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This repository contains a web application built with React, TypeScript, Styled-components, GraphQL, Apollo Client, Github Actions and Github Pages hosting, designed to allow users to search for and view information about characters from the "Rick and Morty" series using the Rick and Morty API.


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Challenge for Developers

This repository contains a web application built with React, TypeScript, Styled-components, GraphQL, Apollo Client, Github Actions and Github Pages hosting, designed to allow users to search for and view information about characters from the "Rick and Morty" series using the Rick and Morty API.

Applicant Name

Thayrov García Tovar

Live Demo

Rick and Morty Page

Project Structure

Below is the folder structure of the project:

└── 📁challenge-dev
    └── .eslintrc.cjs
    └── 📁.github
        └── 📁workflows
            └── sync-main-with-dev-and-deploy.yml
    └── .gitignore
    └── 📁.husky
        └── commit-msg
        └── pre-commit
    └── .lintstagedrc
    └── .prettierignore
    └── .prettierrc
    └── commitlint.config.ts
    └── index.html
    └── LICENSE
    └── package-lock.json
    └── package.json
    └── 📁public
        └── android-chrome-192x192.png
        └── android-chrome-512x512.png
        └── apple-touch-icon.png
        └── favicon-16x16.png
        └── favicon-32x32.png
        └── favicon.ico
        └── site.webmanifest
        └── vite.svg
    └── 📁src
        └── App.tsx
        └── 📁assets
            └── react.svg
        └── 📁components
            └── Blob.tsx
            └── Card.tsx
            └── Cards.tsx
            └── CardSkeleton.tsx
            └── Detail.tsx
            └── ErrorBoundary.tsx
            └── Footer.tsx
            └── Loader.tsx
            └── Pagination.tsx
            └── SearchBar.tsx
        └── 📁graphql
            └── apolloClient.ts
            └── cacheOptions.ts
            └── hooks.ts
            └── queries.ts
        └── main.tsx
        └── 📁styles
            └── 📁app
                └── App.styles.tsx
            └── Base.styles.tsx
            └── 📁blob
                └── Blob.styles.tsx
            └── 📁card
                └── Card.styles.tsx
            └── 📁cards
                └── Cards.styles.tsx
            └── 📁detail
                └── Detail.styles.tsx
            └── 📁footer
                └── Footer.styles.tsx
            └── GlobalStyle.tsx
            └── 📁loader
                └── Loader.styles.tsx
            └── 📁pagination
                └── Pagination.styles.tsx
            └── 📁searchBar
                └── SearchBar.styles.tsx
            └── 📁select
                └── Select.styles.tsx
        └── types.ts
        └── 📁utils
            └── consts.ts
        └── vite-env.d.ts
    └── tsconfig.json
    └── tsconfig.node.json
    └── vite.config.ts


Functional Requirements

Search Page:

  • The application features a homepage with a search field.
  • Users can enter a character's name in the search field.
  • The application displays the corresponding search results.


  • Three filters are implemented on the search page: status, species, and gender.
  • Users can select the desired value in each filter.
  • The application displays results corresponding to the filter selection.

Detail View:

  • Clicking on a character from the result list displays a detail page or modal with additional information about the selected character.
  • At least the image, name, species, status, and origin of the character are displayed.


  • The application utilizes GraphQL to query the Rick and Morty API instead of solely relying on REST.

Style and Design:

  • Styles are applied to make the application visually appealing and user-friendly.


  • Pagination is implemented in the result list to display more characters as the user scrolls.


The application is deployed on GitHub pages.


  • Best practices such as Gitflow, code organization, structure, efficiency, etc.


This repository contains a web application built with React, TypeScript, Styled-components, GraphQL, Apollo Client, Github Actions and Github Pages hosting, designed to allow users to search for and view information about characters from the "Rick and Morty" series using the Rick and Morty API.





