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A tiny inference engine example with onnx-tool's compute graph and shape engine.


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A tiny inference sample with onnx-tool's compute graph and shape engine. It implements cpp version of onnx-tool's compute graph and shape engine loader.
This repo also creates a tiny inference engine template for ResNet18 model. The size of compiled engine is 76KB.

Project Language Platform Support Device Library
simple_inference_engine cpp All All None
simple_cuda_engine CUDA cpp Windows Linux Nvidia GPUs cuBlas cuDNN
simple_sycl_engine SYCL cpp Windows Linux OpenCL Devices oneMKL oneDNN
Model Device Library First-token Latency(ms) Next-token Latency(ms)
GPT-2 intel 13900 JBLAS 40 8.4

Compute Graph & Shape Engine

These two binary files are created by onnx-tool, please refer link.
"" is the serialized compute graph of ResNet18. "" is the serialized shape engine of ResNet18.

//Shape engine is very light
//Each binding should have its unique shape engine
auto engine = onnx_tool::shape_engine::ShapeEngine();

//Avoid to copy this instance
//Graph contains all weights, you dont want multiple copies
const char* cfilepath = "";
auto ptr = onnx_tool::Graph::deserializeFile(cfilepath);

Tiny Inference Engine

The inference engine is based on onnx_tool::shape_engine::ShapeEngine and onnx_tool::Graph instances.

//Contruct inference context with compute graph and shape engine
auto ctx = InferenceContext(ptr, engine);

//Create one dynamic bindings. bindings means a group of dynamic tensors,
//bindings can be parallelly executed on multiple CPU cores.
auto dbindings = ctx.createDynamicBindings({ {"w",224},{"h",224} });

//Create another dynamic binginds 
auto dbindings1 = ctx.createDynamicBindings({ {"w",224},{"h",224} });

//Runtime Engine=Op Kernels+static weights
//one runtime Engine can execute multiple bindings at the same time
auto runtime = ctx.createRuntimeEngine();

Inference with dynamic input shapes

Fill input tensor with float value of 0.5f

//simple case with profile on
auto inputidx = ctx.mDynamicIndexMap["data"];//input tensor
auto inputptr = (float*)dbindings->mPtrs[inputidx];//input tensor buffer
auto inputptr1 = (float*)dbindings1->mPtrs[inputidx];//input tensor buffer
auto in_shape = dbindings->mShapePtr[inputidx];//input shape pointer
auto size = std::accumulate(in_shape.ptr, in_shape.ptr + in_shape.n, 1, std::multiplies<int>());
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
	inputptr[i] = 0.5f;
	inputptr1[i] = 0.5f;

Do one init inference, bind the dbindings to runtime engine

runtime->mProfile = true;
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
	runtime->forward(dbindings);//inference with this bindings

Reshape the input shape to 1x3x122x112, and do the second inference.

//dynamic inference case
runtime->mProfile = true;
dbindings->reshape({ {"h",112 }, { "w",112 } });

Print output tensor values

auto outputidx = ctx.mDynamicIndexMap["resnetv24_dense0_fwd"];//output tensor
auto outputptr = (float*)dbindings->mPtrs[outputidx];
auto out_shape = dbindings->mShapePtr[outputidx];//output shape pointer
auto osize = std::accumulate(out_shape.ptr, out_shape.ptr + out_shape.n, 1, std::multiplies<int>());
for (int i = 0; i < osize; i++)
	printf("%f ", outputptr[i]);

Multiple-Threading inference with Sharing Model Weight

//multiple threads case
int constexpr ThreadsCount = 2;
std::thread threads[ThreadsCount];
DynamicBindings* db_ptrs[2] = { dbindings,dbindings1 };
runtime->mProfile = false;
for (int i = 0; i < ThreadsCount; i++)
	threads[i] = std::thread([runtime](DynamicBindings* bind) {
for (int i = 0; i < ThreadsCount; i++)
	auto tmpptr = (float*)db_ptrs[i]->mPtrs[outputidx];
	printf("Thread %d Result:\n", i);
	for (int ii = 0; ii < osize; ii++)
		printf("%f ", tmpptr[ii]);

Build and Run

  • Download ResNet18
  • Use onnx-tool to get serialized compute graph and shape engine. link
  • Compile and run on Linux:
git clone
cd shape-engine-cpp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build . -j
cp <path of serializaion>/ ./simple_inference_engine/
cp <path of serializaion>/ ./simple_inference_engine/
  • Windows:
  1. open shape-engine-cpp with VisualStudio(greater than 2019).
  2. Build the project with CMake configure.
  3. Copy the serialization files to simple_inference_engine.exe's path(like: shape-engine-cpp\out\build\x64-mini\simple_inference_engine).
  4. Run simple_inference_engine.exe.


A tiny inference engine example with onnx-tool's compute graph and shape engine.







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