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Target Driven Navigation Based On Transformer

This is repo is created based on jkulhanek work and norips work (which is already disappeared)

These scripts have been implemented and tested on "Ubuntu 18.04, python 3.6, PyTorch 1.10.1 and CUDA 10.1", "Windows by using Ubuntu 18.04 with WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux) , python 3.6, PyTorch 1.10.1 and CUDA 9.1.85"


This repository provides a PyTorch implementation of the paper "Object Memory Transformer for Object Goal Navigation"

Setup and run

Please install Git LFS before cloning

Clone the repo and download submodules:

git clone --recurse-submodules

(Before install following pakages, please make sure you have Python 3.6.13 installed (try python3 -V))

Install requirements using pip:

cd target-driven-navigation-based-on-transformer
python3 -m venv .vna
source .vna/bin/activate
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg

Next you need to construct the dataset. To do so run the command:


The dataset is composed of one hdf5 file per scene. Each file contains:

  • resnet_feature 2048-d ResNet-50 feature extracted from the observations
  • observation 300x400x3 RGB image (agent's first-person view)
  • location (x,y) coordinates of the sampled scene locations on a discrete grid with 0.5-meter offset
  • rotation (x,y,z) rortation of the orientation of the agent for each location.
  • bbox dict : ("ObjectName|3D_position": [x1,y1,x2,y2]) bounding box of object present in the view of the agent
  • yolo_bbox Same as abouve but using Yolov3 to extract bounding box.
  • object_visibility visible object present in the current view
  • semantic_obs 300x400x3 RGB image Semantic segmentation of the current view
  • graph a state-action transition graph, where graph[i][j] is the location id of the destination by taking action j in location i, and -1 indicates collision while the agent stays in the same place.
  • networkx_graph Same graph using networkx lib
  • object_feature 2048-d ResNet-50 feature extracted from the objects
  • object_vector 300-d spacy feature extracted using object name
  • object_vector_visualgenome 300-d spacy feature extracted using object name using weigh trained on visualgenome caption
  • shortest_path_distance a square matrix of shortest path distance (in number of steps) between pairwise locations, where -1 means two states are unreachable from each other.

If you want to change the angle at which the agent bends, change rotation_possible_inplace on line 77 of 360 divided by rotation_possible_inplace is the number of directions to bend, e.g., it is good for you to change rotation_possible_ inplace = 4 for 90 degrees, and rotation_possible_inplace = 8 for 45 degrees.

If you want to use YOLOv4 for bounding boxes, you will need to create a weights file obtained from the training by YOLOv4. If you create it, name the model like "yolov4_ai2thor_last.weights", and uncomment out lines 618-649, 713, 715-717 and 759 of "", you can create an h5 file with YOLOv4 added to the bounding box. You need to put it to "yolo_dataset/backup".

If you want to execute on Windows, you need to prepare Ubuntu with WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux).

Training or Evaluation

To train or evaluate your network, you need to use a json file as experiment. You can create a experiment file using the script One experiment file contains training set and evaluation set, reward function and network used. You can set these values using the script (--help to see documentation).

If you would adopt method of 'grid_memory' to reproduce Object Memory Transformer, you cau run like below.

  • python --env grid_memory --method grid_memory

and if you would also like to change the number of threads, GPUs and memory size used e.g. :

  • python --env grid_memory --thread 8 --ngpu 2 --memory 8

An experiment file which is named .env is for specifying processing target will be outputted. And In ENVIRONMENT, you can find a folder you made for example "grid_memory" and param.json in it.

If you want to use a pth file that has already been trained and start training from there, change "restore": false to "restore": true in param.json.

If you would like to train or eval, execute below.

  • Train : python -u
  • Eval : python -u


Set up your venv on abci:

ssh abci (assume you heve suted up abci and ssh already)
mkdir Code
cd Code 
git clone --recurse-submodules
qrsh -g grpname -l rt_F=1 -l h_rt=00:10:00 (only need to create venv)
module load gcc/11.2.0 python/3.7/3.7.13
cd Code/target-driven-navigation-based-on-transformer/
python3 -m venv .vna
source .vna/bin/activate
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

Symbolic link datasets:

cd Code/target-driven-navigation-based-on-transformer/
mkdir data 
ln -s /your/data/path ./data/

In your json file (training setting file), please cahnge "h5_file_path": "./data/{scene}.h5" to "h5_file_path": "./data/8action_45deg/{scene}.h5"

If you would use these scripts at ABCI(AI Bridging Cloud Infrastructure), they can be executed in the following way.

  • Train : bash
  • Eval : bash


You can use to calculate an average score of an agent by FloorPlan from the log files after evaluation, even if there are a lot of them. The results will be generated as category_score_mean_eval...csv. calculates the average of scores in all of "category_score_mean_eval.... .csv". You also are able to use to know average steps or a number of data by FloorPlan under the circumstances are "Failure on the way", "Failure at max(300steps)", "Success". These scripts need a pandas of library.


You can find in the yolo_dataset folder the cfg and weights of the pretrained network. This network was trained on the same dataset as previously. You can use the script to create this dataset.

Visual genome

You can find in the word2vec_visualgenome folder, the pretrained word2vec model from gensim with visualgenome dataset. You can re-train it by adding region_descriptions.json.gz in dataset folder and running the script

Manual agent operation

You cau operate an Agent by using KeyBoard(KB) or GameController(GC).

(KB) : python -s {AI2THOR scene name}

  • e.g., python -s FloorPlan7

(KB [Resizable]) : python -s {AI2THOR scene name} -sw {Screen Width} -sh {Screen Height}

  • e.g., python -s FloorPlan7 -sw 1000 -sh 800

(GC) : python -e {a path of param.json} -s {AI2THOR scene name} -o {target object}

  • e.g., python -e ./EXPERIMENT/grid_memory/param.json -s FloorPlan7 -o Bowl


If you would like to create videos for watching agent's actions, it is good for you to use save_video or save_video_word2vec(Similarity grid) functions in You need to uncomment out 1285 row(save_video) or 1286~1292 rows(save_video_word2vec).


Please use this BibTex entry to cite our paper.

author={Fukushima, Rui and Ota, Kei and Kanezaki, Asako and Sasaki, Yoko and Yoshiyasu, Yusuke},
title={Object Memory Transformer for Object Goal Navigation},


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