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Type library with validations to standardize network requests.

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A library to help standardize the shape of network requests for both API and Client Side development.

import { fieldFilter } from "@the-devoyage/request-filter-language";

const user = getUsers({
  first_name: new fieldFilter.string("Wednesday")
  last_name: new fieldFilter.string("Adams")
  active: new fieldFilter.bool(true)
  age: new
  friends: new fieldFilter.strings(["Bongo", "Oakley"])
  birthday: new Date("December 18 2004"))

RESTFUL, Typescript, and GraphQL Support

  • Helper Create Functions
  • Typescript Definition
  • Zod Schemas for Validation
  • GraphQL Type Definitions


Standardized Requests

Standardize how the client application can communicate with an API. Field Filters provide standardized options to shape the network request.

  first_name: StringFieldFilter;
  last_name: StringFieldFilter;
  active: BooleanFieldFilter;
  age: IntFieldFilter;
  birthday: DateFieldFilter;
  friends: StringArrayFieldFilter;

Field Filters

Field filters provide a variety of properties to use when requesting data. They can be manually written or created using chained methods.

import { fieldFilter } from "@the-devoyage/request-filter-language";

req.body = {

  first_name: {
    string: "Jo",
    filterBy: "REGEX",
    groups: ["customName.and"],
    operator: "AND"
  } as StringFieldfilter,

  last_name: new fieldFilter.string("Schmo")


Filter Configuration

The FilterConfig object allows the client to adjust global options for the request such as pagination.

  filterConfig: {
    pagination: {
      limit: 20,
      reverse: true,
      createdAt: new Date("November 11, 2022")

// OR

  filterConfig: {
      pagination: new Pagination()
        .createdAt(new Date("November 11 2022"))


All Field Filters and Objects can be validated using provided Zod Schemas. The create methods automatically validate on the run method.

import { StringFieldFilterSchema } from "@the-devoyage/request-filter-language";

const isValid = StringFieldFilterSchema.safeParse(myStringFieldFilter).success;
const IntFieldFilterSchema = IntFieldFilterSchema.parse(myIntFieldFilter);


  1. Login to the GitHub Registry with your GitHub account.
npm login --registry=

Be sure to use a GitHub PAT with the correct scopes (package registry) when logging in.

  1. In the root of the target project, add the following to the .npmrc file to tell this package where to be downloaded from. Create the file if it does not exist.
  1. Install with node package manager.
npm i @the-devoyage/request-filter-language


Create Functions

Use the create functions to easily create field filters and other configuration objects.

import { fieldFilter, filterConfig } from '@the-devoyage/request-filter-language'

const stringFieldFilter = new fieldFilter.string().filterBy().operator().groups().run();
const pagination = new filterConfig.pagination().limit().reverse().run();

Field Filter

fieldFilter methods
string(str: string) filterBy(StringFilterByOptions), operator(OperatorOptions), groups(GroupName[]), run()
int(i: number) filterBy(IntFilterByOptions), operator(OperatorOptions), groups(GroupName[]), run()
bool(b: boolean) filterBy(BooleanFilterByOptions), operator(OperatorOptions), groups(GroupName[]), run()
date(d: Date) filterBy(DateFilterByOptions), operator(OperatorOptions), groups(GroupName[]), run()
strings(strings: string[]) filterBy(StringFilterByOptions), operator(OperatorOptions), groups(GroupName[]), arrayOptions(ArrayFilterByOptions), run()

Filter Config

filterConfig methods
pagination limit(number), reverse(boolean), dateKey(string), run()
history interval(HistoryFilterIntervalEnum), intervalKey(string), run()

The Run Method

The run method should be invoked last to return the validated object.

If invalid, a Zod error object is returned with description.

Field Filters

  • String Field Filter
  • String Array Field Filter
  • Int Field Filter
  • Boolean Field Filter
  • Date Field Filter
Field Filters Query Prop filterBy operator groups
StringFieldFilter "string" "MATCH", "REGEX", "OBJECTID" "OR", "AND" yes
IntFieldFilter "int" "EQ", "NE", "GT", "LT", "GTE", "LTE" "OR", "AND" yes
BooleanFieldFilter "bool" "EQ", "NE" "OR", "AND" yes
DateFieldFilter "date" "EQ", "NE", "GT", "LT", "GTE", "LTE" "OR", "AND" yes
StringArrayFieldFilter "strings" "MATCH", "REGEX", "OBJECTID" "OR", "AND" yes


  string: "Lila",
  filterBy: "MATCH",
  operator: "OR",
  groups: ["name.and"]

Filter Configuration

Use the filter configuration object to specify global data such as pagination.

import { filterConfig } from '@the-devoyage/request-filter-language'

const paginationFilters = new filterConfig.pagination(...).limit(...).run()
const historyFilters = new filterConfig.history().interval(...).intervalKey(...).run()


import { FilterConfig } from '@the-devoyage/request-filter-language'

const filterConfig: FilterConfig = {...}


Specify options to control the amount and order of results.

const pagination = {
  limit: 16,
  reverse: true,
  date_cursor: new Date()
  date_key: "createdAt"


In the case that you want to organize data in historical intervals, the history object allows for customization of such options. This can also be used to organize sql groupings.

// Find all and group by year and month. 
const history = {
  interval: ["YEAR", "MONTH"] as HistoryFilterIntervalEnum[],
  interval_key: "createdAt" 

Validators and Typescript

Validators are created with Zod Schemas. In addition, typescript types are also exported.

import {
  IntFieldFilterSchema, // Zod Validation Schema
  DateFieldFilterSchema, // Zod Validation Schema
  IntFieldFilter, // TypeScript Type
  DateFieldFilter // TypeScript Type
} from "@the-devoyage/request-filter-languages";

const isValid = IntFieldFilterSchema.safeParse({...}).success;
const fieldFilter = DateFieldFilterSchema.parse({...});

Parse Field Filters

Parses an object for field filters. Returns an array of field filters with the object location.

import { parseFieldFilters, fieldFilter } from '@the-devoyage/request-filter-language';

const myObject = {
    name: new fieldFilter.string("Oak"),
    age: new,
    address: {
        lineOne: new fieldFilter.string("101 Tree Lane") 
    customProp: {...} // <-- CUSTOM PROPERTIES
    customProps: [{...}, {...}] // <-- CUSTOM PROPERTIES

const fieldFilters: {fieldFilter: FieldFilter, location: string}[] = parseFieldFilters(myObject);

* Returns an array of field filters and thier location relative to the root of the object.
* [
*   { fieldFilter: { string: "Oak" }, location: "name" },
*   { fieldFilter: { int: 4 }, location: "age" }, 
*   { fieldFilter: { string: "101 Tree Lane" } location: "address.lineOne" }
* ]

Return Types

This library also provides typings, validators, and create functions for suggested return types.

// Typescript
import { Stats, HistoricStats, HistoricStatsId } from '@the-devoyage/request-filter-language'

// Validators
import { StatsSchema, HistoricStatsSchema, HistoricStatsIdSchema } from "@the-devoyage/request-filter-language"

// Create
import { StatsReturn } from '@the-devoyage/request-filter-language'

GraphQL Support

All typings are also exported as GraphQL Types.

import { GraphQL } from '@the-devoyage/request-filter-language'
import { ApolloServer } from "@apollo/server"

// Add all the type defs to your schema
const server = new ApolloServer({
    typeDefs: [GraphQL.typeDefs]

// Pick and Choose
const { StringFieldFilter, IntFieldFilter, OperatorFieldConfigEnum } = GraphQL;