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Repository files navigation

Setup (updating...)

  • Prepare the environment variables as follows
    Variable name Obligatory Description Default
    PORT Port to listen to (listen) server api 3001
    MONGO_URI Connection string to connect to MongoDb
    JWT_ACCESS_KEY Secret key, used in Json Web token (accessToken)
    JWT_REFRESH_KEY Secret key, used in Json Web token (refreshToken)
    CLOUDINARY_API_KEY Cloudinary API key to connect to image storage
    CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET Cloudinary API key (secret key) to connect to image storage
    CLOUDINARY_NAME Name of Storage Cloudinary for image storage
  • Chuẩn bị các biến môi trường như sau
    Tên biến Bắt buộc Mô tả Mặc định
    PORT Port để listen (lắng nghe) server api 3001
    MONGO_URI Connection string để kết nối tới MongoDb
    JWT_ACCESS_KEY Khóa bí mật (secret key), dùng trong Json Web token (accessToken)
    JWT_REFRESH_KEY Khóa bí mật (secret key), dùng trong Json Web token (refreshToken)
    CLOUDINARY_API_KEY Khóa key của API Cloudinary để kết nối với storage lưu trữ hình ảnh
    CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET Khóa key (secret key) của API Cloudinary để kết nối với storage lưu trữ hình ảnh
    CLOUDINARY_NAME Tên của Storage Cloudinary lưu trữ hình ảnh

Description (updating...)


Using technologies: NodeJS, Express, MongoDb, Mongoose, jwt-authentication, jwt-authorization, cloudinary

Server of an ecommerce website with 3 permissions:

  • Admin (full control, can delete anything, in addition can view customer invoice details as well as statistics on everything of the store)
  • Manager (also has the same rights as admin to be able to manage the store, but does not have the right to delete anything that the admin has not allowed)
  • Customer (only has the right to view and buy goods, does not affect the APIs of higher rights (admin, manager)

Currently the server is still being updated with the necessary functions, the update will be regularly updated here. Thank you!


Sử dụng các công nghệ: NodeJS, Express, MongoDb, Mongoose, jwt-authentication, jwt-authorization, cloudinary

Server của 1 trang web ecommerce với 3 quyền:

  • Admin (toàn quyền thao tác, có thể delete bất cứ gì, ngoài ra có thể xem chi tiết hóa đơn khác hàng cũng như thống kê mọi thứ của cửa hàng)
  • Manager (cũng có các quyền gần giống với admin để có thể quản lý store, tuy nhiên không có quyền xóa bất cứ gì mà admin chưa cho phép)
  • Customer (chỉ có quyền xem và mua hàng, không tác động gì đến các API của quyền cao hơn (admin, manager)

Hiện tại server vẫn đang được tiếp tục update các chức năng cần thiết, phần cập nhật sẽ thường xuyên được update tại đây. Xin cảm ơn!

List API (updating...)

Register Account
  • POST: api/v1/register     --     [content-type: application/json]

  • Request:

    params type require
    firstName string true
    lastName string true
    email string true
    password string true
    avatar string false
    phone string true
    googleId string false
    facebookId string false
    status string false
    isAdmin boolean default false
  • Response:

    "_id": "62ff067d2a6f2d35b72be673",
    "firstName": "Hai",
    "lastName": "Nguyen",
    "email": "",
    "isAdmin": false,
    "createdAt": "2022-08-19T03:41:49.494Z",
    "updatedAt": "2022-08-19T03:41:49.494Z",
    "__v": 0,
Login Account
  • POST: api/v1/login     --     [content-type: application/json]

  • Request:

    params type require
    email string true
    password string true
  • Response:

    "_id": "62ff067d2a6f2d35b72be673",
    "firstName": "Hai",
    "lastName": "Nguyen",
    "email": "",
    "isAdmin": false,
    "createdAt": "2022-08-19T03:41:49.494Z",
    "updatedAt": "2022-08-19T03:41:49.494Z",
    "__v": 0,
    "accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjYyZmYwNjdkMmE2ZjJkMzViNzJiZTY3MyIsImFkbWluIjpmYWxzZSwiaWF0IjoxNjYwOTAwNDEyLCJleHAiOjE2NjA5MDA0NDJ9.eL8hG06zfvY_aIWfb6uMFtPccNcjj-NYfFpxYoE5v-k",
    "refreshToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjYyZmYwNjdkMmE2ZjJkMzViNzJiZTY3MyIsImFkbWluIjpmYWxzZSwiaWF0IjoxNjYwOTAwNDEyLCJleHAiOjE2NjA5MDE0MTJ9.Llr9MuSPvRRWhWON1AJnRMSFz457H1ucjWv-_zwWGwc"

==> refreshToken is saved in the returned cookie with the key refreshToken

Refresh Token
  • POST: api/v1/refresh     --     [content-type: application/json]

  • Headers:   [Cookie] : refreshToken

  • Request: null

  • Response:

    "accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjYyZmYwNjdkMmE2ZjJkMzViNzJiZTY3MyIsImFkbWluIjp0cnVlLCJpYXQiOjE2NjEyMjY1NzQsImV4cCI6MTY2MTIyNjg3NH0.MbnNR9XEA9UKiDbniZK8Uuoff4W7FlHNzTDowmYiETw"
Logout Account
  • POST: api/v1/logout     --     [content-type: application/json]

  • Headers:   [token] : Bearer {accessToken}

  • Request: Null

  • Response:

    "message": ""
Get All Users
  • GET: api/v1/user     --     [content-type: application/json]

  • Headers:   [token] : Bearer {accessToken}

  • Request: Null

  • Response:

        "Info user 1": ""
        "Info user 2": ""
Get A User
  • GET: api/v1/user/:id     --     [content-type: application/json]

  • Headers:   [token] : Bearer {accessToken}

  • Request: Null

  • Response:

    "Info user": ""
Add User
  • POST: api/v1/user     --     [content-type: application/json]

  • Headers:   [token] : Bearer {accessToken}

  • Request:

    params type require
    firstName string true
    lastName string true
    email string true
    password string true
    avatar string false
    phone string true
    googleId string false
    facebookId string false
    status string false
    isAdmin boolean default false
  • Response:

    "firstName": "Hai Test",
    "lastName": "Nguyen",
    "email": "",
    "password": "123",
    "isAdmin": false,
    "phone": "14522",
    "_id": "630494af24f33a4ee5cc2340",
    "createdAt": "2022-08-23T08:49:51.091Z",
    "updatedAt": "2022-08-23T08:49:51.091Z",
    "__v": 0
Update User
  • PUT: api/v1/user/:id     --     [content-type: application/json]

  • Headers:   [token] : Bearer {accessToken}

  • Request:

    params type require
    firstName string true
    lastName string true
    email string true
    password string true
    avatar string false
    phone string true
    googleId string false
    facebookId string false
    status string false
    isAdmin boolean default false
  • Response:

    "message": ""
Delete User With Params
  • DELETE: api/v1/user/:id     --     [content-type: application/json]

  • Headers:   [token] : Bearer {accessToken}

  • Request: null

  • Response:

    "message": ""
Delete User With Body
  • DELETE: api/v1/user     --     [content-type: application/json]

  • Headers:   [token] : Bearer {accessToken}

  • Request:

    params type require
    id string true
  • Response:

    "message": ""
Get All Categories
  • GET: api/v1/category     --     [content-type: application/json]

  • Headers:   [token] : Bearer {accessToken}

  • Request: null

  • Response:

        "Info cate 1": ""
        "Info cate 2": ""
Get A Category
  • GET: api/v1/category/:id     --     [content-type: application/json]

  • Headers:   [token] : Bearer {accessToken}

  • Request: null

  • Response:

    "Info cate": {
        "products": [
Add A Category
  • POST: api/v1/category     --     [content-type: application/json]

  • Headers:   [token] : Bearer {accessToken}

  • Request:

    params type require
    name string true
    image string true
    slug string false
    desc string false
    countProduct number false
  • Response:

    "infoCateNew": {}
Update A Category
  • PUT: api/v1/category":id     --     [content-type: application/json]

  • Headers:   [token] : Bearer {accessToken}

  • Request:

    params type require
    name string true
    image string true
    slug string false
    desc string false
    countProduct number false
  • Response:

    "message": ""
Delete A Category With Params
  • DELETE: api/v1/category/:id     --     [content-type: application/json]

  • Headers:   [token] : Bearer {accessToken}

  • Request: null

  • Response:

    "message": ""
Delete A Category With Body
  • DELETE: api/v1/category     --     [content-type: application/json]

  • Headers:   [token] : Bearer {accessToken}

  • Request:

    params type require
    _id string true
  • Response:

    "message": ""
Get All Products
  • GET: api/v1/product     --     [content-type: application/json]

  • Headers:   [token] : Bearer {accessToken}

  • Request: null

  • Response:

    "Info product 1": ""
Get A Product
  • GET: api/v1/product/:id     --     [content-type: application/json]

  • Headers:   [token] : Bearer {accessToken}

  • Request: null

  • Response:

    "Info product": {}
Add A Product
  • POST: api/v1/product     --     [content-type: application/json]

  • Headers:   [token] : Bearer {accessToken}

  • Request:

    params type require
    name string true
    slug string false
    thumbnail string true
    desc string false
    videoid string false
    pictures string false
    quantity number true
    sold number default 0
    price number false
    category string false
    pictures string false
  • Response:

    "infoProductNew": {}
Update A Product
  • PUT: api/v1/product:id     --     [content-type: application/json]

  • Headers:   [token] : Bearer {accessToken}

  • Request:

    params type require
    name string true
    slug string false
    thumbnail string true
    desc string false
    videoid string false
    pictures string false
    quantity number true
    sold number default 0
    price number false
    category string false
    pictures string false
  • Response:

    "message": ""
Delete A Product
  • DELETE: api/v1/product/:id     --     [content-type: application/json]

  • Headers:   [token] : Bearer {accessToken}

  • Request: null

  • Response:

    "message": ""
Get All NewsOnTop
  • GET: api/v1/newstop     --     [content-type: application/json]

  • Headers:   null

  • Request: null

  • Response:

        "_id": "631b08d63e4ad36bdc96e9d5",
        "name": "The Nike ZoomX Vaporfly NEXT%",
        "desc": "The Nike ZoomX Vaporfly NEXT% clears your path to record-breaking speed with a lighter design and faster feel than before. With more cushioning underfoot and reduced weight up top, the result is unprecedented energy return and comfort",
        "thumbnail": "",
        "bgColor": "blue",
        "picture_item_1": "",
        "picture_item_2": " (1).jpg",
        "picture_item_3": " (2).jpg",
        "picture_item_4": " (3).jpg",
        "quantity": 100,
        "sold": 0,
        "price": 230,
        "category": {
            "_id": "6304e3a2d459b2475990df4a",
            "name": "Nike",
            "countProduct": 0,
            "createdAt": "2022-08-23T14:26:42.318Z",
            "updatedAt": "2022-09-07T15:32:52.468Z",
            "slug": "nike",
            "__v": 0,
            "products": [
        "views": 0,
        "isOutOfStock": false,
        "createdAt": "2022-09-09T09:35:18.251Z",
        "updatedAt": "2022-09-09T09:35:18.251Z",
        "slug": "the-nike-zoomx-vaporfly-next",
        "__v": 0
Add NewsOnTop
  • POST: api/v1/product     --     [content-type: application/json]
  • Headers:   [token] : Bearer {accessToken}
  • Request:
    "name": "require",
    "desc": "require",
    "thumbnail": "require",
    "bgColor": "require",
    "picture_item_1": "require",
    "picture_item_2": "require",
    "picture_item_3": "require",
    "picture_item_4": "require",
    "quantity": "require number",
    "price": "require number",
    "category": "require",
    "sold": "no require number",
    "videoid": "no require",
    "views": "no require number",
    "isOutOfStock": "no require boolean"
  • Response:
    "name": "",
    "desc": "",
    "thumbnail": "",
    "bgColor": "",
    "picture_item_1": "",
    "picture_item_2": "",
    "picture_item_3": "",
    "picture_item_4": "",
    "quantity": 100,
    "sold": 0,
    "price": 230,
    "category": "",
    "views": 0,
    "isOutOfStock": false,
    "_id": "",
    "createdAt": "2022-09-09T10:03:36.898Z",
    "updatedAt": "2022-09-09T10:03:36.898Z",
    "slug": "",
    "__v": 0