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Final Project

Trivia Race

Trivia game race against an opponent.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Definition

  • Main Page

    • Greeting window prompting user to enter their name and select a racer
    • Visual representation of the racetrack and racers.
    • Quiz area with buttons for each possible answer.
  • Leaderboard

    • Table with top three contestants, their scores, and the date/time
  • ‘About Us’ Page

  • JavaScript

    • Question object constructor
      • Question, answer, possible answers
    • Racer object constructor
      • Image, name, racer, score
    • Local storage for leaderboard
    • Random questions with even spread of difficulty.
    • Multiple-choice input from user
    • Representation of participants on racetrack.

Authors: Brady Camp, Micha Davis, Nicholas Mercado, Matthew Rangel

Links and Resources

Reflections and Comments

Morning Standup Monday, January 31, 2022

Led by Matt Rangel

  • First steps - Build out skeleton of project
  • Everyone add head shot or picture to img folder
  • collect questions for trivia - 20
    • 5 questions per race
  • settle on theme , animal racer
  • settle on question theme, animal facts
  • build race track
  • add animal images

Evening Standup Monday, January 31, 2022

  • Complete logic for trivia quesitons
  • Stylized main index page, about us, leaderboard
    • Header and footer
    • background colors, fonts,
  • Started racetrack

Morning Standup Tuesday, February 1, 2022


  • Complete logic for trivia questions

  • Need to do leaderboard and about us

To be completed today


  • Complete Racetrack

    • racetrack images
  • Animal Images to index


  • Functionality for accepting the players information and storing somewhere, local storages

  • Creating the player object so we can manipulate

  • Be able to hide and reveal panels gather information panels from the beginning, as well as the question panels.

    • Create content 'You guessed correctly!' or 'You guessed poorly'
  • how to give the right instructions to the racers to move about the board


  • Adjust the header and footer sizing for 1920 by 1080 resolutions

  • Finish racetrack

  • Style the questions and inputs

Evening Standup Tuesday, February 1, 2022

  • wrap up

    • Implemented splash toggle
    • Leader board render function
    • We have created local storage
  • To do

    • Notification for correct guesses
    • Notification for win or loss
      • Css touch up to questions
  • Figure out how to push array to leader board

    • Create image icon on character selections
      • Input that icon for race
    • Select image for opponent
    • Add to player coordinates array face images

Morning Standup Wednesday, February 2, 2022

  • Finish MVP
    • Finish layout of questions and leaderboard

      • Stack answers as a list
    • Add content to About page and add individual bios

    • Add more trivia questions to pool

    • JavaScript

      • Add league rating / add more meaning to leaderboard score
      • Add sort function
    • CSS

      • Update some images
      • Leaderboard styling
      • Quiz styling
      • About page styling
      • Reformat sizing for text, ect...

Evening Standup Wednesday, February 2, 2022

  • JavaScript
    • Added some JS Logic that added difficulty scale to players score
    • Added logic to prompt the user with "correct" or "incorrect"
      • Added prompts for after the game to add links to play again or to leaderboard
    • Sorted Table scores and made them appear
    • Added time stamp
    • Encoded rounding factor for scores
  • CSS
    • Entered and Styled about us
    • Styled leaderboard page
    • Fixed racer images to face direction
  • General
    • Merged to main
      • Hit MVP!!!
      • Troubleshooted upload to live web

Morning Standup Thursday, February 3, 2022

  • What we did yesterday


  • Added alerts whetherer it was right or wrong

  • Leaderboard and About us page COMPLETE

  • Added play again or see results

  • Alert the user to where they won or loss

    • Lesson Learned events blocks hyperlinks
  • What are we planning for today

    • Style pop us
    • Clean up JS code
    • Take a look at resizing window
    • Fix the size of the questions so they don't resize for each question
    • Change out images to header
      • TO USE Image - render, will sharpen the pixelated images
    • Present to Audrey
      • Populate slides and practice presentation
    • Nic - Footers
      • Style CSS
    • Micha - Questions, to be fixed
      • Racetrack CSS
    • Brady - Pair with Nic
    • Matt - Pair with Micha
  • Blockers?