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Releases: The-Devoyage/subgraph


20 Jun 01:49
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v0.0.15 Pre-release


cargo install devoyage-subgraph

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  • Internal Joins with Eager Loaded Fields Fixed
  • Implement and resolve Document NONE values.
  • Object Scalars with Required False and Required True Children Resolving
  • Limit/per page for Mongo
  • Unexpected object nesting when updating/saving Mongo Documents.


  • Update Async Graphql
  • Allow empty data_sources and entities when starting service.


  • Add health check to mutation and query objects.
  • Provide string "null" converts to null in default value.
  • Enum Scalar Support

v0.0.14 Release

21 Mar 15:22
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v0.0.14 Release Pre-release


Version 0.0.14 introduces much needed features to build salable web applications such as Pagination, Filtering, and a Response Layer.


  • Response layer with request metadata such as service name, version (new), pagination details, timestamp, and more.
  • Pagination and Sorting for Database related data sources.
  • Primary key identifier added to the Service Entity Field Config.
  • LIKE, GT, and LT Filter added to resolver query inputs.
  • exclude_from_output now available at entity level.
  • Add host option to config file to allow service to be hosted on
  • New built in function, now to generate current date time.
  • New build in function uuid to generate unique uuids.


  • Join to HTTP Data Source Entities Fixed. Internal input created correctly.
  • SQL Datasources return incorrect results after update many. Now currently requires table to have ID column and _id column (if mongo).
  • Mongo Datasource now only return matched updated documents on find many instead of all documents that match the updated document.
  • Mongo Datasource now returns correct documents when updating one while using nested filtering.
  • Extract correct values input when parsing request body.
  • Create One Resolver Input - Nullable lists fixed.
  • Errors on mongo user registration and authenticastion propegate to client.


  • SQL Filters now allow nested filtering from root input.
  • Replace ENV variables function updated to exclude surrounding quotes.
  • HTTP error response now includes the returned error in the errors extensions.
  • Refactored Scalar Option which allows easier addition to future scalars.
  • Update the Environment variable parser to look for exact matches in values only.

v0.0.13 Release

31 Dec 14:38
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v0.0.13 Release Pre-release


Version 0.0.13 brings features that move the project into a pre-alpha release status. Thanks for your support so far - Subgraphs Journey over the last year has been epic and amazing.


  • Guard Data Context - use data within the data sources to validate guards.
  • Default values on a field config allow you to use dynamic values from request, context, or token data (similar to guards).
  • Eager loading enabled on SQL data sources which allows you to query with relation to referenced entities.
  • Virtual Fields allow you to specify input fields that do not ever touch the database.
  • Require a valid license key to run the product.


  • Nullable Entities Patched
  • --watch functionality infinite loop bug fix.


  • Guard Creation Errors - then_msg now returned as main error message. Guard creation error now provided as an error extension with the guard creation error message.
  • No longer removes line breaks when saving strings to a SQL DB.


17 Nov 23:43
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v0.0.12 Pre-release


Download attached binary/exe to install.


  • Request Filters - AND and OR options to find and/or update.
  • Use --watch when starting to reload changes to config file directory.
  • Return user_identifier on auth success.
  • Added resolver_type() built in function for use with guards.


  • Service imports now import more than one additional file.
  • Nested properties now import with entity imports.
  • Register user for postgres Data Source.


  • Input function in guards now accepts two params to specify values vs query.
  • Identifiers are no longer case sensitive for built in auth service.


29 Sep 04:19
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v0.0.11-release Pre-release



  • New option to exclude field from "All" inputs.
  • Builtin Auth with WebAuthn.
  • Resolve __typename support.
  • Option to allow nullable root entity.
  • Config to load SQLITE Plugins/Extensions.
  • join_from on Entity Field Config allows to reuse existing values to extend entity.
  • Run migrations before starting.
  • token_data built in functions for guards to access user_id and identifier in guard context.
  • Imports functionality allows to import entities from a pathpuf in service config to distribute config file length.


  • Including all options as exclude_from_input caused playground to not introspect. Now excludes inputs that are empty.
  • Resolving Root Objects fixed and added improved tests.
  • Update Many SQL - Remove escape characters for string types in where clause.
  • Replace ENV Vars Function is now more accurate and retains multiple replacements at once.
  • Join only works when joining from a mongo source. Now supports sql sources.
  • SQL Find One queries no longer return error if not found.
  • Input guard function now accepts optional properties by default.


  • Refactored various field resolvers and provided better error handling.
  • Entity field property, join_on, is now optional. Leaving it as a None value will result in a virtual join based on the input criteria.


03 Jul 17:41
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v0.0.10 Pre-release


  • Linux - Download the subgraph binary.
  • Windows - Download the subgraph.exe executable.


  • SqLite Update Many Return Failure.
  • MySQL Resolves i32 and i64 Integers - When using BigInt as datatype to for ID, resolver had mix matched types.
  • Re-enable MySQL Update One Resolver. - Was inadvertently removed from resolvers in previous version refactor. Now reflected correctly in docs.
  • HTTP Data Sources return failure response if not response status 200-299.
  • Update Query Input is now unique and not the same as find_one input.
  • exclude_from_input options now allow excluding fields from update query inputs.
  • Update service_name field to name in configuration.
  • Create one, non required, input value list option fixed.


13 Jun 12:46
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v0.0.9 Pre-release


  • Linux - Download the subgraph binary.
  • Windows - Download the subgraph.exe executable.


  • Guards to assist with Authorization.
  • Port and Log Level options now supported in config file.
  • Join and extend types between databases.


  • Mongo filter support for arrays and array of objects.
  • List options for boolean input scalars fixed.
  • Object ID lists can now be resolved.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.0.8-release...v0.0.9-release


03 May 03:27
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v0.0.8 Pre-release


  • Linux - Download the subgraph binary.
  • Windows - Download the subgraph.exe executable.


  1. Create a config file.
  2. Give permission to run file (Linux) chmod +x subgraph. Optionally add to your path to run from anywhere.
  3. Run the application
  • Linux - ./subgraph --config ./my_config.toml -p 5000
  • Windows ./subgraph.exe --config ./my_config.toml -p 5000


  • SQL Data Source - Postgres, MySql, and SqLite support.
  • Update Many Support


08 Apr 20:56
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v0.0.7 Pre-release




  • HTTP Data Source Added with Find One, Create One, and Find Many Resolvers
  • Optional property exclude_from_input is now a part of a Field definition.
  • Update One Resolver enables the ability to update mongo or put/patch http entities.
  • Object Scalars - Allows for nested field definitions and filtering.
  • List Options - Allow all scalars to be implemented as a list.
  • Environment Variable Support - Use env vars in config file with $VARIABLE syntax.


  • The _id property will no longer be removed automatically from input generation.
  • The required property will now default to false when defining fields in the configuration.