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Future track

Gilles Callebaut edited this page Sep 7, 2016 · 10 revisions

How do we see the future for this plugin?

  • We're currently implementing a new API with getItemand setItem. The old one isn't broken.
  • Windows platform support
  • Encryption
  • Based on passphrase of user
  • Based on encryption key (AES) stored in a KeyStore (Android)/KeyChain (iOS) of the native platform

Encryption API (not yet implemented)

NativeStorage.setItem("reference_to_value",<value>, <encryption-configuration>, <success-callback>, <error-callback>);

<encryption-configuration> is an object:

  • mode (String) = password/key/none
  • value (String) = password


  • storing a value with a password:
NativeStorage.setItem("reference_to_value",<value>, {mode:"password",value:"NotSoSecretPassword"}, <success-callback>, <error-callback>);
  • storing a value with a key:
NativeStorage.setItem("reference_to_value",<value>, {mode:"key"}, <success-callback>, <error-callback>);
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