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A fully responsive and customizable camera component for React.

This package was designed to allow you to quickly implement a camera in your webapp.

For a quick implementation you can just copy the code from the usage chapter. If you need more freedom, you can swap out any component with a custom one, just note that the useCapture hook handles all the interaction with the camera stream.


The camera stream can only be accessed when the webapp runs over https or localhost!

Browser compatibility


  • Fully customizable image capturing hook
  • Fullscreen support
  • Allows for custom camera interface
  • Interface can be integrated into the camera or placed below


npm install --save react-browsercam


The following example shows an implementation of a full featured camera.

import { Camera, CameraInterface, ImgDetailPopup, useCapture } from 'react-browsercam';

const WebcamComponent = () => {
  const { image, isAccessingCamera, videoRef, capture, setBeforeCapture } = useCapture({});
  const [displayDetails, setDisplayDetails] = useState(false);

  return (
        openImage={() => setDisplayDetails(true)}
        <ImgDetailPopup image={image} visible={displayDetails} handleClose={() => setDisplayDetails(false)}/>


Demo of react-browsercam


Edit react-browsercam

Simple project


useCapture Props

value type default description
MediaStreamConstraints? MediaStreamConstraints | undefined audio: false,
video: {
width: { ideal: 4096 },
height: { ideal: 4096 },
facingMode: 'environment }
MediaStreamConstraint(s) affecting the displayed and captured images
imageFormat? 'image/webp' | 'image/png' | 'image/jpeg' Selected image type
imageCompression? number? 0.91 Selected image compression rate

useCapture Return values

prop type default description
image Blob | HTMLCanvasElement | string | null null Contains the last captured image
isAccessingCamera bool false Allows you to check if the camera go access to the mediastream
videoRef HTMLVideoElement document.createElement('video') Allows you to show the mediastream by adding, by adding the videoRef to HTMLVideoElement elements like so ref={videoRef}
isNotSupported bool false Informs you if mediastream isn't supported by your browser
isPermissionDenied bool false Informs you if permission was granted/revoked to use the mediastream
setBeforeCapture () => void () => () => null Allows you to calculate certain functions before capturing an image. Your function need two arrow functions (like in the default value), otherwise useState doesn't recognize it as a function
setAfterCapture () => void () => () => null Allows you to calculate certain functions after capturing an image. Your function need two arrow functions (like in the default value), otherwise useState doesn't recognize it as a function

Camera Props

prop type default description
videoRef RefObject<HTMLVideoElement> required Needed to display mediastream from useCapture hook
isAccessingCamera boolean required Needed to display camera if mediastream can be accessed
objectFit? 'cover' | 'fill' | 'contain' | 'none' | 'scale-down' 'cover Changes the cropping of the image
fullscreen? boolean? true Allows you to disable the fullscreen functionality
flash Dispatch<SetStateAction<() => void>> required You can pass it the setBeforeCapture value from useCapture to add a flash when capturing an image. Otherwise pass () => () => void
inPicture? boolean? true Allows you to overlay the camera interface on top of the camera stream or below it
children Your camera interface required You can use the provided CameraInterface Component as a default

CameraInterface Props

value type default description
handleCapture () => void required This function gets called when the capture button is pressed
image Blob | HTMLCanvasElement | string | null required Image is used to be displayed on the image detail button
openImage () => void required This function gets called to open the image detail component
children Your image detail component null If you place an image detail component in here, it will also be displayed in fullscreen




A fully responsive and customizable camera component for React.







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