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Find, filter and paginate plugin for Mongoose with Typescript and GraphQL typings.


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Mongo Filter Generator

Easily add Find, filter, paginating functionality to API routes/resolvers with just a few lines of code.

const { filter, options } = GenerateMongo({
  fieldFilters: req.body,
  config: req.body.config,

const resutls = await User.find(filter, options);

Request Filter Language

To make things easy, this library uses a shared type library, @the-devoyage/request-filter-language@0.0.3. You can use this library for validation, type inference, and graphql type defs in your projects.


Generate Mongo Filters

Convert network requests shaped with @the-devoyage/request-filter-language directly into mongoose filters.

const getDogs = (req, res) => {
  const { filter } = GenerateMongo(req.body);
  const dogs = await Dogs.find(filter); // Mongoose Model!

Advanced Filtering

Specify nested and/or queries, grouped queries, and standardized filtering options for strings, numbers, booleans, and dates. Advanced filtering for the client without the headache.

  • Or Clauses - Find users who have a first name = Bongo -or- age = 10.
const users = getUsers({
  name: new fieldFilter().string("Bongo").operator("OR").run(),
  age: new fieldFilter().int(10).filterBy("EQ").run(),
  • And Clauses - Find users who have a first name = Bongo -or- age = 25 - or - petName = "Oakley".
const users = getUsers({
  name: new fieldFilter().string("Bongo")
  age: new fieldFilter().int(25)
  petName: new fieldFilter().string("Oakley")
  • Custom Groupings - Find users who have a first name = Bongo -or- age = 25 - or - petName = "Oakley" -and- petAge < 11.
const users = getUsers({
  name: new fieldFilter().string("Bongo")
  age: new fieldFilter().int(25)
  petName: new fieldFilter().string("Oakley")
  petAge: new fieldFilter()

Find and Paginate Method

Add the find and paginate method to any Mongoose model to easily access advanced filtering, statistical data, and pagination.

const paginatedResponse = await User.findAndPaginate<IUser>(filter, options);


  data: [
      _id: 1,
      name: "Bongo",
      age: 9,
      _id: 2,
      name: "Oakley",
      age: 4,
  stats: {
    remaining: 10,
    total: 12,
    page: 1,
    cursor: "2022-09-03T00:45:17.245Z",

Easy Queries

Standardize the way that the client requests data from the API and easily write queries with the library @the-devoyage/request-filter-language.

The following query returns accounts that:

  • Have email field that contains the string "nick" AND
  • Has a role of either equal to 5 or less than 2.

GraphQL Example

Field Filters written with @the-devoyage/request-filter-langauge.

import { fieldFilter } from "@the-devoyage/request-filter-language";

const { data } = useQuery(GET_ACCOUNTS, {
  variables: {
    email: new fieldFilter().string("Bongo").operator("AND").filterBy("REGEX").run(),
    role: [
      new FieldFilter().int(2).filterBy("EQ").operator("OR").run(),
      new FieldFilter().int(5).filterBy("LT").operator("OR").run()

REST Example

Field Filters written out in object form.

const response = await fetch("/api/accounts", {
  method: "GET",
  body: JSON.stringify({
    email: { filterBy: "REGEX", string: "nick", operator: "AND" },
    role: [
      { filterBy: "EQ", int: 5, operator: "OR" },
      { filterBy: "LT", int: 2, operator: "OR" },

Statistical Data

Returns basic statistical data such as total counts, cursors, remaining counts, and current page.

In addition it returns optional historical stats, which is data that is organized into time periods so that you can easily create charts and graphs based on specified date objects.

  "data": {
    "getDogs": {
      "stats": {
        "total": 126,
        "cursor": "2022-05-04T15:45:22.000Z",
        "remaining": 121,
        "page": 1,
        "history": [
            "_id": {
              "YEAR": 2022,
              "MONTH": 1
            "total": 14
            "_id": {
              "YEAR": 2022,
              "MONTH": 2
            "total": 18
            "_id": {
              "YEAR": 2022,
              "MONTH": 3
            "total": 7
            "_id": {
              "YEAR": 2022,
              "MONTH": 4
            "total": 1
            "_id": {
              "YEAR": 2022,
              "MONTH": 5
            "total": 10
            "_id": {
              "YEAR": 2022,
              "MONTH": 6
            "total": 12
            "_id": {
              "YEAR": 2022,
              "MONTH": 7
            "total": 48
            "_id": {
              "YEAR": 2022,
              "MONTH": 9
            "total": 8
            "_id": {
              "YEAR": 2022,
              "MONTH": 10
            "total": 5
            "_id": {
              "YEAR": 2022,
              "MONTH": 11
            "total": 1
            "_id": {
              "YEAR": 2022,
              "MONTH": 12
            "total": 2


  1. Login to the github registry with your github account.
npm login --registry=
  1. In the root of the target project, add the following to the .npmrc file to tell this package where to be downloaded from.
  1. Install
npm install @the-devoyage/mongo-filter-generator


1. Import Types, Resolvers, and Scalars


First, add the MFG typeDefs and resolvers to the schema from the @the-devoyage/request-filter-language library.

import { GraphQL } from "@the-devoyage/request-filter-language";

const server = new ApolloServer({
  typeDefs: [typeDefs, GraphQL.typeDefs],
  resolvers: [resolvers, GraphQL.resolvers],


No action needed to initiate filters.

2. Use the Typings

The Field Filter Types shape the expected request which will enter the server.

GraphQL Example

Add Field Filters as Input Property Types

import { gql } from "apollo-server-core";

export const typeDefs = gql`
  type Account {
    _id: ObjectID!
    createdAt: DateTime! 
    email: String!
    role: Int!
    users: [User!]!
    nested_details: NestedDetails!

  type User {
    _id: ObjectID!

  type NestedDetails {
    age: Int!
    married: Boolean!

  input GetAccountsInput {
    _id: StringFieldFilter
    users: StringFieldFilter
    email: StringFieldFilter
    role: [IntFieldFilter] # Arrays Accepted
    nested_details: NestedDetailsInput # Nested Objects are Valid

  input NestedDetailsInput {
    age: IntFieldFilter
    married: BooleanFieldFilter

  type GetAccountsResponse {
    stats: Stats
    data: [Account]

  type Query {
    getAccounts(getAccountsInput: GetAccountsInput): GetAccountsResponse!

Express Example

With express you do not need to tell the server about every single detail. You can simply define a type for incoming request.body and use it within your routes.

import {
} from "@the-devoyage/request-filter-language";

interface RequestBody {
  _id?: StringFieldFilter;
  name?: StringFieldFilter;
  breed?: StringFieldFilter;
  age?: IntFieldFilter;
  favoriteFoods?: StringFieldFilter;
  createdAt?: StringFieldFilter;
  config?: FilterConfig;

3. Generate Mongo

Use the GenerateMongo function to convert the typed request to a Mongo filter.

The fieldFilters argument must be the same shape as the requested document.

Graphql Example:

// Resolvers.ts
import { GenerateMongo } from "@the-devoyage/mongo-filter-generator";
import { Account } from "models";

export const Query: QueryResolvers = {
  getAccounts: async (_, args) => {
    const { filter, options } = GenerateMongo({
      fieldFilters: args.getAllUsersInput,

    const accounts = await Account.find(filter, options);

    return accounts;

Express JS Example

app.get("/", (req, res) => {
  const request: GetDogsRequestBody = req.body;

  const { filter, options } = GenerateMongo({
    fieldFilters: request,
    config: request.config,

  const dogs = await Dog.find(filter);


4. Find and Paginate

Use the generated filter and options properties, from the GenerateMongo method, with the provided find and paginate function.

import { GenerateMongo, FindAndPaginate } from "@the-devoyage/mongo-filter-generator";
import { Account } from "models";

const Query = {
  getAccounts: async (_, args) => {
    const { filter, options } = GenerateMongo<IAccount>({
      fieldFilters: args.getAllUsersInput,

    const paginatedAccounts = await FindAndPaginate<IAccount>({
      model: Account,

    return paginatedAccounts;


Note - You must Enable the findAndPaginate() method with Mongoose Plugins for the following to execute. Instructions below.

import { GenerateMongo } from "@the-devoyage/mongo-filter-generator";
import { Account } from "models";

export const Query = {
  getAccounts: async (_, args) => {
    const { filter, options } = GenerateMongo({
      fieldFilters: args.getAccountsInput,

    const paginatedAccounts = await Account.findAndPaginate<IAccount>(

    return paginatedAccounts;

4.1. Install findAndPaginate

To apply the findAndPaginate() method to models, as the above example demonstrates, you must provide the provided mongoose plugin.

// entry-point.ts -- The entry point to the entire server.
import mongoose from "mongoose";
import { findAndPaginatePlugin } from "@the-devoyage/mongo-filter-generator";
import { typeDefs, resolvers } from "./schema";

Lastly, if you are using typescript, be sure to provide the FindAndPaginateModel definition to the model. This informs Typescript that the method is available.

// UserModel.ts
import { FindAndPaginateModel } from "@the-devoyage/mongo-filter-generator";
import mongoose from "mongoose";
import { User as IUser } from "types/generated";

const Schema = mongoose.Schema;

const UserSchema = new Schema<IUser, FindAndPaginateModel>(
    name: {
      type: String,
  { timestamps: true }

export const User = mongoose.model<IUser, FindAndPaginateModel>(

Advanced Features

1. Groups

Groups allow a more selective and/or filtering between selections of multiple properties within the document.

For example, you might want to find a user that has age of less than 30 and name that is "luna" or age of greater than 20 and name is "johnny".


Let's query for users as an example.

type User {
  name: String!
  age: Int!
  married: Boolean!
  _id: ID!
  createdAt: DateTime!
  favFoods: [String!]!

This query will find users who have a favorite food of pizza or wings AND has a name that contains jim or john.

Group names must end with .and or .or to determine the function of the nested group.

  "getAllUsersInput": {
    "favFoods": [
        "arrayOptions": "IN",
        "filterBy": "REGEX",
        "string": ["pizza"],
        "operator": "OR",
        "groups": ["favFoodsGroup.and"]
        "arrayOptions": "IN",
        "filterBy": "REGEX",
        "string": ["wings"],
        "operator": "OR",
        "groups": ["favFoodsGroup.and"]
    "name": [
        "filterBy": "REGEX",
        "operator": "OR",
        "string": "jim",
        "groups": ["namesGroup.or"]
        "filterBy": "REGEX",
        "operator": "OR",
        "string": "john",
        "groups": ["namesGroup.or"]

2. Field Rules

Field Rules can be applied to GenerateMongo arguments in order to perform a variety of actions when creating filters, and enforcing finding patterns.


  • "location" - A string containing the location of the rule. For example,
  • "fieldFilter" - A "Field Filter" that matches the type within the database.
  • "action" - The performed rule, see below.


  • "INITIAL" - Provide a default field filter for every operation. Client request may overwrite the filter with their own request.
  • "DISABLE" - Revoke client permission to query certain fields.
  • "COMBINE" - Combine the field filter provided within the field rule with the field filter provided by the client.
  • "OVERRIDE" - A default value that can not be overridden. An error is thrown if a client tries to request filtering with this field.
const { filter, options } =
  GenerateMongo <
  IUser >({
    fieldFilters: args.getAllUsersInput,
    config: args.getAllUsersInput.config,
    fieldRules: [
        location: "name",
        fieldFilter: {
          string: "Edmo",
          filterBy: "REGEX",
          operator: "OR",
          groups: ["names.and"],
        action: "COMBINE",

3. Stats

Stats allow you to see simple data about the query. All results from the provided FindAndPaginate methods return Stats.

type Stats = {
  remaining: Number;
  total: Number;
  page: Number;
  cursor: Date;
  history: HistoricalStats[];


  1. Add Stats to your Schema Response
import { gql } from "apollo-server-core";

export const typeDefs = gql`
  type Dog {
    _id: ObjectID!
    createdAt: DateTime! 
    name: String!

  input GetAccountsInput {
    _id: StringFieldFilter

  type GetAccountsResponse {
    stats: Stats
    data: [Dog]

  type Query {
    getAccounts(getAccountsInput: GetAccountsInput): GetAccountsResponse!


No action needed!

  1. The Find and Paginate methods return Stats
const { data, stats } = await FindAndPaginate<IAccount>({
  model: Account,

4. Historical Stats

Historical Stats are helpful when aggregating data about a query for use within charts, graphs, and pagination.

Pass a third option to the FindAndPaginate method to enable Historical Stats. The property stats.history is then returned.

Historical Stats allow you to get information about the query, grouped in chosen intervals.

The following example request historical stats grouped by DAY_OF_MONTH and MONTH.

The stats.history array shows how many users were created on each day of each month.

You can see below that 8 users were created on May 16th, 1 user was created on April 16th, and 1 user was created on May 18th.

// Call The Function
const users = await User.findAndPaginate<IUser>(filter, options, {
  history: {
    filter: {
      interval: ["DAY_OF_MONTH", "MONTH"],

// Response
  stats: {
    total: 10,
    cursor: "2022-05-16T22:20:51.208Z",
    page: 1,
    remaining: 6,
    history: [
        _id: {
          DAY_OF_MONTH: 16,
          MONTH: 5
        "total": 8
        _id: {
          DAY_OF_MONTH: 16,
          MONTH: 4
        total: 1
        _id: {
          DAY_OF_MONTH: 18,
          MONTH: 5
        total: 1


Field Filters

Used to type the properties of an incoming request.

type IntFieldFilter = {
  filterBy: "EQ" | "GT" | "GTE" | "LT" | "LTE" | "NE";
  int: number;
  operator?: "AND" | "OR";
  groups: string[];
type StringFieldFilter = {
  filterBy: "MATCH" | "REGEX" | "OBJECTID";
  string: string;
  operator?: "AND" | "OR";
  groups: string[];
type BooleanFieldFilter = {
  filterBy: "EQ" | "NE";
  bool: Boolean;
  operator?: "AND" | "OR";
  groups: string[];
type DateFieldFilter = {
  date: Date;
  filterBy: "EQ" | "NE" | "LT" | "GT" | "LTE" | "GTE";
  operator?: "AND" | "OR";
  groups: string[];
type StringArrayFieldFilter = {
  filterBy: "MATCH" | "REGEX" | "OBJECTID";
  string: string[];
  arrayOptions: "IN" | "NIN";
  operator?: "AND" | "OR";
  groups: string[];

Filter Config

Used to type a configuration property of a request, to allow the client to control pagination. Can then be passed to the GenerateMongo method to convert it to Mongoose QueryOptions.

type FilterConfig = {
  pagination?: {
    limit?: number;
    reverse?: boolean;
    createdAt?: Date;


The stats object is returned from the FindAndPaginate function or the model.findAndPaginate() method. Send this back to the client as a response.

type Stats = {
  remaining: Number;
  total: Number;
  page: Number;
  cursor: Date;
  history: HistoricalStats[];

Historical Stats

type HistoricStats = {
  total: number;
  _id: Record<HistoryFilterIntervalEnum, number>;

type HistoryFilterIntervalEnum =
  | "YEAR"
  | "MONTH"
  | "WEEK"
  | "HOUR"


Used to convert an object which contains field filters to mongo filters. Field filters may be in arrays or nested within the object.

const { filter, options } = GenerateMongo({ fieldFilters: req.body });


Pass the generated filters and options returned from GenerateMongo to the FindAndPaginate function or the model.findAndPaginate method to add pagination to the query.

Pass an object of type FilterConfig to GenerateMongo to produce the options object, enabling pagination options.

const PaginatedResponse = await Model.findAndPaginate<IModel>(filter, options);


The return of FindAndPaginate - response with paginated and sorted data.

export interface PaginatedResponse<ModelType> {
  stats: Stats;
  data: ModelType[];


Resolvers and Type Defs that must be added to the graphql schema in order to use the available field filters, types, and scalars.

import { GraphQL } from "@the-devoyage/mongo-filter-generator";

const schema = buildFederatedSchema([
  { typeDefs: GraphQL.typeDefs, resolvers: GraphQL.resolvers },


A collection of helpers to modify objects associated with MFG.

  • Modify.Filter.addFilter - Add a mongo query filter to an existing query filter object based on location, operator, groups, and array options.
  • Modify.FieldFilter.applyFieldRule - Applies field rule to field filter and returns updated field filter if rule applies. Updated field rules array is returned based on the rule type as well.


  • Generate.filterQuery - Converts any field filter to a Mongo Query Filter. Applies additional rules if applicable.


Find, filter and paginate plugin for Mongoose with Typescript and GraphQL typings.







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