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Iteration 4 Plan

Tawan Boonma edited this page Nov 8, 2021 · 3 revisions

Goal: Trip page that has trip details and let user can create trip and edit trip. Also improve UI and caching system. Combine search feature with place details.


  1. User can create and publish trip plans as a blog.
  2. User can view a trip planned detail from every author.
  3. Trip plan author can edit trip and delete trip created by the author.
  4. User can search places and view list of places nearby navigate to place details.


All tasks are recorded on Project board for Iteration 4

Acceptance Criteria

  1. The application can create/edit/delete trip plan properly.
  2. The application can get nearby places and display list of them correctly.
  3. Some datas can be cached.


  • What have we done?
  1. Cached some datas to server.
  2. trip plan feature can let user create/edit/delete/view planned trip.
  • What could be improved?
  1. We should test UI more frequently and vary browser.
  2. Describe code more clearly.
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