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The FileBacked library allows you to easily define complex Python types which can be saved to disk in a format that is efficient, inspectable and interfaceable outside of Python.

While pickling is generally quite reliable for storing Python objects on disk, it cannot truly function as an interface format for other languages, and it is also not secure and stable enough to be used for anything other than storing and reading your own files.

FileBacked works by storing objects in HDF5 format. This is ideal for numpy arrays, but also works well for most of the other standard Python types.

How it works

Define a class with attributes that are backed by disk storage.

from filebacked import FileBacked

class MyClass(FileBacked):
    myint: int

myobj = MyClass()
myobj.myint = 1

The type and name of the attribute will influence the format of the resulting HDF5 file. Let us save the object.

import h5py

with h5py.File('myfile.hdf5', 'w') as f:

The resulting file should have a root dataset named 'myint', a scalar with value 1. And now let us read it again.

with h5py.File('myfile.hdf5', 'r') as f:
    newobj =
assert newobj.myint == 1

Supported types

The following types are supported:

  • Scalar numbers (int, float and numpy scalar types)
  • Strings (str)
  • Numpy arrays (numpy.ndarray)
  • Scipy sparse matrices (scipy.sparse.spmatrix) of CSR, CSC and COO type (although you are free to give the type hint as the general spmatrix superclass)
  • Homogeneous tuples (Tuple[eltype, ...]) and lists (List[eltype]) where the element type is supported
  • Dictionaries (Dict[keytype, valuetype]) where the key and value types are supported
  • Option types (Option[valuetype]) where the value type is supported
  • Union types with arguments that support type checking with isinstance(..., arg)
  • Subclasses of FileBacked and FileBackedDict[keytype, valuetype]

Arbitrary Python objects are stored as pickled strings if the allow_pickle keyword argument is passed to the write and read methods, respectively, or if the type is object.

Types can be specified using standard builtins or type hint objects from the typing module, as above.

To add support for a custom type, create a new Filter subclass:

from filebacked import Filter, register_filter

class MyFilter(Filter):

    def applicable(self, tp):
        # Return true if the filter can be used for objects of the
        # given type.

    def write(self, group, name, obj, tp, **kwargs):
        # Write the object to the given group as a subgroup or
        # dataset with the given name.

    def read(self, group, tp, **kwargs):
        # Read the object from the given group or dataset and
        # return it.


Newly registered filters will take priority over existing filters.


For writing subclasses of FileBacked or FileBackedDict, it is most useful to use the following pattern. In this case, you cannot write more than one object to a file, or you risk overlapping attributes.

with h5py.File('myfile.hdf5', 'w') as f:

Alternatively, use the write function for arbitrary objects of supported type. In this case you must specify a name and optionally a type for the object. It is recommended to always specify the type, because element types of generic objects cannot be deduced from the object alone.

with h5py.File('myfile.hdf5', 'w') as f:
    filebacked.write(f, 'somename', 3, int)

The write function will detect subclasses of FileBacked or FileBackedDict and delegate writing accordingly, and the write method of those two classes will delegate writing of attributes to the write function.

All the write functions take an arbitrary amount of keyword arguments that are passed throughout the object reference tree. You can use this to customize writing behaviour. For example, the FileBacked.write and FileBackedDict.write methods accept the keyword arguments only and skip, to avoid writing some attributes if necessary:

class MyClass(FileBacked):
    small: int
    large: np.ndarray

    def write(self, group, sparse=False, **kwargs):
        if sparse:
            super().write(group, skip=('small',), **kwargs)
            super().write(group, **kwargs)

Ignoring attributes

By default, subclasses of FileBacked will handle any attributes with type annotations. If you want some to be ignored, list them in the special __filebacked_ignore__ attribute:

class MyClass(FileBacked):

    __filebacked_ignore__ = ('will_not_be_saved',)

    will_be_saved: int
    will_not_be_saved: str

Lazy reading

Read functions accept an optional lazy parameter that can activate lazy reading. In this case, when possible, objects will only be read from disk when accessed. This is possible for attributes of FileBacked objects, and for FileBackedDict objects whose keys are integers or strings. All builtin Python types are read eagerly. Note that when using lazy reading, it is imperative that the file object is kept open for as long necessary to allow objects to be read on demand. When using eager reading, the file object may be closed immediately after the read call.

File objects

The standard Python package for HDF5 is h5py. However, FileBacked does not itself require h5py or depend on it. Any HDF5 package with a compatible interface, such as pyfive, should work.


When subclassing FileBacked and FileBackedDict, it is necessary to call the superclass constructor before accessing any of the attributes or keys that are managed by files (in the case of FileBackedDict, that means any keys at all).

Upon reading an object from a file, the constructor will not be called as it otherwise would. Instead, the __pyinit__ method will be called, with no arguments, both when constructing an object normally and when reading it from the file. You can use this method to perform extra object initialization if required, such as assigning attributes which are not file-backed.


Unlike pickle, FileBacked will not maintain reference equality between objects. If the same (mutable) object is referenced more than once in the reference graph, it will instantiate as two different mutable objects upon reading. For the same reason, circular references will cause problems.

FileBacked uses type hints to determine the structure of the resulting HDF5 file. It does not prevent you from assigning objects with incorrect types.


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