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Admin info

TKDKid1000 edited this page Nov 19, 2020 · 2 revisions

Admin Info

Important admin information that will probably come in handy.

Admin commands

There are several custom admin commands that can be used. They are: /kick, /ban, /mute, /unban, /unmute, /cname

Use this to help moderate chat, and ban advertisers.

Admin project board

We have an admin project board for to do, working on, and done tasks. These will be for stuff to improve our server.

We will get the stuff to improve our server from the #server-suggestions, and the issues area.

There is also a 4th board in there for each admins jobs. These will be stuff we do regularly, like moderating chat. Who does these tasks is what goes here.

For help on using the project board go here

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