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Lanse edited this page Sep 20, 2016 · 13 revisions
-"name": "",						    - This field accepts a unique Identifier Name ("Cookie", "Test1", "IronOreVein")
-"type": "",							- This field accepts a generator name string (Current Valid Options: cluster, vein, geode, "ore") [Disclaimer: "ore" is currently unfinished and in-development]
-"blocks": {},						  	- This field accepts an array of unlocalized block names to decide what blocks to spawn("minecraft:stone", "enderio:---", "Chisel:basalt", Etc)
-"genTries": ,						  	- This field accepts a number value to decide how many times to place this generation in a valid chunk - Accepts a Number Value [SHOULD NOT BE HIGHER THAN 30], 
-"blockCount": ,						- This field accepts a number value to decide how many blocks that the generation will contain - [For Geode this decides how many blocks it spawns inside the shell]
-"minHeight": ,							- This field accepts a number value to decide the minY level to allow spawning
-"maxHeight": ,							- This field accepts a number value to decide the maxY level to allow spawning
-"params": {},							- This field is filled in with additional Parameters for certain generations. [This must be here regardless of not using additional parameters]
-"replaceable": [],				  	    - This field accepts an array of unlocalized block names to decide what the generation can replace when spawning.("minecraft:stone", "enderio:---", "Chisel:basalt", Etc)
-"chunkChance": ,						- This field accepts a number value and it decides the chance to spawn in a chunk [1 in X]
-"biomeRestriction": "none",	        - This field accepts 1 of 3 booleans: "none", "whitelist", "blacklist". ["none" simply disregards biome restrictions]
-"biomes": [],							- This field accepts a Regex-Supported Array of Unlocalized Biome Names. 
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