3.
  2. Updated BrowserSync options.
  3. Updated .gitignore.
  4. Added a default favicon.
  5. Added normalize.css.
  6. Removed gulp-imagemin package and task.
  7. Removed gulp-notify package.


  • Update the kit to Gulp 4.

Feel free to create a Pull Request and update the kit to Gulp 4.