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Desktop client for interacting with the MICA Environement


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MICA react-electron

The MICA desktop application is the best way to stream data from a MICA cube. The application is written almost exclusively in JavaScript, with just a sprinkling of HTML and CSS, using the Electron Framework. All frontend code is written with React, state management is handled by Redux, and the application is tested using Jest and type checked with Flow. This app is a fork of electron-react-boilerplate.

App Structure

All files for the app are in the /app/ directory, while the electron files are in the top level folder /. Developers will modify the following folders to make changes to the application:


		actions/  - Redux actions

		components/ - React Components

		containers/ - React Containers

		reducers/ - Redux reducers

		types/ - Flow types

Every file should have an accompanying test file named with the scheme <fileName>.spec.js. The test files reside in the top level /test/ folder.


All commands are run from the top level folder unless otherwise stated.

  • Starting the application: $ npm run dev
  • Testing: $ npm run test

A full list of scripts can be found in /package.json

Theory of Operation

Boot up

  • The electron app is first created from main.js
  • app.html is then opened by main.js, which serves as the base HTML for the app.
  • At some point index.js is triggered, which loads the global css, loads the root container, configures the app state through configureStore and sets up the hot swapping in development mode.
  • containers/Root.js Sets up the router, and then loads all of the routes
  • The default state is passed in from /reducers/index.js from combine reducers

Page routing

  • routes.js is the first place where developers should need to make changes.
  • Page containers are loaded in from containers/, and sync'ed with their appropriate path


  • containers/ has all of the page containers, which is where component props are mapped to the redux state, and where actions are passed into the component
  • components/ contains all of the react components
  • actions/ is all of the redux actions and action creators.
  • reducers/ contains all of the action reducers, which specify how the action change the state.

External CSS

Using font-awesome and react-fontawesome. Must hook up stylesheet in

React components

Menu - Modals - Graphs - Grid system - Window manager - Table - Tooltip -

Bootstrap -


updating to 1.6.7 was done by $ yarn install


Installing noble in the app/ package. Rebuild for current version: The electron target number of postinstall in /app/ must match the electron package version.


$ npm rebuild --runtime=electron --target=1.4.13 --disturl= --abi=50

$ npm rebuild --runtime=electron --target=1.6.6 --disturl= --abi=51

$ npm rebuild --runtime=electron --target=1.6.7 --disturl= --abi=51

$ npm rebuild jest --runtime=electron --target=1.6.7 --disturl= --abi=53



To avoid errors about colors, put winston in dependencies in /app


Issues during testing of xpc-connection bash

$ cd app/
$ npm rebuild xpc-connection

Left off:

Short term:

  • Rename tabs to DEVICES, SETTINGS, COLLECT, ANALYZE * Programs, Applications instead of
    • Measure and Perform as the two categories (not SEN GEN)
  • Reorganize the file structure
  • Change copyright to the MICA
  • Add color to the Data Channels button on
  • Sensors and Generators tabs don't scale correctly
  • add cube LED control

TODO: Long term

  • Write operating system for MICA Cube
    • Dynamically load programs from MICA app
    • Use programs to solve problems/challenges
    • Operating system purposely exposes security flaws in lower level cubes
    • Users patch security flaws as they level up
  • Programs are used to complete challenges on the cube
    • Software tasks interact with the OS/another program
    • Electrical tasks interact with the embedded hardware
    • Mechanical tasks are accomplished through the MICA cube controlling a machine or robot