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Stephen Andrews edited this page Nov 14, 2017 · 1 revision


eztz man / eztz help

Currently not implemented - sorry! (not very helpful...)

eztz clearData

Clears the ~/.eztz.config.json file, removing all identities, contracts etc.

Note: This will delete all private keys

eztz newIdentity $label

Generates a new crypto identity, stored with the label $label.

eztz newAccount $id $label $amount

Generates a account (codeless contract) for $id, stored with the label $label and sent $amount from $id as a starting balance.

Note: Need to implement $spendable, $delegatable, $delegate and $fee variables

eztz freeAccount $id $label

Generates a new faucet/free account for $id, stored with the label $label.

eztz newContract $id $label $amount $code $initial

Originates a new contract for $id, stored with the label $label and sent $amount as a starting balance, $code as the code for the smart contract, with the storage being set to $initial.

Note: Need to implement $spendable, $delegatable, $delegate and $fee variables

eztz listIdentities

List all known identities (generated keys)

eztz listAccounts

List all know accounts (originated contracts without code, e.g. faucet/free accounts)

eztz listContracts

Lists all known contracts (originated contracts with code)

eztz balance $for

Returns the balance for $for (can be a label or a key of a contract, account or identity, or any valid key)

eztz setDelegate $for $delegate

Sets the delegate for $for (can be a label or a key of a contract or account) to the specified $delehate (can be label or any valid tz1 key)

eztz transfer $amount $from $to

Tramsfers $amount from $from (can be label or key of a contract, account or identitiy) to $to (can be a label, or any valid key)

Note: $fee and $parameter aren't implemented yet

eztz typecheckCode $code

Typechecks code

Note: Code doesn't handle sugars yet (DIIP etc).

eztz typecheckData $data $type

Typechecks $data against the specified $type

eztz runCode $code $amount $input $storage

Simulates running $code with initial $storage, with a transaction of $amount and $input.

Note: $trace variable is ignored (alway true). Code doesn't handle sugars yet (DIIP etc).

eztz contract $contract

Returns the contract/account JSON object for $contract

Note: object data could do with some tidying up

eztz storage $contract

Returns the storage for $contract - data is returned as a formatted array (more details to come).

Note: Needs work on display format

eztz head

Returns the current head JSON object

Note: object data could do with some tidying up

eztz rpc $endPoint

Calls the RPC api at the $endPoint specified, using the $data (if any)

Note: $data hasn't been implemented yet

eztz provider $provider

Changes the node provider - by default we use You could set this to something like localhost:8732