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Issue Tracker

The GeoStack Project edited this page Oct 8, 2020 · 9 revisions

GeoStack - Issue Tracker

This is the 'How-To' page for the project's Issue Tracker in case you want to post an issue ticket!


  1. There is only one Issue Tracker for all the GeoStack repositories.
  2. Use the correct label to classify your issue ticket!
  3. Allow 5 - 10 work days to respond: the project team members do not monitor the issue tracker every day!

Overview Issue Labels --> To post new tickets!

  1. Help - For support with problems when studying the GeoStack Workshop or Course.
  2. BUG - To report an actual or suspected software problem to fix or investigate.
  3. FIX - To report something small in the Software or Documentation to fix. E.g. a typo, web link, comment etc.
  4. Software - For questions and improvements to existing software.
  5. Documentation - For questions and improvements to existing documentation.
  6. Datasets - For questions and improvements on the project's datasets.
  7. Websites - For questions and improvements to the project's web pages on GitHub and the YouTube channel.
  8. Multimedia - For questions and improvements to the project's videos, photos, images, audio etc.
  9. Release - For questions or information about a release of the project.
  10. Request - To submit a feature requests to improve or add new things in future releases. Check the wiki page PEP first!
  11. Legal - For questions about the legal information, licenses, re-use etc.
  12. Question - For all other questions! Check the FAQ first!
  13. Contact - To request contact with one of the team members if submitting an issue ticket is not a suitable way for your issue.

Overview of Issue Labels --> For re-labeling by the project team only!

  1. Duplicate - Your ticket can be re-labeled as a 'Duplicate' if there is already an existing ticket for your subject.
  • The web link to the existing ticket will be added to your ticket and then your ticket will be closed.
  1. NoFix - Your ticket can be re-labeled as a 'NoFix' because the issue you reported can not be fixed or realized for some reason.
  • The reason why will be added to your ticket and then your ticket will be closed.
  1. PEP - Your 'Request' or any other ticket can be re-labeled to 'PEP' as a Project Enhancement Proposal to implement in a future release.
  • If there are additional notes to the PEP that are not in the ticket then a web link is added to the ticket to the corresponding PEP content item on the wiki page PEP!
  • The ticket will be closed when it is completed for the future release.
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